
  1. Thesuperwallaby

    Newbie cycle

    Ok, a friend of mine wants me to plan a cycle for him he is concerned about sides About 5,11 175 Approx 15% bf I'm thinking 12 week run 6 week dbol kickstart 25mg ed And 100mg prop eod 1-12 Going with prop cuz the dude is super freaked about sides so I figure he can quit faster this way Pct...

    cycle questions.

    OK so I am planning ahead for my next cycle... want some input and ideas.. So I am thinking something along these lines.. oil test E 1-22 6-800 week deca 1-12 ????? not sure the dose to run was thinking around 4-600mg WK EQ 1-22 8-1000 week tren 16-22 not sure if I want to run ace or E...
  3. back4more

    Best Tren for bulking??

    Do you prefer Tren A. or Tren E. for bulking?
  4. F


    How many Mgs should I run if I need to run caber w/tren?
  5. F

    how much tren

    Is 200 Mg of tren e enough if its my first cycle with tren or should I use more? Im runnin 650 test e with it.
  6. F

    1st tren cycle

    I start my 1st tren cycle tomorrow. I'll run test w/it I was thinkin 500/600mg The tren is E 200 Ive got my ai but is there anything else I need on hand?