
  1. EG News

    The Dumbbell Chest and Shoulder Workout For Bigger Muscles

    When building a strong, chiseled upper body, you don’t need a lot of equipment—what you really need is a great chest and shoulder workout routine and just one piece of equipment. That’s where the beauty of a one-piece workout comes in, and we’re focusing on one of the most versatile tools in the...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Shoulder Shocker

    Powerful delts are essential for athletes, but the shoulder joint is prone to injury. Increase the health of your shoulders to increase the size of your delts. Paul is in trouble. His body was already banged up from years in the ring, and now this: an injury while filming a movie. The doctor...
  3. EG News

    Phil Heath’s Giant Set for Wider Shoulders

    Those who seek to improve their physique know that wider shoulders are a must if you want to cast a more imposing shadow. Fortunately, Phil Heath, has a ‘Gift’ for those who want to learn how he built himself broad enough to win seven Mr. Olympia titles, so you can try it too. “You can actually...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    The Safest Chest Press

    THE DUMBBELL FLOOR PRESS This is a staple exercise for many lifters. The floor press is simply bench pressing lying on the floor. This will reduce the range of motion compared to the regular bench press because the elbows stop when they hit the floor. You could argue that this might be a more...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    13 Tricks for Perfect Exercise Form Better Form, Better Results

    WHAT'S A CUE? A cue is just a short prompt or phrase that quickly reminds you of good exercise form. If you're not thinking about following the right cues when lifting, you might not be getting the most out of your training. Here are 13 of the most bang-for-your-buck technical cues. 1 ▶️...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    How to Use Your Lats in the Squat, Bench Press, and Deadlift

    My lats locked the weight out for me… I’m now one of the only people in the world to deadlift 4x my bodyweight It was a momentous occasion and one that helped me progress as both a lifter and a coach. Now, years later, I not only understand how to use my lats in the squat, bench press, and...
  7. EG News

    Get the Most Out of Lateral Raises By Eliminating These 4 Mistakes

    Some lifters write off exercises as ineffective because they don’t see the benefits or could be doing them better. Lateral raises fall into both categories because let’s be honest they maybe performing lateral raise mistakes. You all know that to get popping delts and bolder shoulders, a heavy...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    Capped Delts, Healthy Joints: A Complete Workout

    Healthy Shoulders Grow Faster Adopt this workout structure today. Not only will your delts grow faster, but you’ll also reduce the wear and tear on your joints. Here are five things to start doing, plus a full workout plan. 1. Train Your Rear Delts First Don’t be one of those people with a...
  9. 01dragonslayer


    For a long time I used a shortened range of motion when curling. I believed that it was important to keep the biceps under constant tension and so I avoided going all the way up. Then Paul Carter convinced me to try adding the last portion of the curl: the shoulder flexion. When the arm is fully...
  10. 01dragonslayer


    Want healthier shoulders, better posture, and a bigger bench press? Do band pull-aparts. In a world of constant sitting and looking at computer screens, many fall victim to protracted shoulders and slouching. You're probably slouching right now as you're reading this. A simple solution...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    4 Resistance Band Workouts You Can Do at Home

    Resistance bands are versatile pieces of workout equipment that can make almost any exercise easier or more challenging. In this article, we'll give you five reasons why resistance-band workouts should be part of your overall fitness regimen. We’ll also list four resistance-band exercises you...
  12. 01dragonslayer


    Getting results is hard enough when you're healthy. It's damn near impossible when you're battling your own body. Pain puts the brakes on your body's ability to move and perform. But if the big lifts hurt you, you can still make progress. Here's how to make simple modifications to three common...
  13. 01dragonslayer

    6 Ways to Build Shoulders That Don't Wanna Grow

    NEW WAYS TO BUILD SHOULDERS It can be tough to build shoulders once you're past the newbie phase. Many lifters are tempted to double down on barbell overhead press or add weight to exercises that are already beating up their joints. Doing more of the same and expecting different results is...
  14. 01dragonslayer

    6 Pulling Exercises for Gains & Healthy Shoulders

    Make Your Shoulders Bulletproof Fix Your Shoulders With Pulling Exercises Whether your goal is to build a jacked upper body or crush a bench PR 23, you have to push some serious weight to accomplish it. And if you’ve been training hard for years, your shoulders are probably feeling those heavy...
  15. 01dragonslayer

    Barbell Back Squat Form: Are Your Tight Shoulders Getting in the Way?

    When it comes to barbell back squats, have you ever wondered if you have the shoulder mobility to squat properly? Sometimes your shoulder mobility is what is throwing off your squat form. Keep reading to learn how to determine if your shoulders are too tight and how to fix them so you can squat...
  16. 01dragonslayer

    Build your shoulders with dumbbells!

    Do you need to raise your shoulders? Are your hands sweaty? Is your back grumbling about all of your shoulder twisting and pulling? If this is the case, it may be time for a shoulder exercise. Your shoulders are natural and auxiliary upper-body complex muscles that support your arms, back, and...
  17. 01dragonslayer

    9 Reasons Why You Can't Build Big Shoulders

    Do you want wide, meaty, broad shoulders but have failed at every attempt? Do you chalk it up to bad genetics or a lack of the newest piece of gym equipment? Have you tried everything in the book when it comes to shoulder training without an ounce of new muscle to show for it? Well, it may not...
  18. 01dragonslayer

    Barbell Back Squat Form: Are Your Tight Shoulders Getting in the Way?

    When it comes to barbell back squats, have you ever wondered if you have the shoulder mobility to squat properly? Sometimes your shoulder mobility is what is throwing off your squat form. Keep reading to learn how to determine if your shoulders are too tight and how to fix them so you can squat...
  19. 01dragonslayer

    Round Shoulders and Pumped Arms

    Seated Plate-Loaded Press Machine 3 Sets Of 8-10, 1 Backoff Set Of 12-15 Choose a unilateral machine to work each side separately and even out any imbalances. If you don’t have this machine, you can use dumbbells instead. Warm-up with some lighter weight and then hit 3 heavy sets of 8-10 reps...
  20. EG News

    These 3 Lateral Raise Variations Will Add Plenty of Pop to Your Delts

    Compound pulling and pushing movements like overhead presses and rowing variations are essential when you want big, strong, and muscular delts. These moves will add size and strength to your delts so that you can look great in those form-fitting shirts. But these compound moves predominantly...