
  1. 01dragonslayer

    The 7 Types of Muscle Gainers

    Hardgainers, Freaks, and You Are you a hardgainer, a freak, or one of the other 5 types of muscle gainers? Find out here and learn how to lift if you're not gifted. There are seven different kinds of muscle gainers. The term “hardgainer” describes someone who has a poor genetic response to...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    The Best Rep Schemes

    Loading Schemes for Optimal Progress Four smart rep schemes you can apply to almost any workout. “You know what I like about training with you, Thibaudeau? At the end of the workout I have the feeling that I accomplished something.” To me, that statement best exemplifies what productive...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    Genetic Limits and Muscle Migration

    Are Hardcore Gains Worth It? Still trying to be the biggest dude in the gym? Once you've reached your muscular potential, your body will fight back. Here's what to do when it does. What’s more important: continuing to pile on muscle or aging well? That’s the question dedicated lifters need to...
  4. EG News

    Sumo Dan Shares How Sumo Wrestlers Eat

    If a fitness feature is going to share a story of a man that lost 100 pounds, it would usually be about celebration and triumph. Dan Kalbfleisch, better known to the sumo wrestling community as “Sumo Dan,” has done just that, but there isn’t as much celebrating going on as you might expect when...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    The 7 Types of Muscle Gainers

    Hardgainers, Freaks, and You Are you a hardgainer, a freak, or one of the other 5 types of muscle gainers? Find out here and learn how to lift if you're not gifted. There are seven different kinds of muscle gainers. The term “hardgainer” describes someone who has a poor genetic response to...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    The Body Composition Supplement

    A Fat Burner that Boosts Testosterone This natural supplement does what most can't: it boosts fat loss and muscle gains at the same time. The catch? You have to use the right form of it. Would you rather gain or lose seven pounds? That's a dumb question, right? Seven pounds of what exactly...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    10 Rules for Building Muscle Without Getting Fat

    Build Your Biceps, Not Your Belly Here are 10 strategies to help you do what was once thought to be impossible: growing muscle without growing your belly. Building muscle without getting fat isn't complicated, but many lifters search endlessly for the best new method or secret. The truth is...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    The 10 Rules of Gains

    Follow the Rules, Build Size and Strength Stick to these rules to build size and strength. There's no way you won't grow! Follow these rules and you’ll build muscle and strength. Period. This is the best way to optimize workout quality. Each day off allows you to maximize recovery and growth...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    Why Do Sumo Deadlifts Seem Easier Than Conventional Deadlifts?

    This article is a follow-up to an older article on the site: Should you Deadlift Conventional or Sumo? If you haven’t read it already, you should at least give it a quick skim before reading this article – this article is written with the assumption that readers are already familiar with the...
  10. 01dragonslayer

    How to Squat More: How I Went From Squatting 175 pounds to 350+ in 16 Weeks

    written by JAMES CLEAR STRENGTH TRAINING Ilove squats — and you should too. Squats have made me a better athlete. Squats have made me stronger, leaner, and more explosive. Squats have made me more mentally tough and more resistant to injury. Given all of those benefits, you may be wondering...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    Middle Age Muscle: Let's Get Real

    How to Keep Building Muscle After 40 How much muscle can a natural, advanced lifter build after 40? I’d love to tell you they can keep building tons of muscle, but it’d be a lie. Here are the hurtful facts about muscle gain and aging. But don’t panic! I’ll also provide five tips to make the...
  12. 01dragonslayer


    Follow these rules and you just can't fail at adding muscle and strength. So why don't we see more people using this approach? Because people love shiny new things and have the attention spans of wasps. At some point, you must make a decision. What matters most to you when it comes to training...
  13. 01dragonslayer


    If you walk into the gym most days and you're thinking about what to watch during dinner instead of focusing on the lifting that's about to happen, you need to refocus with some serious changes ASAP. Here's what to do. 1 Grab a Calendar Now count out 12 weeks from today and put a giant X on the...
  14. EG News

    Small Steps Lead to Big Progress When You Train Like Arnold

    My “Train Like Arnold” Challenge is coming down the home stretch. After a workout in the middle of week four of the Arnold Challenge, I decided to check my progress. In my mind, I had taken steps in the right direction, and I was getting stronger. My endurance was improving as well. After...
  15. 01dragonslayer

    The Rule Of Body Fat Percentage When Building Muscle Mass

    Twenty and Under: The Rule Of Body Fat Percentage When Building Muscle Mass Everybody wants to add a ton of muscle "mass" to their frame, but the word "mass" means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. If you're reigning Mr. Olympia Phil Heath, then adding mass would mean...
  16. 01dragonslayer

    Pain And Performance; Production And Profit

    Charles Staley, Strength Training, 5 I recently received a question from a client who asked: — “Question. I’m going to specialize in people over 50. Do you think a mini EDT PR Zone like five minutes is appropriate for older people? I know some people would just want to do one set to almost...
  17. 01dragonslayer

    One Tip To Transform Your Bench Press

    There are two things that almost every lifter in the weight room cares about: growing their chest and increasing their bench. Fortunately, if you focus on one, you can usually improve the other. Although strength is usually a bigger priority for powerlifters, bodybuilders can also benefit from...
  18. 01dragonslayer

    Beyond Sets And Reps: A Look At Training Volume

    What is the best rep range to use for muscle building? Well, what I am about to say might surprise you: There is no magical rep range. There are reasonable ranges, but at the end of the day as long as you aren't trying to turn weight training into an aerobic activity, most rep ranges between 5...
  19. 01dragonslayer

    Squats and Milk, And Then Some

    You’ve probably heard of the squats and milk program. It's been around for over 50 years, and is a very effective approach to packing on muscle mass. On squats and milk, you train 3 times a week – Monday, Wednesday and Friday – performing a 20-rep squat set, immediately followed by a light...
  20. 01dragonslayer

    Natural Muscle Building: A Look At Potential, Genetics & Arm Size

    How much muscle can you add naturally? What arm size can you expect? Is it even possible to know the answers to these questions? Find out in this complete guide to natural bodybuilding genetics. This Guide Teaches You: About the genetics of top natural bodybuilders, past and present. How...