
  1. E

    Derivatives of female sex hormones can influence natural melanin production, study suggests

    Derivatives of female sex hormones can influence natural melanin production, study suggests When skin cells responsible for pigmentation are exposed to estrogen or progesterone, the cells respond by adjusting their melanin production, resulting in either skin darkening or lightening. Although...
  2. tkasch30

    Transgender in olympics???

    Transgenders are now allowed in the Olympics??? Just wanted to say how fucked up that is!!! Sick Fucking world!
  3. F.I.S.T.

    ‘Female Viagra’ FDA Approval: 5 Facts Women Should Know About Flibanserin

    ‘Female Viagra’ FDA Approval: 5 Facts Women Should Know About Flibanserin By Amy Nordrum @amynordrum a.nordrum@ibtimes.com on June 05 2015 A Food and Drug Administration panel recommended a drug called flibanserin -- dubbed the “female Viagra” -- for approval this week. But experts say...
  4. F.I.S.T.

    What are the Best Steroids for Women?

    What are the Best Steroids for Women? April 5, 2012 By Bill Roberts Q: What are the best anabolic steroid for women? Are Anavar and Primobolan the best bets to minimize masculinizing side effects? A: It may seem surprising but IMO Anadrol (oxymetholone) is a good choice for women who wish to...
  5. F.I.S.T.

    Personal Trainers, Women and Steroids

    Personal Trainers, Women and Steroids With the increased popularity and acceptance of Anabolic Steroids in the United States and elsewhere, as personal trainers it is incumbent upon us to become more educated with respect to their proper usage in bodybuilding and conditioning. My observation...
  6. F.I.S.T.

    More Female Cycles

    More Female Cycles Cycle #1 Week 1 Anavar........... 10mg ED Clenbuterol..... 20mcg ED Week 2 & 3 Anavar............10mg ED Clenbuterol......40mcg ED Week 4 & 5 Anavar...........10mg ED Clen..............60mcg ED Week 6 Anavar...........10mg ED Clen..............80mcg ED...
  7. F.I.S.T.


    For lith56bigguy........... HOW TO PROPERLY TRAIN A FEMALE CLIENT By: Herve Duchemin During my years of training, and through trial and error, I have come to develop a plan that has worked for every single female client I have trained who needed to drop some pounds. Learn...
  8. F.I.S.T.

    A Basic Bulking Cycle for women

    A Basic Bulking Cycle for women Posted by KodiakGRRL Being a female in this world is rather advantageous, we have the flexibility and freedom to pick and chose the compounds we run without being tied to running test. A very powerful stack to start with is NPP/Prop. I highly...
  9. K

    HI ;-)

    This is where I say Hi, nice to meet you all ;-) I m new here..lol.. but not "new." There really isn't any other way to say it is there? I am also not new to cycling and hope I can share some of my knowledge. I thought maybe I 'd say hi and find out if there are any other women here. KGrrl
  10. massdig

    Transgender suing crossfit -very sad day again!

    This really pisses me off hearing this shit exists. If your no longer a man why you have to still take hormones to stay a women? That is called cheating! :-\ http://www.cnn.com/2014/03/07/us/transgender-lawsuit-crossfit/index.html
  11. RS50

    Flies... Male or Female????

    A woman walked into the kitchen to find her husband stalking around with a fly swatter 'What are you doing?' She asked. 'Hunting Flies' He responded. 'Oh! Killing any?' She asked. 'Yep, 3 males, 2 Females,' he replied. Intrigued,she asked. 'How can you tell them apart?' He responded, '3...
  12. E

    Female sports writer goes against the steroid witch hunt.

    Female sports writer goes against the steroid witch hunt. Source: Female sports writer goes against the steroid witch hunt.