
  1. 01dragonslayer


    In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. Later, He formed man of the dust off the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. He told Adam to lift heavy rocks and logs and turn his body into a temple. He saw that this was good. With Adam in shape, He also saw that it...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    8 Foods That Pack A Surprising Amount Of Sugar

    by Kelsey Butler Sure, you haven’t eaten Lucky Charms for dinner since college, but sugar could still be covertly making its way onto your plate in large amounts—and it could be jeopardizing your health. First things first: We’re not talking about natural sugars, like those you’ll find in fruit...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    9 Healthy Foods That Are Easy To Overeat

    by Jenn Sinrich You probably know that whole foods (like fresh fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, and whole grains) are great for your health, while fried and processed foods don’t usually offer much nutritional value. But while focusing on wholesome foods is a crucial step in establishing healthier...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    3 Reasons And 3 Ways To Eat More Avocado

    The flesh of the ripe avocado berry (yes, it's a berry!) offers a creamy buttery texture that, when mashed, makes an irresistible corn chip dip or spread for your morning toast. But this fruit is no slouch when it comes to good nutrition. Once avoided because of its high fat content, the avocado...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    10 Of The Worst Foods To Eat If You're Looking To Get Shredded

    You might be sabotaging your progress without even knowing it. Avoid these foods and stay on the right track to obtaining the ultimate beach body. Spring time is here and the summer is fast approaching. Soon it will be time for the masses to ditch their shirts and soak in the sun on the beach...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    Can Fruits and Veggies Help You Build Muscle?

    BUILD MUSCLE WITH PLANTS The average person knows they're supposed to eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Exactly why they're supposed to eat more, they probably don't know. And they probably don't think eating more plants will help them build muscle. Sure, they might have some understanding...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    The Fructose Verdict

    Here's what you need to know... One vague research paper, published in 2004, started the demonification of fructose. When you look at most of the human studies on the effects of fructose, you see that it doesn't really behave much differently than other sugars. I know people who are so afraid...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    10 Of The Worst Foods To Eat If You're Looking To Get Shredded

    The secret to getting shredded is to reduce total calories and cut added sugars while keeping the total volume of food that you consume relatively the same. You accomplish this by eating whole fruits and vegetables and lean, quality proteins. Aside from the obvious junk foods that sabotage your...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    Essential Guide to Fiber

    Fiber is essential for a healthy digestive tract even though it’s the structural part of plant foods that our bodies can’t even absorb. That said, most of us fall short of the daily recommendations and miss out on the important benefits. WHAT IS FIBER? Fiber is a form of carbohydrate found in...
  10. 01dragonslayer

    Essential Guide to Sugar

    Sugar. This five-letter word is one of the most controversial and talked about topics in nutrition. Everyone seems to have an opinion about this sticky subject. Here are a few things to keep in mind before you go rogue with the sugar dispenser in your morning coffee. It’s important to...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    Is Your Fruit Habit Unhealthy?

    Low-carb and low-sugar have overtaken low-fat in popularity, according to Google trends for the past decade. Today, you know too much sugar won’t do any favors for your physical or mental health. And fruit, often touted as nature’s candy, can be first on the chopping block. Here, a look at three...
  12. 01dragonslayer

    How Much Fruit Is Too Much?

    When trying to lose weight or manage insulin resistance, you may think it’s important to avoid any type of sugar. However, unlike sodas, candy and other highly concentrated forms of sugar, naturally occurring sugar found in fruit has been linked to decreased chances of obesity and other...
  13. 01dragonslayer

    18 Smart Ways to Cut Sugar From Your Diet

    While there’s nothing wrong with indulging in a craving for a scoop of ice cream or margarita every so often, too much sugar has negative health effects and can be detrimental to weight loss. The FDA recommends getting no more than 10% of your daily calories from added sugars, and defines them...
  14. 01dragonslayer

    Food Portions You’re Probably Getting Wrong

    Whether you’re packing dried fruit to take on a hike or enjoying an ice cream cone, it’s important to keep portion sizes in check. “Once you have a concept of the right portion sizes you can log your intake more carefully, make better choices and support your health goals,” says McKenzie Jones...
  15. Dago

    Chilling at the crib

    Watching anger management with my daughter who's bout to be going off to college soon and I know these moments are easily taken for granted. Then I go to the fridge ask her if she wants a pop she's like NO I'm trying to get off that I'm like damn you act like I tried to give you some crack or...
  16. EG News

    Vegan bodybuilder does 10,000 calorie challenge with fruit

    [Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]: baibaz / Shutterstock Vegan bodybuilder and YouTube...
  17. EG News

    Does eating fruit make you fat?

    [Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]: Gpointstudio / Getty Mangos, bananas, grapes—do these and other...
  18. EG News

    Post-workout fruit for gains

    Carbohydrates are very important for stopping the catabolic effect that training causes. Consume them as soon as possible after training—if you go without them for more than a couple of hours after your workout, the window that allows for your best gains closes until your next lift. There’s...
  19. J


    Every time I turn around I hear fruit has to much sugar. If you aren't competing is it really that bad? I still eat it. You guys eat fruit? How can you say no to a mango, or a good peach?
  20. EG News

    Hidden Diet Busters

    The usual suspects behind diet sabotage are well documented: candy, soda, sugary cereal, any food item with the word “lard” posted as one of the ingredients. However, there’s a group of foods deceptive enough to twilight as innocent additions to a diet program, but moonlight as unwanted add-ons...