
  1. Daredevil

    What's your experience on HGH?

    I would like to hear your experience on HGH. I just started today doing 2iu a day and plan to up 1iu every 10 days until I reach 6iu and then run for 6 months. I would like to know anything you can share about your experience on HGH.
  2. HulkSmashes

    Serious about competing in powerlifting....

    Hey guys I'm serious about competing in Powerlifting. I've been on gear for a full year now and I was thinking of just cruising on Test E. 200mg /wk for about 2 months to give my body a break. I want to hear from you guys that compete in BB or Powerlifting on what your cycle protocol is? Do you...
  3. MattyIce

    hair thinning out a bit any suggestions or protocal

    As the title says my hairline is getting a little thin for my liking...any suggestions?
  4. Z

    Muscle Tear Squatting

    I think I may have a tear. But there is nothing noticeably out of place. (Hopefully just a micro-tear. I've had several in smaller muscles over the years, and they healed with no lasting effects.) Doing squats 3 nights ago, 405lb on the 4th rep, KaPOW!!! The 1st and 2nd reps were VERY easy...
  5. halfnatty

    what happen to ischus having issues

    This was before he was kicked off but before I go into details what happen to them on here
  6. F.I.S.T.

    Nick Diaz’s Suspension Could Be Dropped To 18 Months

    Nick Diaz’s Suspension Could Be Dropped To 18 Months By Mike Henken - Nov 4, 2015 The mixed martial arts (MMA) community was stunned when UFC welterweight and middleweight Nick Diaz was suspended five years by the Nevada State Athletic Commission (NSAC) regarding a failed drug test for...
  7. F.I.S.T.


    ARE YOU SAD?? Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that's related to changes in seasons — SAD begins and ends at about the same times every year. If you're like most people with SAD, your symptoms start in the fall and continue into the winter months, sapping your energy...
  8. F.I.S.T.

    UFC Reinstates Jon Jones a Mere Six Months After His Hit-and-Run Accident

    UFC Reinstates Jon Jones a Mere Six Months After His Hit-and-Run Accident Jon Jones is not a good person. It’s something that he’s demonstrated at nearly every turn — first when he decided to drive drunk and subsequently total his car with two passengers onboard, then when he decided to…drive...
  9. F.I.S.T.

    Proof the Ketogenic Diet for Cancer can be a Real Solution

    Proof the Ketogenic Diet for Cancer can be a Real Solution by Alexandra Preston Posted on October 22, 2015 Although it is often associated with the high-protein Atkins diet, ketogenic diets are useful for more than just weight control. These are classified by their very low carbohydrate...
  10. blasson

    Credit junkies

    Anyone here know how to raise credit score fast? Before I bought my house and oilfield went to shit I was 780 range from every reporting agency.. with this tough time the past 1-1.5 years I had a few months I got behind and was late (never missed) on a few payments here and there. I am the one...
  11. Paulrockr

    need to rage!!!!!!!!!!!

    >:(so let's see, since Jan 12 I lost my job of twelve years because I'm apparently intimidating and a total asshole who doesn't like to pat customers on the ass to make them feel better lol. OK I'm good with that. I'm really a nice guy. I have a mutual hate with my family and my wife has none...
  12. Akhusker

    While on a HUGE cycle.....

    I supposedly got my wife pregnant. I was 14 weeks into 400mg Test E, 300mg Deca, 200mg Tren E, 300mg EQ E3D plus Tren base/TNE pre workout and winstrol. She swears up and down that she only has been sleeping with me. We did have a problem with her cheating when we first got married (I know, I...
  13. J

    Need ideas for next cycle please

    Ok, after months and months of blasting, I have come to the conclusion that I need a cruise break. I'm 15 months back into bodybuilding, and have made excellent progress. Some of you have seen the before and after pics. But my body is telling me that no matter how much more I blast it is a waste...
  14. 4everstrong

    4everstrong and Serostim

    First Pin of Serostim. Decided to start out at 4iu. Pinned Post work out. I just Got them Today when i got off work so didnt have the chance to Pin in the morning to split my dosage up. But starting Tomorrow im going to be Splitting it in half. 2iu AM 2iu Post workout. After one month im going...
  15. Wacker


    Torres got me watching Rich vid's LOL....some intresting stuff these are new and only like 5 min each. Get off your cycle?? PCT and HCG Where...
  16. misterB

    Anavar - how long can you run it?

    as part of my cycles i alway use Anavar, love it makes me ripped. well now i've dropped the injectables and am back on trt at 200 mg per week but im still using 75 to 85 mg of var a day.. how long can i run this stuff
  17. D

    A few pics real quick

    Here are a few pics. I have come along way for having both my shoulders operated on. I had my last surgery in August of last year, rotator cuff tendon and bicep long head tendon(slap lesion), took 7 months to recover. I got back in the gym in March of this year and was on light weights(10 lb...
  18. Vw4334

    HRT can i still pin other gear?

    Im 26, tested levels @ 168 after being off for 7 wks, endo wants me to start getting HRT, got 2 more tests to do and scheduled to be all said and done by the end of oct. got my gear i was anning on starting here at the beginning if october, should i still start it or should i waitt till after i...
  19. lith56bigguy

    Anyone else off cycle?

    This pct shit sucks, been a while since I was off., Lost a fucking shirt size, dick aint getting real hard. Yeah Im pouting and whining like a bitch lol Had to get it out of my system
  20. Paulrockr


    Alright I don't want spoon feeding , trying to wrap my head around the peptides... Any of y'all run CJC 1295 w/o DAC and GHRP-6 ? I've read a lot of stuff over the last few months and from what I can see its more of a leaner. Nothing I read really puts it in lehmans terms. I need English ...