
  1. puff88


    I know, I know - you should always aspirate. And for the most part I usually do, unless it is too early in the morning and I forget or I am pinning at an awkward angle using my left hand. This morning I did not aspirate when pinning in my right delt, as I am pretty comfortable and confident with...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    What’s a Healthier Alternative to Sugar for Oatmeal, Coffee or Yogurt?

    Many people instinctively reach for something sweet to start their mornings, whether it’s streusel-topped muffins, maple-brown sugar oatmeal, honey-clustered cereals or even vanilla and pumpkin-spice flavored lattes. These options can provide a quick burst of energy, but often leave you crashing...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    5 Breakfast Rules For Weight Loss

    Whether you call it breakfast or it’s just the first meal you’re eating later on in the day, what you choose can help set you up for weight-loss success. “Eating the moment you wake up isn’t necessary, but research is strong for the benefits of eating a morning meal,” explains Olivia Brant, a...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    The #1 Habit You Should Have to Lose Weight

    In addition to motivation and willpower, forming healthy habits is key to a healthier lifestyle. By definition, habits become a form of automatic behavior that’s routine and all habits need a cue or trigger. For example, buckling your seatbelt (habit) upon entering a car (cue) or washing your...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    11 Easy Nighttime Weight-Loss Hacks

    Ask an expert or anyone, and they will agree there’s no secret fast track to long-term weight loss. It requires consistency, dedication and having faith in the idea each good decision and habit you create is an investment in a healthy lifestyle and a healthy weight over the long haul. All of...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    13 Morning, Afternoon and Evening Tips for Weight Loss

    The first step to successful weight loss is believing in yourself and understanding how small changes over time yield big results. Improving your habits slowly and steadily increases the likelihood they’re sustainable and prevents yo-yo dieting. Rather than drastically overhauling your...
  7. EG News

    Best morning workout for people who hate waking up in the a.m.

    [Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]: Per Bernal Some people naturally jump out of bed the moment their alarm clock goes off, revved...
  8. BrotherIron

    Good morning variations...

    Here are a list of exercises which work well in helping to develop your posterior chain which translates into lifting more weight. There are many variations that you can use and you can use bands, chains, weight releasers for differing levels of resistance. Bent Over Good Mornings: Place the...
  9. EG News

    You should train in the evening if you want to burn more calories, science finds

    [Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]: Muhammad Zulfadhli/Getty Is it better to work out in the morning or...
  10. EG News

    A.m. vs. p.m. workouts

    OPENING ARGUMENTS DEFENSE Training in the late afternoon or evening is ideal because studies have shown strength to be higher later in the day. In addition, training later in the day allows you to plan your pre-workout nutrition more easily and ensure you have plenty of fuel in the tank before...
  11. F.I.S.T.

    52% Voters Approve Trump Job Performance — Stat Buried in 2nd-to-Last Graph of S

    52% Voters Approve Trump Job Performance — Stat Buried in 2nd-to-Last Graph of Story by Penny Starr15 Mar 2017 A Politico/Morning Consult poll released on Wednesday shows 52 percent of voters approve of President Donald Trump’s job performance, but that statistic is in the second-to-last...
  12. krustus

    advice from some who have gotten below 10ish

    ok ... i started a cut been at it about 8 weeks... lost 18-20lbs of scale weight... my goal was to be around or slightly below 10%... number doesn't really matter...if misterb's latest pic is 12ish... then that's what i diet has been good and down to about 2200 cals a day... but...
  13. Daredevil

    Daytime or evening workout?

    What's your preference? Working out early in morning or late in evening after work prior to bedtime? In past I've done after work. But I'm going to try early in the morning.
  14. F.I.S.T.

    Ronda Rousey Announces on Good Morning America That She Will Be Fighting Holly

    Ronda Rousey Announces on Good Morning America That She Will Be Fighting Holly Holm Next at UFC 195 For a while there, it seemed as if we were all but destined to see Ronda Rousey take on her arch-rival not named Cyborg for a third time following their respective wins over Bethe Correia and...
  15. F.I.S.T.

    Dusty Rhodes WWE Legend Dies

    I know this is a week old,but I just found out....... Dusty Rhodes WWE Legend Dies Exclusive Details 0611-dusty-rhodes-getty-01update_graphic_red_bar11:37 AM PT -- Officials tell us ... emergency personnel responded to Dusty's home in Orlando, FL at 5:56 AM Wednesday morning after getting...
  16. blasson

    HGH, cjc1295, ghrp-6

    What's the best way to run this? Been on HGH for about 5 weeks at 3ius/bed time. Started Sunday pinning the cjc1295 2x a week and the ghrp-6 3x a day morning. Before lunch after workout. (Makes me hungry as fuck too. I swear I can not eat enough to feel the void.. not even kidding) then pin...
  17. blasson

    GH Experts needed

    If you're going to take multiple GH shots a day over one large one pre-bed time. Is it better to take one immidately when you wake up over taking one around workouts? If around workouts, before or after? When is the best time to take the T4? Bedtime, morning, before workout?
  18. TSizemore

    SuperGirls new cycle

    Starting SuperGirl on her new cycle today. Going with 20mg Var (split am/pm) and 100mg wk Primo. Gonna run this for 10 wks and see how it goes. Blood work came back real good this morning
  19. V

    Acne control

    Hey bros, So I've started to break out pretty bad on my shoulders and back. I've never broke out like I am now. I shower after workouts and after work. I use some 2% salicyclic acid pads, clearasil, and some astringent. Not working. I dropped my test from 1gram to 750mg and deca from 500 to...
  20. Z82

    Cleanse drink every morning!!!!

    Going to start this tomorrow see how it goes for a while. Check it out! [attachment deleted by admin]