
  1. 01dragonslayer

    5 Arnold Schwarzenegger Inspired Chest & Back Supersets

    He was a powerlifting champion, won 7 Mr. Olympia titles, dominated Hollywood for decades, was elected governor of California, and has a fitness weekend named after. Make no mistake, Arnold Schwarzenegger will go down as not only one of the greatest bodybuilders of all time, but as someone who...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Arnold's Chest & Back Workout: The Best Pump Of All

    It goes without saying that it’s a tremendous honor to spend any amount of time talking with the legendary Arnold Schwarzenegger. But there’s always something incredibly cool about getting to talk training with the greatest bodybuilder of all-time. To hear how he trained, why he trained, and...
  3. EG News

    Military Monday: Build Bigger Arms with this Workout from Hard to Kill Fitness

    Marine Corps vet Aaron Marks designed a brutal leg day workout in a previous Military Monday installment. Now, Marks has targeted your arms. The below routine combines a tried-and-true supersets, high volume, and a varied selection of biceps and triceps exercises to deliver a huge pump and a...
  4. EG News

    Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Ultimate Arms Workout Routines

    Sure, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s arms routine helped create the physique that is still considered by many to be bodybuilding’s greatest ever, but knocking it out three days a week for the majority of us is a bit, well, excessive. Here’s some advice for making the routine more feasible: Arnold...
  5. EG News

    The Three-Month Total-Body Transformation Workout Plan

    Ready to jumpstart your own body transformation? Try this sample workout from Shannon Dey, M.S., founder and CEO of Bombshell Fitness, a competitive training and coaching group for female athletes. If this expert-grade routine seems intense, that’s because it is. But if you want to sculpt...
  6. EG News

    The 15-Minute Total-Body TRX Routine

    Per Bernal / M+F Magazine This is a full-body routine that incorporates a triset and a superset to raise intensity while increasing the amount of work you achieve in less time. “The triset and super-set are what we call ‘mechanical advantage’ dropsets,” says Zack Even-Esh (
  7. EG News

    3 ways to incorporate deadlifts into your workouts

    [Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]: martin-dm / Getty The deadlift is easily one of the most covered...
  8. EG News

    The 8-week summer body challenge

    [Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]: portishead1 / Getty Not quite ready to bare your almost-all in a tank top...
  9. EG News

    The three-month body transformation workout plan

    [Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]: Pollyana FMS / Getty Ready to jumpstart your own body transformation? Try this sample weight lifting plan for women workout from...
  10. EG News

    Superset for supersize

    Per Bernal There is little doubt that for most of us mere mortals (which does not include men like Ronnie Coleman, Morgan Aste, or “Big Ramy”), building new muscle year after year becomes an increasingly difficult and arduous endeavor. The human body does not consider the creation of a...
  11. EG News

    Bad Shoulders or Low Testosterone?

    QUESTION How can I incorporate corrective exercises into my workouts? I have a shoulder that acts up (probably a result of too much bench pressing), and I thought of trying some rotator cuff exercises. ANSWER I’ll give you two examples of how I incorporate these structural balance...
  12. P

    PJ's Training

    I figured I'll share my routine with you guys since we have this section. Two years ago I hit a plateau with my workouts, even though I changed my diet around. I decided to contact a Military Strength and Conditioning Coach that I still kept in touch with. After a few different workouts we set...