BCSO Captain Faith Bell holds a bag of steroid pills in front of about $1 million of homemade steroids seized during the discovery of a steroid lab Friday in Panama City Beach. "This amount here would be a good bust for us," she said, referring to the bag. "To see all this here is mind-boggling...
Police bust steroid lab
December 11, 2012 - 11:47AM
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Bridie Jabour
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One thousand vials of steroids have been seized on the Gold Coast in a raid on what police believe to be a steroid laboratory.
Police say two people are in custody after...
I'm sure that if you have taken an interest in anabolic steroids you have noticed the similarities on the labeling of many drugs. Let's look at testosterone for example. One can find compounds like testosterone cypionate , enanthate , propionate , heptylate...
Reported Characteristics
Active-Life: About 5-7 Days
Drug Class: Androgenic/Anabolic Steroid (For Injection)
Average Dosage: Men: 76-228mg weekly; Women: 76mg weekly (but, should not use)
Acne: Rare
Water Retention: Rare, usually none
High blood Pressure: Rare
Liver Toxic: Yes...
Winstrol (stanozolol)
Quick overview:
Active Life: around 48 hours
Drug Class: Anabolic/Androgenic Steroid (for injection or oral)
Average Dose: Men 50-100 mg/day.....Women 25-50 mg/week
Acne: Rare
Water Retention: Rare
High Blood Pressure: Rare
Liver Toxic: Yes, it is a 17AA steroid...
Chlordehydromethyltestosterone (Turinabol) Profile (T-bol)
Average Dose: 20mg per day
Half Life: 8 hours
Water Retention: minimal to zero
Aromatization: No
DHT Conversion: none
Oral-Turinabol is an oral steroid which was developed during the early 1960"s.
OT has a predominantly anabolic...
by Bill Roberts – Among the synthetic injectable anabolic steroids – compounds other than testosterone, the natural product – trenbolone is perhaps the most remarkable. Of them, it is certainly the most remarkable for mass gain, strength gain, and contest preparation.
Trenbolone Side Effects...
Anavar was developed to treat conditions of muscle wasting and rapid weight loss, as is a common reason for inception with any anabolic steroid. As you can see Searle developed some very important products over the years and its development of Anavar is no exception because with its inception...