I know this is a long article but it has lots of really great information in it with much research backing it up utilizing real test subjects as the data being based on.So take your time and read it a little at a time.LOL
Destroying the Myth About Testosterone Replacement and Prostate Cancer...
I just added Mast P to my Tren A, NPP, barely any Test cycle! My Endo asked my how tha hell I can get add 24 pounds and get leaner (not as leaner as I would like, Thyroid is not helping at all)
My question is, does Mast P has diuretic properties? I been holding a bit of water, since I...
I'm new here and need cycle and life advice. I've made poor life decisions and am paying dearly for it. :)
Seriously, I feel like a noob back here. I've had some health issues that led to a lot of stress and worry as well as lethargy and forgetfulness so it has been a battle to keep sane. In...
Hey guys, i been having issue lately, but im only fucking 25 yrs old! I dont know if this is normal. I always feel like i got to piss, get up alot at night to piss and sometimes have the urge, but when i get to the toilet it takes forever to start up, kinda bugging me out, anyone have this and...
ok guys pretty sure i have an enlarged prostate based on frequent urination, inability to empty bladder completely, etc
life extension Super Saw Palmetto with Beta-Sitosterol, thinking about trying this?
would love to hear first hand experience