
  1. EG News

    These 5 Partial ROM Exercises Will Get You Back To Full Strength

    Back in the 1800s, strongmen used a partial range of motion (ROM) exercises to impress the crowds with their feats of strength. Those old-school, strongman show-offs knew they could lift more weight, but the enthusiastic crowds didn’t know. Then partial range of motion exercises became all the...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    How to Train Your Back the Right Way

    You need to feel it. Guys get wrapped up in these half-assed rows and shrugs, and if there is any body part where people use momentum more than muscle power, it's back! Let's first talk about the mistakes that are the most common. Then we will shed some light on good back techniques that are...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    Master The 4 Rules Of Back Specialization

    When building a bigger back, it makes no difference what your ultimate goal is—your back should have the strength and density to both show and go. This means you have to devote some special attention to training this massive body part. If your back looms as the weakest part of your game, you...
  4. R2D2

    Got my bloodwork back

    CARDIAC RISK(chol,trig,hdl,ldl) NAME VALUE REFERENCE RANGE F CHOL 161 0-199 (mg/dL) - >18 years old F TRIGS 48 0-149 (mg/dL) F HDL 45 >39 (mg/dL) - Effective June 8, 2020, the reference range has changed. Previously 35-75 mg/dl F CHOL/HDL Ratio 4 (RATIO) F...
  5. J

    Workout style

    Whats your workout style? High reps? Low Reps? Heavy weight? Light weight? I've recently gotten into high reps and light weight.
  6. EG News

    5 key workout principles from maxx charles

    [Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]:https://cdn-ami-drupal.heartyhosting.com/sites/muscleandfitness.com/files/styles/full_node_image_1090x614/public/media/maxx-charles-1109.jpg?itok=1aHcMFs7&timestamp=1553618097 Per Bernal / M+F Magazine Maxx Charles has fielded his fair share of...
  7. GRIM

    Gym fail madness

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghfGdEilxZg
  8. EG News

    When Size and Symmetry Collide

    QUESTION I have a 29" waist, but my goal is to keep packing on as much size as I can to all my bodyparts. My friends warn me that I’m getting too big and am destroying my symmetry and balance. I train because I truly love iron-jaw workouts, but are they ruining me? ANSWER During my...
  9. EG News

    Arnold Schwarzenegger's Calf-Building Routine

    Arnold’s calves were even more fantastic than his biceps or his pecs. Bear with me here. I know how stupendous his arms and chest were when he won seven Olympias. Fans may not have even noticed his lower legs, and they don’t appear in most iconic photos. But his calves were superb—huge...
  10. krustus

    blood draining at home

    my wife is a RN... and said she would do it... any of you guys do blood letting at home... since i can't donate but every 8 weeks. i would like to do it every 4 weeks when blasting. to keep my blood numbers in line. maybe only take half a pint at home... and see how my blood numbers look?
  11. tbonexl

    Getting ready to start a new cycle

    I've been off for awhile and I'm getting ready to start a new cycle. I currently have a good amount of test e and mast. I am wanting to pick up tren ace and eq also. I was going to run test kinda high but I'm rethinking that idea. Might keep it in the 5-600 range. I've never ran mast before...