Ultra-high processed foods may be convenient, but they are crushing your gains and heading you towards osteoarthritis, according to a new study presented by the Radiological Society of North America. Here’s what you need to know.
The first-of-its-kind body imaging study, designed to find out...
Why That Government Study Is Crap
A study funded by the government said that vitamin D supplements don't work. Here are all the things they screwed up.
It would be silly to conduct a study to test the efficacy of a new birth control pill using 90-year-old women as test subjects. It would also be...
A Science-Backed Supplement Fix
Zap zits from the inside out with the right supplement and dietary tweaks. Here's the science.
I had a pepperoni pizza face back in high school. I tried every over-the-counter acne treatment available: all the soaps, creams, and acids. Nothing worked.
The measure of a healthy diet has long been up for debate, but the old staple of following a specific calorie intake, or making sure that you eat the right ratio of proteins, fats, and carbs, should also be joined by a consideration of how much of the food that you eat is pro-inflammatory and...
Slap fighting’s popularity has exploded in recent years and there’s no doubt about it: the simple test of giving and receiving the primeval punishment of an open-handed slap across the face makes for violent viewing. But while some measures are currently put in place to limit the damage done by...
If you are in serious need of some extra sleep, then there may be a way to have a better bed time. A major new study has turned the pillow on the idea that late night exercise keeps you awake, meaning you could get significantly more shut-eye by simply swapping around your workout sessions. The...
Battling the bulge is a constant struggle for more than 100 million adults in the United States alone, but is all body fat the same? Not according to a new study, that says those who exercise, even if they are obese, tend to develop healthier fat.
The study, carried out by the University of...
There’s no getting around it, the best way to stimulate the muscle into adapting, and growing bigger, is to load that muscle towards failure so that it comes back stronger. Still, there’s only so many reps that one can make before it’s time to hit the shower. Or is there? A new study suggests...
Hair loss drug finasteride may also help reduce heart disease risk
Share on PinterestThe drug finasteride used for hair loss and prostate treatments may also help lower heart disease risk. NICK VEASEY/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY/Getty Images
Researchers say the hair loss drug finasteride may also...
Help for Anxiety, Depression, and Even PTSD
A series of meta-studies shows that the benefits of exercise exceed plain old physical health and looking good naked. Check this out.
I’ve got a question for you: The time you spend in the gym… Do you think of it just as a workout, or do you regard it...
by Chris Shugart
Perky New Science
This surprising new study sheds some light on the sometimes strange behaviors of men and women.
You’re in the middle of your workout when you notice two equally attractive female lifters in need of help. Both are struggling to unload the plates off a barbell...
The Longevity Study
Some people think testosterone shortens men's lives. Here's why, plus some new science that disproves that silly notion.
"Male Sex Hormones Kill!"
"This Is Why Men Die Sooner Than Women!"
Those were the headlines from 2012. The clickbait worked and lots of people clicked...
Mortality and Low-T
Having low T increases your risk of dying from ANY cause. Here's why and how to fix it.
There's a strong correlation between declining testosterone levels in men and the risk of dying from any cause. Yes, any cause. It sounds hyperbolic, but that's what the research is...
There it was, on news app after news app on my iPhone, the report about how "drinking muscle-building protein shakes" could threaten your health and reduce your life span.
That kind of news gets your attention, especially if you've spent a good part of your adult life tapping on the bottom of a...
I watch the way people in the gym lift. In a lot of ways, I'm like a gym version of Jane Goodall or the late Dian Fossey. They watch(ed) primates, I watch primates. They observed primates picking ticks off each other, I observed primates picking tics...
I watch the way people in the gym lift. In a lot of ways, I'm like a gym version of Jane Goodall or the late Dian Fossey. They watch(ed) primates, I watch primates. They observed primates picking ticks off each other, I observed primates picking tics...
Read a dozen books on paleo dieting or "ancestral health." Go ahead, I'll wait here.
All done? Okay. What you may have noticed is that most of these books say that potatoes are not paleo and shouldn't be eaten. A couple might say they're okay anyway after tough workouts, even...
The Covid-19 pandemic was horrific, and forced a number of societal changes that still remain with us to this day. In the workplace, companies and staff are still figuring out if the now common arrangement of splitting their working operations between the office and the home is good for business...
Anyone who is on a journey to lose weight or become healthier knows that gaining positive results requires us to drop some of the foods and beverages that we love the most. That’s why diet sodas and sugar-substituted snacks are so appealing, but for some time this group of products has been...
The debate around meal timing for making gains in the gym has been raging for eons, and many people choose to chug down a protein shake following a workout to get those all-important nutrients into their system as fast as possible, but another school of thought believes that as long as you eat...