fat loss

  1. Iron-Game

    Slim fit peptide blend

    BIOSYNERGY SLIM FIT® UNIQUE PEPTIDE BLEND CONCEPT Lifetech Labs has combined the 2 most effective peptides HGH FRAG 176-191 + Modified GRF (1-29) to create the most dynamic peptide blend for fat loss. PEPTIDE 1 – HGH FRAG 176-191 HGH Fragment [176-191] (also known as HGH Frag) is a modified...
  2. Iron-Game

    Why we use (cadarine) gw-501516 on a blast or cruise.

    GW-501516 (Cardarine) is one of the most versatile performance enhancers one will ever come across. Whether you are looking to drastically increase endurance, melt fat, cut or recomp, GW will truly shine. In this article, I am going to touch on the many ways and reason to incorporate GW into...
  3. S

    Suggestions on non stimulating fat loss supplments

    Just like the title says. Looking for personal experiences on fat loss supplements that have been successful. Really don't want ephedrine, dnp, albuterol etc.... I need a jump start on the keto diet and looking for a boost. I know this limits the great substances to lose bodyfat but has...