I'm about to start 2iu/day hgh along with either T3 or T4, also will be running 500mg test c/wk. I have questions concerning the T3 and T4. I have 25 T3 tablets and a bottle of Liquid T4. I have never taken either one. I have taken stimulants such as ephedrine, clen and albuterol. I have done...
I will be doing my first show this year and I'm curious, to those of you here that compete, how long of a prep do you allow yourself? And how well do you think that allows you your time needed to come in diced? Just curious, still playing around with my prep
I have a buddy who wants to take the plunge.
He's never done any AAS or prohormones... nada...
I was thinking of telling him to just run a long Acting Test (like cyp or enenthat) @ 500mg weekly for 12 weeks...
what's your thoughts for a first cycle? He's looking to add size/mass - says he's...
Found on many forums
by juice junkie
How to use insulin - the most anabolic hormone
This was originally posted on AF by Juice Junkie.
Directions for first time insulin users
This is an article I wrote a little while ago and posted on several boards. I know its a long post but take the...
Of eating pussy on the very first night you meet a chick? I was just thinking im really lucky I always dive down with chicks I dont know also fuck with no protection. And the worst ive had is chlamydia im glad I have a chick now to keep me out of trouble lol
So this is the first time i've experienced test flu. been on prop for only 6 days. I got all the sinus shit, some body aches and mild headaches that have been goin on for about 16 hours or so but its starting to go down. I took a shitload of vitamin c and zinc a few hours ago and that seems to...
Looks like a great forum you all have here. Thanks to 49er for the invite. I joined a week ago and this is the first chance ive had to stop by and say hi. We have a new baby in the family, so its been quite hectic for me. Im looking forward to getting to know you all.
When things calm down, you...
ok so Iam a couple of weeks out from my first tren a run. I have never run tren before and have been seeing alot about high tren low test so here is what Iam thinking about doing...
Mon and fridays 125 test e for a total of 250 per week. Eod 100mg tren a for a total of 400mg per week. Also...
I've been off for awhile and I'm getting ready to start a new cycle. I currently have a good amount of test e and mast. I am wanting to pick up tren ace and eq also.
I was going to run test kinda high but I'm rethinking that idea. Might keep it in the 5-600 range. I've never ran mast before...
Here are a few pictures of my changes over time. The first picture is me before gear, all natural! 190lbs during my basic training and AIT with the army.
Second picture is 8 weeks into my first cycle, test E 250 every 3.5 days, some of you know I broke my wrist in a motorcycle accident just...
Our first piece of ass ;D ok so I was 17 (yes 17 late bloomer) so there was this girl a runaway my homeboys brought her over one day she looked hell of good. My friens was hitting that shit he tells me cmon join in I was way to shy and scared I said no that time.
A few weekes go bye she ends up...
Google Is Still Teenager: 15 Years Old Now
Added: Monday, September 16th, 2013
Google just turned 15, and to celebrate the date, the Guardian found out some interesting facts most people don’t know about the search giant, created back in 1998 by Sergey Brin and Larry Page...
Planning my next bang which as of now is going to be 800mg sust/400 npp weekly. with a kickstart of 50 mg t-bol daily
I just love what I get out of 14 weeks of deca and test so Im hoping to achieve results sooner with npp due to the shorter ester. This will be my first run with npp...
Ok, a friend of mine wants me to plan a cycle for him he is concerned about sides
About 5,11
Approx 15% bf
I'm thinking 12 week run
6 week dbol kickstart 25mg ed
And 100mg prop eod 1-12
Going with prop cuz the dude is super freaked about sides so I figure he can quit faster this way
First off let me say this isnt some cheesy suck ass, ass kissing, brown nosing, kissy kissy for the boss here.
2nd I have been brewing 13 years so I have spent mucho time on the boards, a lot fellas
I have never, and I mean NEVER had an administrator/owner of a board take the time and patience...
Sent from my LG-MS770
So i needed some more sites to hit. At first I was thinking I would be fine rotating eod injections between just glutes and delts... the sites sure recovered quickly when they were getting plain oil. Now im pinning from 2 to 3ccs eod of prop/test e 300/eq, and it...
Ok guys my wife thinks I'm being a douce because: I can tell in the first three minutes between the greeting and handshake and the first few words out if their mouth wether or not you like them. Help me settle this.
Here's a pic of a motor I built with my Son. It was a great experience, just me and my boy building it together. Of course, he promptly totaled the car after the break in period, but, all I cared about was....it ran!
[attachment deleted by admin]
I get rotten cold within the first 8-12 days of dosing a lot of test. started a run about a week ago and I'm sick as adog now. chest congested, coughing up green junk, runny nose, achy and tired. I expected it, but that ddoesn't make it any easier to deal with. I'll be on the mend in a few days...