
  1. EG News

    Train the Olympia Way: Shoulders

    You’ve likely heard the phrase “head and shoulders” above the rest. In bodybuilding, if you want to be at the top of the lineup, then the a pair of boulder shoulders are definitely required. Round and wide delts are a must if you want to be the last man standing at the Olympia — or if you want...
  2. EG News

    Three Exercises to Prime Your Upper Body for the Gym

    When we’re on a gym hiatus we need to take care of our upper body. Training posterior muscles such as our back, scapular muscles, and deltoids is crucial for maintaining good posture and avoiding the “hunched shoulders” effect. If our posture becomes rounded from inactivity, it will force our...
  3. EG News

    How To Develop Your Middle Back Muscles

    I was a big fan of the late Nasser El Sonbaty. He was a big, strong, pro bodybuilder, winner of several Grands Prix and the Arnold Classic. Good as he was, I noticed on weakness in his physique: Nasser had huge lats, but when he hit a back-double biceps post his upper middle back seemed...
  4. EG News

    Dexter Jackson's Simple and Effective Workout For Bigger Shoulders

    Kevin Horton / M+F Magazine Dexter “The Blade” Jackson turned pro by winning the light-heavyweight and overall at the 1998 North American Championships, and throughout his career, the 235-pounder has used his flawless proportions, shape, and otherworldly conditioning to overcome foes who...
  5. BrotherIron

    Snatch pulls...

    Snatch Pulls~ This movement is much alike a wide gripped deadlift where you shrug high and hard at the top of the movement. This exercise works your legs, lower back, biceps, and of course your traps and upper back girdle. This movement is just the first pull of the Snatch which means you...
  6. EG News

    The pullup-pushup workout routine that can be done anywhere

    [Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]: eclipse_images / Getty Army bases, city parks, church gyms, and state prisons are...
  7. EG News

    The ultimate workout for wider, stronger shoulders

    [Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]: Tauseef Asri / M+F Magazine Olympic and professional athletes have...
  8. EG News

    Get fast results with centr’s 20-minute hiit workout used by chris hemsworth

    [Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]: Courtesy of Centr Looking to get fit, fast? Look no further! My...
  9. EG News

    The back-to-basics delt workout for bigger shoulders

    [Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]: Per Bernal / M+F Magazine The gym is your playground. Use everything it has to...
  10. EG News

    The arnold press workout finisher for ripped shoulders

    What Is It: The Arnold press—made famous by seven-time Mr. Olympia Arnold Schwarzenegger—is a compound movement that combines a dumbbell shoulder press with a rotation at the bottom. But here, Jennifer Romanelli, a personal trainer and the co-owner of Trooper Fitness in New York City, gives it...
  11. EG News

    Bikini competitor darah diaz's routine for sexy, sculpted shoulders

    [Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]: Edgar Artiga IFBB bikini pro Darah Diaz is a rising star in the fitness community...
  12. EG News

    How to keep your shoulders healthy and pain-free at any age

    Per Bernal The Problem Chest and delt training are wrecking your shoulder joints, but you still want to be able to press decent weight without going under the knife. The Solution If your shoulders are killing you, go see an orthopedic doctor and have him or her rule out surgery (hopefully)...
  13. EG News

    2 overhead squat wods for shoulder, leg, and core strength

    Per Bernal The people who say squatting is bad for your knees are usually the same ones screaming about how overhead squatting is bad for your back. It’s only “bad” if you want your lower back to remain weak and unstable and you prefer the rounded shoulders that every desk jockey on the planet...
  14. EG News

    Shock stubborn muscles into growth

    QUESTION Coach Merlin, I have read in articles and seen in videos that you generally recommend training most muscle groups once per week, except in the case of a lagging area, where you suggest one full workout and one “mini” workout. Can you provide an example of how you might set this up if...
  15. EG News

    Giant shoulders

    One of the best ways to develop your delts and get full 360-degree growth is to run a circuit routine, otherwise known as a giant set, that consists of four basic exercises to start. Of course, as your shoulder development becomes more advanced and your strength and muscular endurance increase...
  16. EG News

    Boost your bench

    Jason Breeze HOW MUCH CAN YOU BENCH? The question is asked of anyone even slightly buffer than Justin Bieber. Of course, it doesn’t ultimately matter in bodybuilding, which is all about muscle and not at all about metal. Still, even Flex Lewis spends a lot more time in gyms than on stages. And...
  17. EG News

    King kong shoulders

    harold-kelley2.jpg Ian Spanier The IFBB wheelchair division has been hitting new heights every year since its inception, propelled by the inspiring onstage presence of the competing athletes. Harold Kelley is not only a shining example of the division’s growth but also the most dominant...
  18. GRIM

    do you stretch?

    I dont ever
  19. EG News

    Bigger, Broader, Stronger Shoulders

    A strong symmetrical set of shoulders play a crucial role onstage by helping to create the illusion of a smaller waist and enhance the coveted V-taper. Offstage, broad shoulders create a more commanding presence and are recruited for virtually every upper-body compound movement. Overdevelopment...
  20. F.I.S.T.

    Top 3 Shoulder Exercises

    Top 3 Shoulder Exercises Posted by ohawkey Turn Your Shoulder Into Boulders! There’s nothing more impressive than a set of big, round shoulders. Having big shoulders helps widen and create the V-Taper (broad shoulders, wide back, and a narrow waist.) A lot of...