
  1. Thor

    Anyone intersested in a few peptides

    I hope this doesn't break any rules and if it does than I will erase it. Just wondering if anyone is interested in a few peptides, I know the owner of Sharp Peptides and will have access to his products. He only carries 5 items and they are legit, as a matter of fact a guy that he was working...
  2. Iron-Game

    Body mass blend & mk-677

    BIOSYNERGY BODY MASS UNIQUE PEPTIDE BLEND CONCEPT Lifetech Labs has combined the 2 most effective peptides GHRP-6 + CJC-1295 to create the most powerful peptide blend for mass bulking. PEPTIDE 1 – GHRP-6 Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide (GHRP-6) is a peptide in the growth factor family...
  3. Iron-Game

    Anti-aging - the performance way

    RECOVERY FOR GENERAL WELLBEING BIOSYNERGY ANTI-AGING UNIQUE PEPTIDE BLEND CONCEPT Lifetech Labs has combined the 2 most effective peptides Ipamorelin + Modified GRF (1-29) to create the most powerful peptide blend for anti-aging. PEPTIDE 1 – IPAMORELIN Ipamorelin is a growth hormone...
  4. Iron-Game

    Slim fit peptide blend

    BIOSYNERGY SLIM FIT® UNIQUE PEPTIDE BLEND CONCEPT Lifetech Labs has combined the 2 most effective peptides HGH FRAG 176-191 + Modified GRF (1-29) to create the most dynamic peptide blend for fat loss. PEPTIDE 1 – HGH FRAG 176-191 HGH Fragment [176-191] (also known as HGH Frag) is a modified...
  5. rboy101

    Whats your experience with sarms?

    what up fellas. i'm wanting to start a 15 week cutting cycle here in about 2 weeks or so and was looking into implementing some sarms in it. the one's im looking to stack with it are: S-4 andarine, GW-501516, and LGD -4033. Have any of you had experience with these? my cutting cycle as...
  6. R2D2

    Where do you guys go for your peptides?

    Looking for who has the best and most consistent quality. I've been using blue sky and their stuff seems to be working for me, but i'm a n00b to peps so i'm not 100% sure. any other suggestions?
  7. tunaman7

    Research chems

    Has there been a crackdown by FDA on Chem/Pep vendors? Dont seem to be quite as many.
  8. halfnatty

    Peptide package lost? By ups

    So I order some peptides from purchase peptides and it should've been here by now, I called ups and they are looking for my package. Should I be worried or should I be okay I mean I know they are legal to buy but you can't take but I'm freaking out can someone shine some light on this for me?
  9. halfnatty

    good research chem sites?

    Can you post some you like.
  10. I

    Need some pointers

    Alright here we go, I am about to come off a long 20 week cycle of test cyp and primobolan, i wanted to cruise and stay on test low at 250 a week but im deciding to try and do the right thing and let my body recoup and let me receptors clear up a bit. I want to know since i have my peptides on...
  11. luckyluke

    Peptides for women? Suggestions for Girl

    So My girl know I'm on juice. I got a doc that has prescribed me Test E& C and GHRP & GHRP 6 and the! Anyways, my girl has been a gym rat and never really asked about doing any AAS but is wanting now to try some peptides. Anyone have any experience on which ones...
  12. RockShawn

    A Look At High Dose Peptide Cycles

    This is a protocol to use a burst cycle of peptides to illicit Muscle Growth and Fat Loss. Peptides work differently in your test subject than AAS but the same or better results can be achieved with the right combination. IMO testosterone should be run at a low dose (250mg/wk) unless you are...
  13. 4everstrong

    HGH with peptides?

    Thinking about adding in some Peps with my GH. cjc-1295 NO DAC And GHRP-6. Im new to peptides. Never ran them before. How often do you inject these 2 peps? How long to run? What doses? Thanks brothers.
  14. A

    where to buy peptides?

    I know maxim peptide I want someone else they don't respond fast enouh
  15. Torres

    Peptides Help !!!

    Hey bros, I have a question about peptides !!! First off I have to say that this time around is my 2nd time using peptides. Basically GHRP 6 and CJC no Dac !!! I have to say that it makes me feel better, makes my hunger go thru the roof, and gives me all around well being. But I've heard that...
  16. krustus

    igf, mod grf, impam ... can i shoot all of them together?

    i'm about to start my igf lr3 run... but i already use ipamorelin and mod grf . can i draw them all up in them same syringe after workout to shoot or are they incompatible... might disrupt one or the other?
  17. J

    Bang for. buck

    Sent from my LG-MS770 would it be a good idea to run peptides between cycles to help keep gains, or do they need to be run year round? And what peptides do you think balance costs with results?
  18. Paulrockr


    Alright I don't want spoon feeding , trying to wrap my head around the peptides... Any of y'all run CJC 1295 w/o DAC and GHRP-6 ? I've read a lot of stuff over the last few months and from what I can see its more of a leaner. Nothing I read really puts it in lehmans terms. I need English ...
  19. D

    Best arsenal for getting shredded?

    Im putting together my next cycle, and am looking to lean out as much as possible. Im going to try a low test/ high tren/ mast run that ive read about... But aside from that, what do you guys feel leans you out the best? Im going to do all long esters because i prefer less pinning and am fine...

    What are peptides?

    Peptides are chains of amino acids joined by what chemists call amide bonds, although biologists typically call them peptide bonds instead. Large peptides are called proteins and are ubiquitous — all forms of life on Earth have proteins. The term peptide is usually though not invariably reserved...