Don't fear the catabolic state. Hunger is not the enemy. Fitness model Jeremy Scott provides you with three basic intermittent fasting mistakes often made by beginners.
Since I've practiced intermittent fasting these past few years I no longer eat a traditional breakfast, or anything for the...
We’ve all read that getting adequate amounts of shut eye is essential to our wellbeing, and yet hitting the sack at a reasonable time can be one of the hardest habits for most of us to maintain. Of course, long working hours, stressful times, and busy family lives all contribute to late nights...
In recent years, there has been a considerable debate regarding the optimal application of oral AAS. One recent trend which has become quite popular lately is the pre-workout method, in which the individual administers the entire day’s dose of oral AAS immediately before training a bodypart...
Did your rest day turn into a rest week or month?
Sometimes life happens and the plan that you had to hit the gym five days a week gets crushed. It happens to everyone. What matters is that you find your way back, even if it's been a while.
Here are 10 warning signs that you may have been away...
If you are busy professional or student and find it difficult to cook high quality meals, let me reintroduce you to the crock pot. You know, that thing your mother and grandmother used to cook with every once in a while.
A crock pot (or slow cooker) is a great way to automate the cooking...
The Beginner’s Guide to Intermittent Fasting
written by JAMES CLEAR
Ihave been intermittent fasting for over one year.
I skip breakfast each day and eat two meals, the first around 1pm and the second around 8pm. Then, I fast for 16 hours until I start eating...
A lack of sleep could cause more than exhaustion: It might also affect the number on the scale.
Several studies have linked sleep deprivation to weight gain. One study found women who slept fewer than six hours per night were at much higher risk for gaining significant amounts of weight than...
Proponents of intermittent fasting claim it helps with weight loss and can boost energy and mood levels. But if you’ve decided to try limiting your eating to a certain timeframe and are having trouble adjusting to the plan, it may be because this eating style is vastly different from your...
long story short my gym local and national running a contest.
Goes off heart rate monitors.
Im known to live in the gym so im number 1
Well some dumb bitch is wearing her monitor ALL DAY 13-14 hours when its supposed to be just your workouts.
Well im still winning but giving up, im exhausted...
The abdominal plank is a staple in plenty of fitness regimens, but it's safe to say most people aren't exactly thrilled when a trainer calls for it during bootcamp class. Just a minute or two of planking will get the average gym goer's core feeling like it's on fire, so it's impossible to...
Amanda Suarez / M+F Magazine
For the past decade, Don Devaney has been the main enforcer/henchman of the Spartan Death Race—Spartan’s annual mental and physical torture fest that can last up to 70-plus hours. Browbeating racers and getting them to doubt their strength to continue is the job...
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Hero Images / Getty
In recent years, bodybuilders and fitness...
Tip: The 90/90 Intermittent Fast
by Chris Shugart | 09/29/18
A new study shows that modest time-restricted feeding works, but why exactly? Let's dig into it.
Less Time to Stuff Your Fat Face
Time-restricted feeding (TRF) plans are a type of intermittent fasting. Basically, you give yourself a...
Erica Schultz
We spend one-third of our lives doing it—or at least we should. Sleep bolsters our immune system, and a deficit of it has been linked to such catastrophic health consequences as cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and heart failure. It’s crucial for proper brain functioning, enhancing...
Jason Mathias
Let's break a rule. One training tenet that seems sacrosanct is to allow at least two days before hitting the same body part again. Most bodybuilders more than double this minimal recommendation, and many work muscles only once weekly. Such splits allow for ample time for...
Intermittent fasting is simply cycling your eating patterns with periods of fasting. There are three types of intermittent fasting that have been studied considerably: alternate-day fasting, whole-day fasting, and...
Roy Callender may be history’s most underrated bodybuilder. Although virtually uncelebrated today, he won four pro shows and thrice finished in the Mr. Olympia top five. Let’s focus on the Olympias. As a 38-year-old rookie in 1978, he placed an eye-opening third. In the controversial 1982 O, he...
Saw this on another site and thought it was a great read.I'd love to hear from all of you on if you've run this protocol and if so,how'd it go? If not,then what's your protocol that's worked best for you?
Opinions,input,disagreements with this? Lets hear them.
Insulin use guide by Gavin Kane...