
  1. EG News

    Master the Medium Sumo Deadlift To Prevent Recurring Injuries

    These days, the deadlift is a fan favorite among gymgoers, and that’s a good thing. It’s not broscience, either. The amount of reach a deadlift has compared to many other lifts is incomparable. It’s one of the most primitive movement patterns ever, but it’s responsible for training so many...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    The New One-Day Arm Cure

    An Insane Plan for Biceps & Triceps Train your arms all day long. Well, sorta. Here's how to pack on size, even if you have limited equipment. Want to make some real biceps and triceps gains? Want to overcome an arm growth plateau that’s plagued you for years? Try the infamous one-day arm cure...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    4 Surprising Ways Posture Affects Health

    Bad Posture Can Make You Sick Poor energy, poor endurance, bad digestion, acid reflux, TMJ problems, and even low self-esteem could all be caused by the way you stand or sit. Forward head posture can add significant stress to your muscles and joints. You know that. But the benefits of improving...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    13 Tricks for Perfect Exercise Form Better Form, Better Results

    WHAT'S A CUE? A cue is just a short prompt or phrase that quickly reminds you of good exercise form. If you're not thinking about following the right cues when lifting, you might not be getting the most out of your training. Here are 13 of the most bang-for-your-buck technical cues. 1 ▶️...
  5. 01dragonslayer


    To build your biceps, like any muscle, you'll need to work them through their full contractile range. This means doing a variety of exercises that'll overload them in all positions: shortened, lengthened, and mid-range. Incline dumbbell bicep curls are what most people use for the lengthened...
  6. EG News

    3 Form Fixes to Help Fix Your Bad Squat Form

    With all the different guides on exercising it can be very overwhelming for anybody and squatting is one of those exercises high on the list that everyone has an opinion on. There’s the basic how to’s, what’s a good squat form, and what’s a bad squat form, and the countless tips on how to fix...
  7. EG News

    The Captain’s Chair Exercise and Workout For Rock Hard Abs

    Not to pin one exercise against another, but when it comes to building a 6-pack, (while protecting your back), the captain’s chair remains dominant. “Also called a Roman Chair, the captain chair is a piece of equipment you’ll see standing against a wall somewhere in most gyms,” says Michael...
  8. EG News

    Top 9 Olympic Lift Alternatives For Helping Increase Stability and Power

    When it comes to Olympic lifting, it’s about more than just the time you spend under the bar performing snatches and clean and jerks. You can hone the strength, stability, and technique required for these lifts through various olympic lift alternatives that don’t involve actual Olympic lifts...
  9. EG News

    The Best Methods to Squat and Deadlift For Short and Tall Lifters

    People aren’t quick to admit that like many competitive sports, there’s an “ideal body type” for weight training success. Anyone can get a training effect from lifting weights, but leverages and skeletal build can help (or hurt) an individual tremendously when it comes to having a mechanical...
  10. EG News

    Extend Your Core Strength By Performing the Ab Rollout Correctly

    Numerous exercises claim to improve core strength, often dominating social media, each asserting to be the ultimate solution for core gains. While some of these claims may be true, others are not. However, the Ab Rollout, a tried and tested exercise, stands out for its proven effectiveness...
  11. EG News

    How and Why You Should Add Reverse Nordic Curls to Your Legday Workout

    The quadriceps are one of the largest muscle groups on your body, and almost every compound, lower body movement is going to involve them to some degree. From big lifts like a squat or deadlift pattern, assistance exercises like a lunge or leg press, or even “glute-focused” patterns like...
  12. 01dragonslayer

    Back and Biceps with Jeremy Buendia!

    BUILD A THICKER BACK AND BIGGER BICEPS WITH THIS MULTIFACETED, FREE-WEIGHT WORKOUT. There’s a fine line to walk on those one or two days a week you find yourself hitting back and/or biceps: Don’t overthink it by getting too cute with novel exercises, but don’t be so predictable that your...
  13. 01dragonslayer

    6 Weeks To Be Your Best!

    A raw, full-body six-week workout that will get your body rock solid. By Sarah L. Chadwell, NASM-CPT Want to get jacked and lean super fast? Get back to basics with a full-body, push-pull split workout. With this plan, you execute a targeted exercise for each muscle which results in...
  14. 01dragonslayer

    The Top 10 Best Side Delt Exercises

    What Are the Side Delts? The deltoid muscles—or “delts”—are the muscles that cover your shoulder joints and help your upper arms move forward, backward, and out to the side. Each deltoid is made up of three sections or “heads:” the anterior deltoid, the lateral deltoid, and the posterior...
  15. 01dragonslayer

    9 Best Deadlift Tips

    HERE'S WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW... To build the deadlift, prioritize the squat for 6 weeks while not pulling heavy at all. Powerlifter Dan Green's number one deadlift tip is to regularly perform the stiff-leg deadlift. Mike Tuchscherer recommends building the deadlift by pausing at the bottom of...
  16. EG News

    No Leg Press, No Problem—Use a Stability Ball Instead

    The leg press gets a lot of love and hate. On the advantage side is the fixed range of motion, and your stable trunk takes core stability out of the equation. These two factors allow lifters to move massive weights. The fixed ROM and increased stability are a godsend for lifters who suffer from...
  17. EG News

    Why Wrist Position Matters When it Comes to Building Strength and Muscle

    Tiny tweaks in your wrist position when pumping iron can result in impressive muscular improvements. “It is often overlooked how a simple change in hand placement can make a difference in muscular results,” explains Natalie Wolfe, NASM, CPT. Without having to change an actual exercise, “Simply...
  18. 01dragonslayer

    Beyond Biceps: Build Legs With This Bar

    Beyond Biceps Build Legs With This Bar Beyond Biceps Build Legs With This Bar 4 Effective Lower-Body Exercises It’s not just for curls. Use the EZ-bar for classic leg exercises and set fire to your quads, hams, and glutes. Here’s how. Every gym has an EZ-curl bar 21, and it’s not just for arm...
  19. 01dragonslayer


    Bending down to pick up a barbell in front of the body places great demands on your ankles, hips, and spine to get into the right position that's conducive to spinal integrity. I rarely have clients deadlift with a straight bar. There are plenty of safer alternatives for non-powerlifters that...
  20. 01dragonslayer


    The landmine Romanian deadlift (RDL) offers a lot. Done right, it can work your hamstrings harder than most other deadlifts and it's kinder to your lower back. Here's how to get the most from them, and how to solve all your landmine grip issues. THE BENEFITS There are a bunch of ways to do...