What does everyone cruise on at what dose and for how long before they blast usually. My last cruise was 200mg of pharma cyp and I felt like it was a bit low.
I've been reading up on this and there doesn't seem to be a clear consensus on if you can build a tolerance. When I say tolerance I don't mean that if I started at 200lbs and I'm now 250lbs that the same amount of AAS won't do as much but that my body receptors are not as sensitive. Anecdotal...
I am writing this post to ask you guys how often do you inject long esters? For example test c: I usually inject 1 every 5 days and also with Deca. I have heard of people injecting long esters EOD, E2D, to keep blood levels up. What do you think in this subject?
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One of my boys is getting ready to jump on some gear. He's going to use NPP, EQ, Test E.
EQ 500mg per week (weeks 1-15)
NPP 450mg per week (weeks 3-15)
Test E 500mg per week (weeks 1-15)
Any feed back from guys who have used NPP and EQ at the same would be appreciated
Hello all, first post so might be a bit off. I joined at the recommendation of a friend and user of this forum and I appreciate all the information here. I have been reading non stop for a week and believe I have a good plan for my first Cycle. I just wanted to put it out here for everyone to...
What's going on EG? I am wondering what you guy/gals like, either a fast water or slow ester? I am currently in a EQ/Test cycle, I may add a touch of nandrolone for lube on the joints. My last cycle consisted of a short ester run and I really do not like pinning EOD!!! What are your favorites...
Northeast Texas men convicted in steroid smuggling ring - Houston Chronicle
A pair of Tyler residents pleaded guilty Wednesday to importing illegal steroids into the country and distributing them to customers, the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of Texas announced.
Who here has also hit the 40's landmark and still runs gear?
Has anyone else dialed it back a bit like I have? Very basic cycles for me anymore.... sust and a little tren, low mg orals to kick. No more high mg cycles. Always use bloodwork as deciding factor and run an ai always
Hey guys name a few cycles you ran that were all hype. In other words you heard they were greatest you did everything right (training, diet, etc) and overall it was just eh compared to what you heard.