
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Scale Fluctuations Are Annoying. Here’s What’s Going On

    On a scale of stubbing your toe and being punched in the face by Mike Tyson, scale weight fluctuations are probably a, hmmm, oh I dunno, sliced to a thousand pieces by a Samurai. While that may seem highly hyperbolic, weight fluctuations on the scale can make or break someone’s day, week, and...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    How to Use RPE, RIR, and Percentages In Your Training

    How hard should you train? It is a question that is debated a lot in fitness circles. On the one hand, you have an old-school bodybuilding approach of training instinctively or simply pushing everything to failure. Workouts like this leave little need for quantifying how challenging a set...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    20 MyFitnessPal Tips to Help You Lose Weight

    By Matt Weik How many of you tried to diet only to fail? You grocery shopped for what you thought were healthy food items, you stopped eating out, you started exercising, and even checked to make sure the batteries in your scale were working properly. Yet, the numbers on the scale never...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    Weight Fluctuations Are Infuriating: Here’s Why They Happen

    By: Matt Weik Have you ever jumped on the scale and the number on the screen just about made your head explode? You look down and wonder how the heck you've gained weight after you've worked so hard all week to burn off stubborn body fat and lose weight. Weight fluctuations are enough to make...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    Fat Loss: Why The Scale Isn’t the Best Measure of Progress

    When it comes to determining fat loss results, the scale doesn't tell the whole story. Learn the shortcomings of scale weighing and better alternatives. You’re working hard on your diet and hitting the gym regularly. You’re excited about the results you’re about to receive. But when it comes to...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    If Dieting Won't Get You Lean, What Will?

    I used to only care about numbers on the scale, letting my weight motivate me rather than how healthy I felt. I dieted to lose weight on the scale, and exercised to burn calories rather than building calorie-burning muscle. At 5-foot-6, I set a goal of being 120 pounds. This number fell at the...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    Why Your Weight Fluctuates

    If you are a fan of weighing yourself every day, you probably see the number on the scale change every time you step on it from day to day. Maybe you did actually lose or gain, but more likely, your weight is reflective of something less impactful; simple fluctuations in your daily life. If you...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    Should You Weigh Yourself? 3 Signs to Step Off the Scale

    About a decade ago, I quit smoking a pack a day and started eating a pint of ice cream every day instead. After six months of being fueled by cookie-dough varieties and whimsical Ben & Jerry’s choices, I ditched the frozen treats as well. Although I was proud of finally giving up both...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    How Water Weight Affects Weight Loss

    When you’re working toward a weight-loss goal, stepping on the scale and discovering you’re a few pounds lighter can motivate you to keep focusing on healthy habits. However, fluctuations on the scale could be due to water weight and not fat loss. Here’s how to know if your efforts are paying...
  10. 01dragonslayer

    How Can Muscle Weigh More Than Fat?

    Chances are someone told you “muscle weighs more than fat” as an encouraging explanation for why you sometimes gain weight after adding strength training to a fitness routine. It’s also cited as a reason for why some people hit a weight-loss plateau. But a pound of muscle can’t weigh more than a...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    How Can You Overcome a Weight-Loss Plateau?

    Four words we hope to avoid at all costs when trying to shed pounds and slim back into shape: I’ve hit a plateau. Like the image conveys, you’re climbing, climbing, climbing toward your weight-loss goal and suddenly all numerical progress comes to a screeching halt and levels off — or so it...
  12. 01dragonslayer

    5 Times You Should Ignore the Scale

    Experts are torn about whether or not you should weigh yourself daily. The number on the scale is just one piece of the puzzle and doesn’t always accurately represent progress and overall wellness. “Being healthy means you’re nourishing your body with quality foods, you’re focused on exercise...
  13. 01dragonslayer

    5 Motivating Ways to Measure Weight-Loss Success

    When you’re trying to lose weight, an obvious measure of success is seeing the number on the scale drop. But weigh-ins can also frustrate or intimidate some people, and may not be the best method for everyone. “Your weight naturally fluctuates throughout the day, so that can be a poor measure...
  14. 01dragonslayer

    14 Sneaky Offenders That Cause Weight Fluctuations

    Stepping on the scale can be a stressful experience when you’re trying to lose weight (or even just maintain your weight). Every little up and down can feel like it makes a big difference. When you’re working toward a weight-loss goal, it’s normal to be watching the number on the scale like a...
  15. 01dragonslayer

    The Simple Tool That Can Prevent Overeating

    The ability to feel hunger and fullness is a quality we were each born with. Babies and little kids don’t need to be told how much milk or food they need to consume to stay healthy; instead, when they are satisfied, they become disinterested in food and simply stop eating. As adults, it’s harder...
  16. 01dragonslayer

    14 Sneaky Offenders That Cause Weight Fluctuations

    Stepping on the scale can be a stressful experience when you’re trying to lose weight (or even just maintain your weight). Every little up and down can feel like it makes a big difference. When you’re working toward a weight-loss goal, it’s normal to be watching the number on the scale like a...
  17. 01dragonslayer

    5 Motivating Ways to Measure Weight-Loss Success

    When you’re trying to lose weight, an obvious measure of success is seeing the number on the scale drop. But weigh-ins can also frustrate or intimidate some people, and may not be the best method for everyone. “Your weight naturally fluctuates throughout the day, so that can be a poor measure...
  18. 01dragonslayer

    Why Vacationing Can Help Your Weight-Loss Journey

    Vacation is supposed to be fun and relaxing, but it can be easy to feel stressed if you’re just getting started with a new exercise and weight-loss plan. If you’re away from home, you’re probably going out to eat more, trying more unfamiliar foods and experiencing uncertainty about having time...
  19. EG News

    What does rpe mean and how can i use it?

    [Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]: aywan88 Lifters looking to be wiser about their workouts, while...
  20. Torres

    Raws !!!

    I have in my possession Raws of Dbol, Nolvadex, and Proviron , but don't know what to do with them. I was thinking about a trade but then I was thinking of just taking and using it , maybe like alittle at a time , like the Dbol and Proviron , but not sure how to break it up to use it . Any ideas ???