Each day we are presented with situations where we ask ourselves, Why? And, most of the time the answer to this question is fairly simple and requires only a quick, one sentence response.
Why do I set an alarm? So that I wake up at a specific time.
Why do I put gas in my car? So the car runs...
Brently Rousset
How to Gain Muscle: 7 Proven Beginner TipsThe only way to cross a finish line is to first find your way to the starting line. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to drag yourself to the starting line. But, in order to break through that tape at the finish line, and raise your...
How Your Life Will Change When You Start Working Out
If you knew these seven things about lifting or bodybuilding beforehand, would you even bother walking into a gym? Take a look.
All of us who lift weights or bodybuild know things, painful things, about lifting that we normally don't share...
Personal trainers frequently hear women express a desire to “tone up” while at the same time having fear of getting “bulky” or looking “manly.” The common misconception is that lifting heavy weights for women will make their muscles big and beefy, and instead, they often opt for light weights...
When you hear the term "ego lifting" you probably think of one-fourth squats, curls that use everything but biceps, and bench presses that double as the spotter's deadlift workout.
As a T Nation reader, you know better. However, you can easily fall prey to a more subtle version of ego lifting...
It feels weird to say this as someone who used to chase every single pound and point. But unless you’re competing, it’s true. You get stronger and bigger muscles through mechanical tension. And how much load you need to create this tension varies dramatically.
It’s amazing how adding even a couple extra seconds to your lift dramatically changes how it feels. Often it makes a lift much harder. The weights you’re used to slapping on are fine for a simple up and down squat. But add a pause, or more control on...
Bodybuilder Influencer Killed While Ego-lifting.
(Video in link)
The bodybuilding world is in mourning after the tragic death of talented bodybuilder Justin Vicky, 33. The fitness community in Bali is in...
Whether or not you should wear a lifting belt is a surprisingly contentious subject. Some people are adamant that you should always wear a belt with the opinion they dramatically decrease your injury risk. Other people are adamant that you should never wear a belt, either because they think...
These shoes were originally developed for the sport of Olympic weightlifting. By building up the heel of the shoe in conjunction with creating a stiff and flat sole, these shoes have the ability to maximize ground reaction force while helping the ankles, knees, hips, and spine to explosively...
Weightlifting belts have been a long-standing debate across all types of athletes in the gym.
One side of the argument claims that belts are an essential piece of equipment to perform heavy lifts without injury; the other side claim that these weightlifting belts are simply a band-aid for any...
How to Use Lifting Straps the Right Way
Many beneficial gym accessories are available to help build muscle, burn fat, and improve mobility. For most avid weight lifters – from bodybuilders to Olympic lifters and everyone in between – the need for equipment that helps to reduce muscle fatigue...
What's the most important life lesson you can learn in the gym or from lifting weights?
Charles Staley – Strength Coach
You work hard and good things happen. You don't work hard, and good...
The only way to cross a finish line is to first find your way to the starting line. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to drag yourself to the starting line. But, in order to break through that tape at the finish line, and raise your hands in victory, you have to start somewhere.
The finish...
Today, we'll show you how to warm up properly before weight training with an emphasis on pre-workout stretches before lifting. Learning how to stretch correctly before lifting weights is crucial for preventing injury since there are certain efficient mobility activities before workouts and...
Power lifting is often confused for bodybuilding, although the two are similar in some aspects but they are very different sporting codes. A power lifter is interested in the amount of weights they can get their bodies to lift and the training that a power lifter undergoes is different to that...
“Injuries are not caused by methods per se, but by the inappropriate, premature, and/or excessive application of methods.”
– Charles Staley
In all the years I’ve been involved in sports conditioning, I’ve never seen an issue with as much longevity and potential for heated debate as the question...
Periodized weight training and training variety – a necessary strategy for continued progress
I will save an in-depth discussion on periodized weight training for a separate article. The take home from studies on periodized weight training is that training periodization, or variation, is key...
Strength Training Basics
Defining Your Goals
Before you pick a program and set up a solid eating plan, it’s important to define your goals. Take a minute to think about your long term goals, and write them down. Try to make goals realistic but challenging. A 400 pound bench press might be...
Becoming a mother requires lots of lifting, and I’m not talking about dumbbells. From carrying your children, groceries, car seats, strollers, and a baby bump when pregnant, being a mom calls for a strong body.
In past years, expectant mothers have been given the instructions to take a load off...