
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Enjoying Your Favorite Foods While Dieting

    Anybody who follows me knows I have a love for pizza and donuts. I’m also pretty fond of Mexican food and burgers as well if you want to know. I am a firm believer in ‘lifestyle’ eating that is sustainable. This is how I stay in fairly good condition, not competition shape, year around. But...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    The 6 Keys To a Successful Diet Plan

    By Aadam | If you wanted to be more productive, you would etch out a designated amount of time in your day to commit to doing work. If you just went about your day without a plan, haphazardly doing work here and there, chances are you wouldn’t get much done. Dieting is no different. If you want...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    4 Nutrition Myths You NEED to Know

    The fitness industry is filled with misinformation. I am reminded of this every time I scroll through Twitter, Instagram and Facebook and see my newsfeed lined with garbage. Surprisingly this actually ticks me off. How are uninformed people supposed to find quality nutrition information? I mean...
  4. 01dragonslayer


    HUNGRY WHILE CUTTING? 12 WAYS TO REDUCE HUNGER ON A DIET Sean Nalewanyj General Nutrition, Nutrition If you’re feeling hungry while cutting, trust me, you’re not alone. Regardless of what type of dieting method you employ or how your training plan is specifically structured, fat loss...
  5. 01dragonslayer


    NO SUCCULENT DUCKS Most gym rats think of blood sugar only in one-dimensional terms. They realize that if it gets too high, you invoke a big surge of insulin that can preferentially store energy as body fat. Raise it too high, too often, and you turn into a pudgeball. But high blood sugar does...
  6. 01dragonslayer


    Legendary fitness pioneer Jack LaLanne knew intuitively that his body needed protein to grow muscle, only he didn't have the luxury of modern protein drinks when he first started exercising. Instead, for a brief six-week period, he tried drinking a quart of beef blood from the slaughterhouse...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    10 Tips to Uphold Your Healthy Eating

    So what do you do if you want to lose weight the right way? It doesn't take changing everything up in your life, it doesn't take completely removing food groups from your life, and it certainly doesn't mean you have to develop OCD so that you eat every 2.12 hours. Losing weight sucks at first...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    5 Things To Look For In A Meal-Kit Delivery Service

    by Kelsey Butler Though our kitchens haven’t quite gone full Jetsons on us, we can thank technology for the slew of meal and food delivery services helping us make our trips to the grocery store a thing of the past. The meal kit business is now a $2.2 billion industry, and people across the...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    3 keys to bodybuilding nutrition

    Here is some great bodybuilding nutrition tips to help you build muscle! Diet is really the key when it comes to bodybuilding. Three Simple Keys To A Good Bodybuilding Nutrition By Michael Parker Are you beginning to become a bodybuilder? Have you just started to do your workouts and don't...
  10. 01dragonslayer

    How To Shop For Multiple Fit Meals At Once

    The typical way to meal prep is to come up with a bunch of recipes, figure out how much of what ingredients you need to make each one, then head to the store. Just doing this—never mind the actual cooking—can kill an entire evening or afternoon. There's got to be a better way, right? Well, maybe...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    9 Hacks That Make Calorie Counting A Breeze

    The way many people do it, calorie counting can sometimes be laborious and discouraging. But note that I said "sometimes," not "always." Controlling calories doesn't have to be difficult, and it is perhaps the most powerful tool we have for troubleshooting nutrition. Remember, each of the...
  12. 01dragonslayer

    24 Laws Of Eating For Muscle

    Americans are experts on gaining size. Sadly, with over a third of our population classified as obese, that's not the kind of "mass" you're after. Yet that's exactly what indiscriminate eating and a lack of exercise can do for you. If you're committed to a resistance-training program, you can...
  13. 01dragonslayer

    Every Meals Counts: A Complete Body-Type Nutrition Guide!

    "What is that in your bottle and what does it do?" We get asked this everyday when drinking our Xtend (BCAA, L-Glutamine and Citrulline Malate) during our workout. But how many times have you sat down at a restaurant and had people ask how that meal was going to benefit your workout tomorrow...
  14. 01dragonslayer

    The Art of “Mini-Diets” Explained

    This is a method of dieting that is nothing new per se, but with social media showcasing millions of people’s opinions, views, and regurgitated dogma it can be difficult to siphon through what is “good” information and “bad” information. So what is a Mini-Diet and why would you need to resort...
  15. 01dragonslayer

    Easy Gains for the Hard Gainer

    What’s a “hard gainer?” An individual, who is naturally ‘smaller’ framed, has a lighter bone structure, and carries little body fat and muscle. Beginning your bodybuilding journey with this somatotype isn’t exactly ideal, but you could be in a less favorable position -- as in, the polar...
  16. 01dragonslayer

    Top 5 Bodybuilding Myths Debunked by Science

    Have you been avoiding fruit or maybe even a couple scoops of ice cream late at night because you fear it will all be stored as fat when you go to sleep? Or perhaps you freak out when it’s been more than three hours since your last meal? (Oh my, you’re going “catabolic”!) For real, though...
  17. 01dragonslayer

    10 Fat Loss Tips To Help You Lose Weight And Keep It Off

    Instead of simply trying to diet and lose fat, it's time to adopt some lifestyle changes. These tips will help you to stay lean and healthy year round. Hit a plateau with your fat loss? The following 10 tips may be just what you need. Let's face it: fat loss isn't easy. Some studies indicate...
  18. 01dragonslayer

    Tips For Burning The Fat!

    So you've been muscle building, eating big and making gains. Great. Now it's time to get ripped and strip off those extra fat layers you've inherited! If you're an experienced bodybuilder you'll know that building muscle works in 2 basic cycles. First we have the growth cycle. While you're on...
  19. 01dragonslayer

    7 Cooking Secrets That Every Lifter Should Know

    Tired of boring bodybuilder meals? These 7 cooking secrets will help you upgrade your ordinary meals for maximum flavor, convenience, and results! It doesn’t matter what your training goal is. You need a solid nutrition plan to get results. It is extremely important to have a sound diet, but...
  20. 01dragonslayer

    How to Properly Incorporate Cheat Meals Into Your Diet

    It's one of the most popular questions; How do I incorporate cheat meals into my diet without blowing my progress? Learn exactly how with this article. The idea of a “Cheat Meal” is so ubiquitous that it belongs on the highest shelf of wherever the plaques for Hall of Fame of Fitness Ideas are...