
  1. EG News

    ASK ANDY: ‘What kind of workout should I do if I only have 30 minutes a day?’

    So what’s the most effective workout if you only have 30 minutes to train? I love this question for several reasons: One, because it implies that the person is ready to commit to exercising every day — and consistency is the most important factor in creating change in how we look, feel, and...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Can Playing Help You Meet Your Weight-Loss Goals?

    The next time you’re on a playground, take a look around and see if any kids are jotting down data in their fitness logs about monkey bar distances or pullup attempts — or checking their trackers for optimal heart rate after sprinting over to their friends. Seems ridiculous, right? That’s...
  3. EG News

    Ms. Olympia Andrea Shaw Shares Biceps Training Tips on ‘FFF’

    Femme Flex Friday host Alina Popa decided that this week’s episode should hit the road. Well, the 2018 Rising Phoenix World Champion opted to hit the gym instead. She was joined by another champion bodybuilder, 2020 Ms. Olympia winner Andrea Shaw. Shaw was kind enough to share a few training...
  4. EG News

    Back to Basics: Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown

    Many of the greatest bodybuilders and physique athletes of all time used the wide grip lat pulldown as a staple in their back training routines. This cable movement may be simple to perform for most, but occasionally reviewing the little things can help you see new progress. Two-time NPC Mr...
  5. EG News

    Beginner's Guide to Building Your Own Workout Program

    Prostock-studio / Shutterstock People lift for a variety of reasons, whether it’s to increase mass, strength, power or some other factor. And the way they go about achieving their fitness goals is the source of debate across internet forums. Everything from ideal training splits, sets, reps...
  6. EG News

    The Gain Without Pain Workout

    Everybody is familiar with this expression. But if you suffer discomfort during a shoulder workout, it could spell trouble. What starts as a twinge can soon get worse, yet many gymgoers ignore it until the pain becomes intolerable. It’s a familiar tale. Shoulder injuries are among the most...
  7. BrotherIron

    Snatch pulls...

    Snatch Pulls~ This movement is much alike a wide gripped deadlift where you shrug high and hard at the top of the movement. This exercise works your legs, lower back, biceps, and of course your traps and upper back girdle. This movement is just the first pull of the Snatch which means you...
  8. EG News

    Mass-making machines

    morgan-aste.jpg Per Bernal Please allow me to put this particular discussion to bed here and now, because the truth is that both free weights and machines have their advantages and disadvantages, pros and cons. In fact, the strengths of one can often be said to be the weaknesses of the...
  9. F.I.S.T.

    Help In Mastering The Squat

    Help In Mastering The Squat Posted by DanWynesFitness Increase Your Gains By Gaining Strength On The Weaker Part Of The Lift! Everyone wants to improve a lift but how do you actually go about strengthening a specific area of the lift? Let’s take a Squat for example if you look at the...
  10. F.I.S.T.

    Is A Sports Injury Down To Bad Luck Or Bad Form?

    Dont remember where I saw this but have to make sure I state that I am not the author.LOL.Great info. Is A Sports Injury Down To Bad Luck Or Bad Form? If you suffer a non-contact sports injury when environmental conditions and previous injuries cannot be blamed, the cause is most...
  11. W

    Hammering Hamstrings

    Hammering Hamstrings. By: jdb3 (ISSA and ACE certified, trainer of competitiors and athletes, steroid abuser) Ever seen a great bodybuilder with massive quadriceps only to have a little stringy hamstring? It’s common, I would say nearly 80% of the people I train are quadriceps dominate in...