
  1. 01dragonslayer

    High Lipoprotein (a): The Killer of Healthy Men

    The Dead-Man-Walking Cholesterol Lipoprotein (a), a type of diet and exercise-resistant cholesterol, can cause heart attacks in otherwise healthy men. Here's how to fight it. High Lipoprotein (a) – Dead Man Walking? Warning: Lipoprotein (a) and all this info is disconcerting stuff. You know how...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Calories Burned During Exercise: The New Science Science Proves Exercise Sucks for Fat Loss

    Exercising is really a lousy way to burn body fat. The amount of calories burned surprises most people. One would practically have to drag a sled filled with pig iron up Kilimanjaro to equal the number of calories saved simply by not helping themselves to seconds at dinner. The fact is, simple...
  3. EG News

    Understanding Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and How To Use It

    Step counting and calorie tracking, step aside—there’s a new metric on the block that everyone’s obsessing over: heart rate variability (HRV). But despite its rising popularity, many of us might be misinterpreting what HRV truly represents and how it should be used. According to Marco Altini...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    Clean Livin' A Guide to Health

    "Look good naked," we sometimes forget that it doesn't much matter how good you look, naked or otherwise, if you're as daid as the mullet that's packed on ice and sitting on the fishmonger's cart. Neither is it much good if you always feel crummy because you have bad chemicals gumming up the...
  5. 01dragonslayer


    It's rare that PhD-types look at a bunch of studies and come out with some specific recommendations. They could demonstrate how a bunch of cats – when held upside-down from a height of two feet and then dropped – landed on their feet a thousand times in a row, but they still wouldn't jump to...
  6. EG News

    Preliminaries of building muscle mass: What you need to know to lay the groundwork

    Building muscle mass is one of the primary fitness goals of most people who start going to the gym. However, achieving this goal is more complicated than it might seem initially. It’s crucial to remain consistent throughout the journey, as building muscle requires constant engagement and...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    Iodine Deficiency: A Thyroid and Metabolism Killer

    AN IODINE DEFICIENCY EPIDEMIC? Are you suffering from an iodine deficiency and an underperforming thyroid? It's quite possible. There's a silent epidemic of low iodine levels that may be affecting the health of as many as 74% of U.S. adults. Consider that when the thyroid is functioning...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    Cacao Spiked Coffee: A Real Fat Burning Food?

    IS YOUR MORNING JOE A FAT BURNING FOOD? IT COULD BE Is there really such a thing as a fat-burning food? Nutrition experts love to debate that. Listening to them get tangled up in the semantics of the question, you'd need a strong cup of coffee just to keep from nodding off. Here's what we do...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    When Hell Breaks Loose Foods to Put in Your Doomsday Stash

    When the coronavirus hit, they were one of the few countries that had plenty of personal protective equipment (PPE) to go around. Sure, a lot of it was old and was probably decorated with characters from the old Howdy Doody TV show and the Flintstones, but it worked just fine. So it makes...
  10. 01dragonslayer


    Yeah, I know, this is the main reason a lot of guys go to the gym in the first place. The problem is, women already have their guards up at the gym. Good-looking women in particular get hit on incessantly and, believe it or not, these women might actually be there to train. So after an hour of...
  11. 01dragonslayer


    THE ONLY WAY TO COMBAT THE INFLAMMATION EPIDEMIC If you trawl through medical data long enough and hard enough, you might begin to suspect that inflammation is the cause of virtually all disease. Asthma, several types of cancer, bone health, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, heart disease, eczema...
  12. 01dragonslayer

    Depression And Exercise: 10 Tips To Stay Motivated And Strong

    With the dark and cold months upon us, I figured it might a good time to write a quick piece on the subject of depression, or seasonal affective disorder and how training and diet might be helpful in overcoming those illnesses. As someone who has battled with mild, and not so mild depression...
  13. S

    Attacking BP issues

    This is my own results I have bp issues when using yk11 sarm Tren adrol etc. I have Telmisarten a great med relaxes soft tissue increases flow and partial ppar agonist so slite fat burning I have used this med for yrs with great results. Recently I tried Mildronate with this med and found it to...
  14. 01dragonslayer

    Steak Week!

    We've all see bodybuilding workout plans designed to boost your bench press by X amount in 2 weeks, or add 15 pounds of beef to your frame in Y weeks, or put 2 inches on your arms in just Z days. However, there are so many factors that go into the creation and implementation of such workouts...
  15. 01dragonslayer

    Why I Love The Athletic Metaphor

    Charles Staley, Strength Training, Training Programs, 2 As the old saying goes, “When you’re a hammer, everything looks like a nail.” And I’m guilty of this too. Since my training and experience is in athletic preparation, I tend to think of everyone as athletes. No matter what you do, no matter...
  16. 01dragonslayer

    Is This the Right Gym for YOU?

    By: Matt Weik This can become a loaded question. The gym you should join truly comes down to what you are comfortable with. My needs and wants might be different than your needs and wants. If I want to work out at a hardcore gym where loud music and heavy weights are being tossed around...
  17. 01dragonslayer

    11 Hardcore Gym Rules You Must Know

    Ready to get serious? It's time to leave the big box gym behind and get hardcore. In this article Josh Mac gives you 11 rules to remember before you step into the door. You’ve been putting some time in under the bar, but your surroundings aren’t exactly a supportive environment. The skinny frat...
  18. 01dragonslayer

    EMOM Training: Workouts that Maximize Your Gym Time

    If you're looking for a new & challenging way to train in the gym, EMOM workouts might be exactly what you are looking for. Read more about this training style! How many of these articles have you read with workouts that call for x number of sets for y number of reps? There are many of them out...
  19. 01dragonslayer

    How To Bulk Up Fast: Maximize The Muscle Building Process

    Forget six pack abs - it's time to bulk and pack on some serious muscle mass! Maximize the muscle building process with these seven workout and diet plan tips. This article is not for those of you who want the skinny, 160 pound six pack look. If that's your goal you might as well click away...
  20. 01dragonslayer

    15 Reasons Why People Hate Working Out

    Reasons Why People Hate The Gym There are two types of people, the ones who love working out and the others who hate the idea of it. There is no middle ground. You might love to train but at the same time, your parents might not understand why you waste your time and money on such a useless...