
  1. GoPro

    Ensure Plus!!!

    So, We all know that most of the mass gainer powders out there are full of lots of nasty stuff. Lots of sugar, calories, fats, and carbs. Well I believe that I have found a great way to get that extra nutrition and calories we want but without all that crud packed into it. A fairly healthy way...
  2. Daredevil

    At home workout

    Anyone have any at home workouts that they do the days they can't make it to the gym? I'm going to be out of the gym 3-4 days and wanted some suggestions.
  3. T

    favorite steroid

    Just wanted to see what everyone favorite compounds are mine are halo Anadrol and Tren those three items make me feel godly
  4. LittleTom

    No longer a rep

    Just wanted to let you guys know I am no longer Pristyns rep. Just taking a break, all is good.
  5. halfnatty

    just got blood work done again

    So far my blood pressure is back to normal it was 112 over 70 yay lol Now im waiting on cholesterol and test levels I'll let you guys know I Will never blast and cruise again I guess it's just not for me
  6. rboy101

    what's the longest

    You guys have stayed on gear and then pct and how long did you do your pct? I've been on test e since early October. Started at 700 mg a week but for last month I dropped it down to 500 mg. Just curious to how long some of yall stay shut down .
  7. halfnatty

    bqck in the gym and just feel like shit

    It's been awhile since I been back in the gym as most know I had some health issues that I'm most recoverd from but my chorestrol at 249 Uhgg so I had to hop off everything. I just feel so soft and weak and my joints hurt, this will be a tuff ride but I need to fix my cholesterol back down I...
  8. A

    can u run gear 4ever? old men on gear?

    can u run gear 4ever? any of u bros know of any old guys on juice? and how long they been running gear? is there a point where gear just doesn't work any longer?
  9. tkasch30

    ESPY Awards....

    Just turned it off...wtf is wrong with these people???? A gym full of men that used to be women???? WTF! I really like to see all these freaks die from medical complications of changing your bodies sex so we can end this shit
  10. lith56bigguy

    excruciating cramp in left pec

    Just wanted to share my experience this morning. Out of nowhere, I got a terrible cramp in my left pec. It was so bad if felt like if I moved a centimeter it was going to tear. It was twitching slightly. I downed 6 taurine and some potassium pills and just laid on the couch till...
  11. F.I.S.T.


    Just got back from winning $10,000 at the Casinos playing the High Roller slots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just wanted to share with my online family. [attachment deleted by admin]
  12. rboy101

    what do you guys think about this product??

    what up fellas. just seeing what you guys think about this cycle support from rich piana. I personally follow him regularly online and i think he knows his stuff well. I personally think this looks pretty good just seeing what opinions you bro's have on the subject...
  13. morrey


    Anyone have any M1T that they are willing to part ways with??
  14. Hanzo

    Wowow ....

    This is just reeedickulous!! This guy thinks he looks good? Yeesh. http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/03/11/his-muscles-are-among-the-largest-in-the-world-but-they-arent-a-result-of-weight-lifting-or-plastic-surgery/
  15. krustus

    krustus side tricep

    lol... shitty poser i am.... but i wanted to put up pics since i just started a new blast (feb 16th start)... so i'll have something to compare to by summer [attachment deleted by admin]
  16. Hanzo

    Cracking down on TRT in boxing ....

    These rules are very stringent, compared to years gone. We'll see how far across the board they go, since this is only Nevada, but, in boxing, so goes Vegas so goes the world. http://www.fightnews.com/Boxing/abc-response-to-nsac-elimination-of-testosterone-replacement-therapy-trt-237975#more-237975
  17. TSizemore

    Ass Eaters Come Forth

    Alright guys, just like the poll says....vote up! It's anonymous :P