Just had a really painful injection - not sure exactly WTF I did wrong - I've done daily pins for years and never had this.
Basically I was about 3/4 of the way through 2ml and then I felt some burning like inside where the injection was occuring. Said fuck it and kept pushing. Finally got it...
How on earth can they get a good workout sure not all crossfit gyms like this however hit one up this weekend, where my charity thing was. Tons of power / squat racks BUT not much else.
Little cardio, ropes for climbing, peg board, Tires, weight sleds but zero dumb bells, other machines etc.
i'm having pain and burning sensation in the testicle area, left side, and perhaps right under the testicle. i'm wondering if it's related to BPH or if i have some sort of infection, or maybe even a hernia. anyone else experienced this? it's been like this for the past few days. also getting the...
been on Greek gods tren mix with E and ace and holy fuck is it strong lol I give him that he’s got great stuff, but unfortunately I got the tren flu and how do I know it’s the tren? Because I never get the flu lol but I heard it’s a real thing. So has anyone else got it before
500 mg test cyp/wk
300 mg deca/wk
10 mg superdrol pre-workout
fullbody workout, working out every other day. 2 power days (A/B), then 2 hypertrophy, repeat....
diet will be vegan as always and will try to eat a surplus (and track calories/macros somewhat--am bad with that! )
i weigh 182 as of...
So..... My first "go around" with Methyltren and I really like it, but, Here's the question....
Do you think anyone else can smell it, or is it just me? Cause I feel like it's hugely obvious walking around the gym, I feel like I smell like a walking pharmacy.
Ladies and Gents,
If anyone would like PROFESSIONAL grade labels made for there private use or there lab, please pm or email me.
I provide this service and have been around for let's say a while lol.
I will produce a label for any product you need and any size or quantity.
I have a...
i don’t really understand why all these peptide companies make it 200 mcg like if I wanted to do 30 mcg that would be like a little drop lol I don’t see how that would really work?
sk I kinda am the man when it comes to getting nudes from women. Like with in a couple hours I have nude pics and videos of women all day long, so thought I would share some lol.
I got the nudes last night. Get new ones from different girls every night. I will post up more.
And can I post...
Monday 100mg. Wendsday 100mg. Friday 100mg....npp. just a light 300migs a week added in with a test run....this is basically like eod dosing cept the weelends. Thinks 100mg on mon wen fri is enough to get some extra gains? I know some guys go ed with npp but i was just wanting something mild to...
Hello, i am interested in hearing feedback on this subject. I myself of course like the way i look, but there is much more. I love having energy and endurance during my day to get my jobs done, this is probally my number 2 reason next to my libido and performance is always up and my wife enjoys...
I've looked through the posts here and it looks like a little more discussion could be good. From what I've read the Bitiron t4/t3 mix tablets seem to be a good ratio for addition to HGH. What is the opinion here? Is straight t4 superior than a mix like Bitiron? Inferior? What is the consensus?