
  1. krustus

    tracking cals, pretty sure i'm in a deficit... no scale weight loss

    i've not done a true cut in years.... just started 2 weeks or a little more. track cals with myfitnesspal.. weighing food, etc... and i feel like i see changes. but scale weight hasn't moved 1oz! i cut back around 300-500 cals a day... i am hungry a lot.. so i feel i've got a decent deficit...
  2. F.I.S.T.

    Ronda Rousey destroys opponent in 34 seconds

    Ronda Rousey destroys opponent in 34 seconds Did you miss the UFC 190 fight between Rounda Rousey and Brazil's Bethe Correia? If so, here's pretty much the entire thing. Yup. Rousey's bout in Rio de Janeiro lasted 34 seconds, knocking Correia (9-1) out in swift...
  3. F.I.S.T.


    Ok my online family,I did it again!!!!! My Queen and I went to the Casino again to kill some time and have a little fun.We did the usual and went for the slots and played a little bit but I was hungry for some tables today.So we started walking around and saw a Black Jack table with a hottie...
  4. MaidenOfIron

    Maiden to a Monster

    Guess a good way to start my new log up is to say that last night, after a 10 client work day, I hit legs and pushed 7 for 15 on leg press. More to come later. Good to be back home:)
  5. S

    Test Prop PIP

    Does all test prop have pip? Anytime it is used there are reactions like swelling and pip for days? I am not sure if it is the test prop or the chemicals to make it 100mg/ml. Any ideas?
  6. F.I.S.T.


    DADDY,WHATS POLITICS? “A small boy asks his Dad, "Daddy, what is politics?" Dad says, "Well son, let me try to explain it this way: I'm the breadwinner of the family, so let's call me Capitalism. Your mom, she's the administrator of the money, so we'll call her the Government. We're here to...
  7. halfnatty

    giving up bodybuilding But gonna start lifting need help

    Well with my job and my baby coming, bodybuilding is to life consuming right now and I have better things to do but now ima start only lifting 3 days a week like bench with little chest workouts and then deadlifts with little back workouts and then squats with little leg workouts. Now my thing...
  8. Wacker


    This list seems like a good start for discussion so I thought I would post (cut and paste) it up here and see what the boys here say! 1. Lack of a proper base 2. Dose too low or too high for your size weight height and experience. We all build up a little resistance. We all get different side...
  9. tunaman7

    Old men and gear...Does it matter?

    Brothers. I am now at the ripe old age of 51. Im getting fucking AARP membership cards in the mail on a weekly basis. The music that I loved from the 80s is now classified as (gulp) "oldies". Then here comes Ms.Tuna who says "aren't you getting a little too old to run gear". Oh shit...the...
  10. krustus

    trap/dead/squat bar for olds dudes with bad backs and knees...lo.

    i've been thinking about getting this bar for a while... as i have gotten older real squats and deads done with much frequency really takes a toll on me. this bar makes pushing to the limits much easier on my back... i do a high frequency training program and have done heavy deads with this...
  11. Dago

    Daddys girls

    I have one little girl recently turned 12. I am really having a hard time digesting this. Lately she isn't wanting to come over as much her mother and I haven't been together for a long time. I know its age she's got her friends she is hanging around with at school, sleep overs, facebook she's...
  12. Torres

    Happy Birthday !!!

    I wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my son Adryan !!! He turns 4 today and he's my pride and joy !!! I wanted to share it with my EG family and all the real close friends I've made here, y'all know who ya are !!! For the past 4 years I've been goin through court and fighting for him. By no means...
  13. Walker

    Dear Santa

    ;) Dear Santa, How are you? How is Mrs. Claus? I hope everyone, from the reindeer to the elves, is fine. I have been a very good boy this year. I would like an X-Box 360 with Call of Duty IV and an iPhone 4 for Christmas. I hope you remember that come Christmas Day. Merry Christmas...
  14. A

    anavar methyltren only

    How about running anavar and methyltren only? anavar 50mg/day methyltren 1/4-1/3 cc 2x/week
  15. Paulrockr

    Freakin GNC

    So I go to gnc last night looking for a replacement for my carnivor. This little skinny ass kid is gonna try and tell me what I need to take..... lol I was like dude let me shop... ha I go to check out and he give me some free bees of pre wo drink mix and alittle pack of pills Without looking I...
  16. krustus


    OK... i've been on trt 2-3 years now. did a mild blast before of 400mgs of test a week, but i'm presently doing NPP, Tbol, Masteron blast.. when the time comes to go back to cruise... do i just drop the compounds i'm running... is there any sort of " pct" type meds i should take. i know there...
  17. 49ER

    Did you know tren can cause hypo?

    So last night I felt weird light headed hot just not good I ate a big turkey sandwich and some lowfat ice cream and felt a little better. So this morning I make my p.shake with egg whites hit the gym. When I got out I felt horrible was dizzy my body would get hot I had no idea what was going on...
  18. lith56bigguy

    Anyone else off cycle?

    This pct shit sucks, been a while since I was off., Lost a fucking shirt size, dick aint getting real hard. Yeah Im pouting and whining like a bitch lol Had to get it out of my system
  19. A

    tren a, mast p, prop, and drol cycle log

    tren a and mast blend. 100/125 .. prop stand alone 100 mg adrol suspension Lab: UGL unknown (homebrew) Day One: Feb 20. 2013 Length of cycle: until the wheels fall off Started today with first pins in both delts... keeping prop seperate, 125 tren 150 mast. 125 prop and 150...
  20. W

    No accident

    Barack Obama was visiting a primary school and he visited one of the class. They were in the middle of a discussion related to words and their meanings. The teacher asked the president if he would like to lead the discussion on the word 'tragedy.' So our illustrious president asked the class...