At the 2019 Arnold Sports Festival, Brian Shaw tore his hamstring during a world record-breaking deadlift attempt, hindering his performance throughout the weekend and resulting in an eighth-place finish. Before this injury-shortened showing, Shaw hadn't finished below second in the last six...
You probably didn’t know it while watching him compete, but four-time World’s Strongest Man Brian Shaw tore his hamstring on the very first event at the 2019 Arnold Strongman Classic.
During his third pull on the Rogue Elephant Bar deadlift—a 1,051-pound attempt—Shaw got the bar inches off of...
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Per Bernal
Time to make some ham hocks out of those strips of bacon you have on the...
Hammering Hamstrings.
By: jdb3 (ISSA and ACE certified, trainer of competitiors and athletes, steroid abuser)
Ever seen a great bodybuilder with massive quadriceps only to have a little stringy hamstring? It’s common, I would say nearly 80% of the people I train are quadriceps dominate in...