
  1. EG News

    Better Pelvic Floor Health Can Be Key To Better Sexual Performance

    Pelvic floor health has been in the spotlight for the past few years, but the connection between it and sexual well-being is often overlooked and misunderstood. It plays a pivotal role in sexual function—from better muscle strength, better orgasms, and overall sexual health and wellness...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    The Safest Chest Press

    THE DUMBBELL FLOOR PRESS This is a staple exercise for many lifters. The floor press is simply bench pressing lying on the floor. This will reduce the range of motion compared to the regular bench press because the elbows stop when they hit the floor. You could argue that this might be a more...
  3. 01dragonslayer


    You've probably seen the Swiss ball ham curl before. And if you've never done it, it might remind you of something you'd see on those cheesy workout DVDs your mom uses as dust collectors. On paper, the exercise seems comical, almost pathetically simple. But in practice, it'll make you wonder...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    Back and Biceps with Jeremy Buendia!

    BUILD A THICKER BACK AND BIGGER BICEPS WITH THIS MULTIFACETED, FREE-WEIGHT WORKOUT. There’s a fine line to walk on those one or two days a week you find yourself hitting back and/or biceps: Don’t overthink it by getting too cute with novel exercises, but don’t be so predictable that your...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    Bigger Triceps, Better Bench

    A BIGGER MUSCLE IS A STRONGER MUSCLE. THESE THREE TRICEPS MASS-BUILDERS CAN HELP YOU ADD MORE WEIGHT TO YOUR BENCH PRESS. Most big benchers have one thing in common: They look like big benchers. Guys like Kirill Sarychev and Eric Spoto have barrel chests and bowling-ball shoulders, but they also...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    7 Best Strength Exercises for Runners

    You may know that strength training is a great workout for your muscles and bones, but did you know it can also boost running performance? Whether you use free weights, weight machines, resistance bands, or your body weight, resistance training creates strong, powerful muscles capable of...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    How to Do the Nordic Hamstring Curl

    What Is a Nordic Hamstring Curl? The Nordic hamstring curl is a bodyweight exercise that primarily trains the hamstrings. Typically, you perform it by kneeling on the floor and having a partner pin down your ankles, lowering your chest toward the floor by leaning forward, and lowering yourself...
  8. EG News

    3 Best Unilateral Exercises to Strengthen The Barbell Deadlift

    There are not many more satisfying things in the gym than pulling a heavy barbell deadlift from the floor. It’s you versus the barbell, and you win. The regular barbell deadlift is not the greatest exercise to build muscle due to a lack of eccentric contraction, but it sets the table for muscle...
  9. 01dragonslayer


    USE A SMALL DEFICIT There's the belief that deadlifting from a big deficit (like 4 inches or so) will improve your strength off the floor in a standard deadlift. It won't. It's too dissimilar to transfer over to your conventional deadlift. But with a very small deficit – my go-to is standing on...
  10. 01dragonslayer


    It's time to ditch the squat rack. If you want strength and size gains, picking stuff up from the floor is the way to go. You'll develop bigger lats, arms, abs, glutes, and legs in the process. That's what the Cronus squat – named after the king of the Titans – is all about. Think of a Zercher...
  11. EG News

    Why The Unilateral Dumbbell Floor Press will Maximize Your Pressing Strength

    The barbell bench and overhead press are the gold standards for pressing strength and adding size, but when it comes to unilateral training, a necessary but sometimes undertilized training method, the barbell may not be the most ideal option and that’s where the unilateral dumbbell floor press...
  12. 01dragonslayer


    Even with a fantastic exercise like the deadlift, things can go wrong and a great movement can become a dumb training tool. Avoid these mistakes: 1 ▶️ Bouncing a Touch-and-Go Deadlift We've all seen it. Someone struggles mightily to complete a single rep on a heavy deadlift. The lifter's eyes...
  13. 01dragonslayer


    A deficit deadlift is a deadlift performed while standing on a weight plate or short platform, usually around one to four inches high. It's often used as assistance work for those that have trouble in the first stage of the deadlift. The increased range of motion also recruits more of the...
  14. EG News

    Try this 10-Minute Floor and Wall-Based Workout from Grace Albin

    As a gymnast and high school cheerleader, Grace Albin fell in love with choreography and working out in a group setting. These days, she is able to share that passion with her fitness clients and more than 330,000 Instagram followers. Albin shows that in order to blast your whole body, you can...
  15. 01dragonslayer

    Perfecting Your Push-Up

    The push-up is a foundational bodyweight training exercise, and is a staple in many training programs. Whether you are a bodybuilder looking to get a bigger set of pecs, an athlete striving for improved strength and performance, a calisthenics junkie who swears by bodyweight exercises, or an...
  16. EG News

    Heavy Weight Training is an Important Element for New (and Expecting) Moms

    Becoming a mother requires lots of lifting, and I’m not talking about dumbbells. From carrying your children, groceries, car seats, strollers, and a baby bump when pregnant, being a mom calls for a strong body. In past years, expectant mothers have been given the instructions to take a load off...
  17. 01dragonslayer

    7 Things You Must Do To Build A Bigger Chest

    Floor presses, flyes with a twist, and the pump! Maik Weidenbach presents you with seven unique chest building tips that aren't centered around the bench press. One of the things every bodybuilder strives to obtain is a big chest. Ideally, as Vince Gironda put it, "it should be shaped liked the...
  18. EG News

    Here’s Why You Should Be Adding Deficit Deadlifts to Your Workout

    You’re reading this because you love to deadlift. You love the challenge of stepping over the bar and gripping and ripping heavy weight from the floor. When lifting heavier weights, little technical hitches can appear that are covered up while you’re working with submaximal weights. And the...
  19. EG News

    The Barbell Floor Press May Be the Best Move You’re Not Doing

    Some lifters go into full panic mode when every flat bench is occupied on Bench Press Monday. However, the savvy lifter never worries because there is plenty of space on the floor. Because there’s no reason to fret or lose your temper when you’ve got the best press you’re not doing, the barbell...
  20. EG News

    Try this Soldier-Athlete Full-Body Blast Workout from Erik Bartell

    Personal trainer and Army veteran Erik Bartell’s training style blends high-intensity with full-body functional strength and conditioning. If you haven’t tried one of his Live Classes each Tuesday and Thursday mornings on the M&F Instagram page, you’ll understand what he means after completing...