hey guys...
I thought i would put up my one month transformation that i am pretty happy with my results. i am currently 34yo 175lbs 5'7 about 9-10bf I don't ever max out but just for shits and giggles i hit 405 on the smith machine for one ;D but i sure i could of did one or 2 more.
I know there has been some new members since we've had the lotto last, maybe we could have another one for the board. Hell I'm ready to see more pics of T sizes wife. :P J/K
First off let me say this isnt some cheesy suck ass, ass kissing, brown nosing, kissy kissy for the boss here.
2nd I have been brewing 13 years so I have spent mucho time on the boards, a lot fellas
I have never, and I mean NEVER had an administrator/owner of a board take the time and patience...
So I was recently having a short discussion with TSizemore about cardio and bodyweight exercises which is mostly what I have been doing lately instead of lifting.... SO he suggested THE MURPH, let me tell you now - THE MURPH, Aint NO PUNK BITCH!
Breakdown- Run one mile... complete 100 pullups...
Well, just wanted to say "Hi" to everyone here. I recognize a few names from other boards. A little about me:
I'm 49 yrs old, 5'-10 195 lbs about 12-14% Been training off and on since I was 16. Never competed, but always wanted to keep a good body.
Got married had some kids, went thru my issues...
I would like to thank RockShawn for the invite and the system admin for approval.
I am a MOD on BOP, I have been in the fitness industry for over 6 years, I train competitors and have competed myself. I specialize in nutrition and of course hormones.
I love small private boards like this one...
Just got here and I see a whole lot of old names here, good to be a part of a great board. Been in this lifestyle for over 30 years and enjoying every minute of it and those to come.
I would like to welcome ISCHUS to EG...many of u probably know ischus already...
i will leave furthe introductions to ISCHUS but we are fortunate ro have him join us!
Grim thanks so much for the invite here~!! You've got a really great looking place here~! Alot different then I last remember it~!! I see alot of familiar names, and some new, I hope to get to know~! thanks again for having me~!
Stay Strong~~!!!
Hey all, I was just beginning to poke around the place when I ran across this intro section. I knew I couldn't find anything more interesting than a section where I could talk about myself, so I stopped here first.
Some of you who have been around may know me as a great, powerful and humble...
I've read this before, just as good the second, third, and fourth time as it was the first! Great read.
By Iron Addict
Here are some of the primary reasons most trainees don’t grow:
1. You overtrain and under eat. These are listed as the main primary reason because they go hand in hand and...
Hello everyone. Most of you know me already. But some of you don't and I don't know everyone. I Used to Mod for Gri m a while back. I had other priorities at the . He has decided to give me another shot at it. I will tell you a little about myself. I am 6'0'' 230lbs I am a strongman but...
This stuff is pretty cool cus it's a transdermal that actually works and produces great size and strength results. One good thing about it is it's a transdermal so wont need to really worry about liver toxic's ect. The compound that produces the results is Dienolone, which was what was in the og...
...and thought, "why the fuck do I still look like a little girl?" I did just take a month out of the gym after 2 1/2 years of straight training (1 year training hard) and lost a LOT of size. Plus, I know personal judgement is always going to be the hardest, and I'll critique myself 10x harder...