
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Meal Frequency Confusion

    Meal Frequency Confusion Q: Some diet experts say that having six small meals a day is outdated. Many recommend three (or fewer) meals instead. But what if I feel uncomfortably stuffed when trying to cram all my calories into three meals? Is there any harm in continuing to eat smaller, more...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    10 Honest Ways to Gain Muscle Mass for Beginners!

    10 Honest Ways to Gain Muscle Mass for Beginners! February 10, 2020 By John Doe Bodybuilding With so much available at our fingertips online it's now easier than ever to educate yourself on lifting weights, proper nutrition, and bodybuilding supplementation. However, one major problem with...
  3. millenium girl


    How many meals do you usually eat and if you eat snacks what do you choose? I saw a dietetician last year and she told me that I should have two snacks, one mid morning and one mid afternoon. Crackers with peanut butter or Philadelphia or cottage cheese are good she said. Sometimes I prefer a...
  4. EG News

    Metabolic Modifiers

    Getting cut and defined is not all just calories. It’s not. I promise. When it comes to getting ripped, calories certainly play a major role. However — and this however is huge — you need to use and implement a few strategies that alter your metabolism. Most people think of altering the...
  5. F.I.S.T.


    EAT TO GROW What if I told you your success or failure in the gym has very little to do with what you do in the gym. You would probably look at me like I was crazy. Guess what, nutrition is by far the most important factor to making progress on any fitness program. Why have the so called...
  6. Troy

    What do you guys think of meal prep services?

    I don't have much free time to spend hours cooking and weekly meals delivered to my door sounds too good to be true. I'm looking into Rich Pianas meal prep weekly service of 21 meals, 3 per day. Cost is $126 which is $6 per meal and shipping is $50 which then bumps the cost per meal to around...
  7. Mick

    Cheat Meals ! Post them up! Even Cleans One's Too!

    Ok so I have this thread elsewhere and wanted to share it with my brothers here. It's all about those Cheat Meals! Take pictures be proud and enjoy the hell out of them!! Got a Clean Meal .... Well post that too! I would like to start it off by sharing some pics with you guys. [Corned Beef...
  8. krustus

    update on my HGH frag peptide use

    some of you may remember a while back.. 6 months,.. maybe a year... i had a thread where i was trying to cut...added cardio ...count cals and macros ... and the scale did not move.. maybe a couple of pounds over the course of 8 weeks. well on this run with HGH frag... i'm doing pretty much the...
  9. Hogslayer

    Ready made meals.

    Found a place finally. Well technically I only looked for half hour but $5 bucks for traditional meals and $6 bucks for custom meals. Oh the weight has been lifted!!! Thank you Jesus...
  10. biggieswoleskis

    College budget..need help!

    Im new to this page so it may have been asked befor. being a college student and being on a tight budget is all I've known for the past 4 years so new diet options have seemed to become pretty limited as to what to eat. I've seen all of the "big on a budget" videos which seem to be the only...
  11. sportsfreak

    How's this look?

    Trying to get my ass back in the groove and need to see if this looks about right. Currently sitting at 228 and BF 14-16% ish. Wanting to get the diet in check and cut as much fat as possible along the way. Right now I am only running test at 500mg per week and will stay there for a while, no...
  12. F.I.S.T.

    Cheat Meals (Part 2)

    Cheat Meals (Part 2) September 12, 2013 By John Doe Right now I’ve had 6 Yuengling Lights in me, a fat cigar, Taco Bell, and an ice cream Snickers bar thingy. Tonight was cheat meal night, and when I do it I do it big. But the next week straight is all business. I have my fish and rice...
  13. F.I.S.T.

    Cheat Meals (Part 1)

    Cheat Meals (Part 1) August 9, 2013 By John Doe OK, so the longer you go without a cheat meal the better, in 90% of case scenarios. I don’t give a shit who says what about “refeed days” or even “cheat meal to kick your metabolism in the ass” the bottom line is the longer you can go eating...
  14. F.I.S.T.

    Hormonal Responses to a Fast-Food Meal Compared with Nutritionally Comparable

    Hormonal Responses to a Fast-Food Meal Compared with Nutritionally Comparable Meals of Different Composition By Lyle McDonald Bray GA et. al. Hormonal Responses to a Fast-Food Meal Compared with Nutritionally Comparable Meals of Different Composition. Ann Nutr Metab. 2007 May...
  15. D

    Pics of me

    Here are 3 pictures of me, side tri was about 2 yrs ago, the shirtless was i believe 2 summers ago , probably the leanest I've been [I have a hard time getting lean, even that wasnt easy for me and isnt impressive lol, I know], The other photo is the most recent (about 6-7 months ago)...
  16. RockShawn

    Let's talk nutrient timing!

    How critical is it to have your macros for a meal all at the same time? Let's say you eat your fist meal and its 8 egg whites and 1 scoop of whey and some fruit and then 1/2hr later you realize you forgot your coconut oil which you take separately. Are your meals completely effed up if you...
  17. 49ER

    Advice on keeping a log

    Im taking homegrown advice starting to see small improvements. I wanna by monday do everything right and write down my meals I dont have it down 100% but I will. I think this time I will be successful my cycle isgoing awsome now that Iive cleaned my diet I feel leaner and look it too. I wanna...
  18. RockShawn

    Missing meals...

    Sucks when you're bulking!! [attachment deleted by admin]
  19. RockShawn

    Craig Titus on cheating.

    While prepare for competitions, did you enjoy cheat meals or junk food meals? If so what were the benefits? Ok, I’ll answer this question with a firm belief that cheat meals are not only beneficial but needed for a athletes sanity. First, let me say the best conditions I’ve ever obtained, the...
  20. S

    Cheat meals

    How many cheat meals do you eat in a day (or week if not daily)