
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Dieticians Now Use and Recommend Supplements? Say it Ain’t So!

    By: Matt Weik This topic is actually one that I laughed at for years. There are so many dieticians out there who were using supplements left and right yet telling their clients that supplements are unnecessary – it blew my mind. I'm a huge advocate for getting in as much of what you need...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Supplements For CrossFit®: What To Use For Maximum Workout Performance

    It’s hard to find someone who hasn’t heard of the CrossFit® phenomenon. Any conversation about fitness, competition or general training isn’t without a mention of this highly popular, nationally recognized mode of exercise. And it is of no surprise – CrossFit® is comprised of numerous styles...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    5 Reasons To Use Nitric Oxide Supplements

    Nitric oxide (NO) is an important signaling molecule that acts in many tissues to regulate a diverse range of physiological and cellular processes. It's role was first discovered by several groups who were attempting to identify the agent responsible for promoting blood vessel relaxation and...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    5 Things to Look for in Your Whey Isolate

    Considering purchasing a whey protein isolate? They come with a premium price tag, so you better be sure you know what to look for in an isolate product! As an avid lifter, I’m sure you’ve consumed plenty of protein shakes in your day, and as such, have needed to restock your supply. With so...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    Fatigue Fighters - 6 Nutrients That Amplify Your Efforts

    Tired of being tired? Try these six energy releasing supplements and amplify your workouts. Improved energy leads to better performance and gains. Tired? Run down? Feeling droopy, drained and devastatingly devoid of energy, despite devouring your morning coffee or energy drink? Well it's time to...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    What Happened To Your Favorite Supplement?

    The question, “Why do all the good supplements get taken off the shelf?” is one that I and anyone else who works in the supplement industry hears on a weekly basis. The answer to this question, for anyone heavily invested in this industry, should be easy to come by. However, for the average...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    TUDCA: Benefits, Dosage, Warnings

    There’s a new functional medicine beast on the block, and most people refer to it as “Tudca”. In this review, we are going to cover TUDCA benefits, and the general effects it can have. The more than that, we will look at the science behind TUDCA use on humans, where it comes from, the correct...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    Supplements - How Not To Get Scammed!

    So a new health food and supplement store opened up last week in my local shopping precinct and yesterday I finally got around to checking it out. I was impressed at the range of bodybuilding supplements; there were many brands that I’ve never seen on the shelves here in Australia. So the...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    Fatigue Fighters - 6 Nutrients That Amplify Your Efforts

    Tired? Run down? Feeling droopy, drained and devastatingly devoid of energy, despite devouring your morning coffee or energy drink? Well it's time to wake up, and I'm going to help you do so! But before I dive into the details, it's time for a pop quiz. Ready? Here goes...Give me a list of 6...
  10. 01dragonslayer

    Prioritize Your Supplement Purchases

    You train hard, eat right, and get results. To go along with your dedication, you also want to maximize your supplement plan. But where do you begin? There are so many quality supplements on the market – protein powders, pre-workout formulas, creatine blends…the list goes on and on. Look no...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    How To Choose The Right Supplements According To Science

    People often forget that the supplement industry is just like any other, where product quality and consumer value can vary drastically from company to company. While some companies actively strive to create the best possible product for the consumer, there will always be some that try to make a...
  12. 01dragonslayer

    Creatine Revisited: New Findings on the World's Most Popular Supplement

    The effects of creatine are nothing new. As one of the most researched supplements on the market, it should be a part of any serious lifters supplement stack. Not only has it been unofficially proven to work by bros at your local gym, it is also a clinical superstar producing real, substantial...
  13. 01dragonslayer

    Prioritize Your Supplement Purchases

    You train hard, eat right, and get results. To go along with your dedication, you also want to maximize your supplement plan. But where do you begin? There are so many quality supplements on the market – protein powders, pre-workout formulas, creatine blends…the list goes on and on. Look no...
  14. 01dragonslayer

    Make Your Own Homemade Pre-Workout Supplement

    Pre-workout supplements are a big business. The supplement industry combines many ingredients to form some rather potent potions to get you geared-up for your upcoming training session. The cost of pre-made drinks, shakes, or mixes can quickly add up when taken on a daily basis. With the right...
  15. 01dragonslayer

    Fatigue Fighters - 6 Nutrients That Amplify Your Efforts

    Tired? Run down? Feeling droopy, drained and devastatingly devoid of energy, despite devouring your morning coffee or energy drink? Well it's time to wake up, and I'm going to help you do so! But before I dive into the details, it's time for a pop quiz. Ready? Here goes...Give me a list of 6...
  16. 01dragonslayer

    Spinach Supposedly Contains Powerful Anabolic Steroids

    German researcher has been working for years to get ecdysterone on the WADA Prohibited Substance List. Maria Parr, a German researcher at the Berlin University Institute of Pharmacy, has been urging the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) to ban the steroidal chemical known as ecdysterone for...
  17. 01dragonslayer

    Creatine Pre Or Post Workout? When to Take Creatine Supplements

    Creatine supplements are like the Kardashians. They aren’t going away any time soon. But unlike the Kardashians, creatine works. As one of the most clinically studied supplements on the market, its effectiveness is unmatched. With more discoveries about this wonder supplement surfacing, it’s...
  18. 01dragonslayer

    Supplement Like The Pros

    Supplements can be a mystery. Add up all the different types of supplements, and possible supplement combinations, and it's enough to send rocket scientists to the medicine cabinet for some aspirin. So what should you take? What supplements are essentials, and the best buy for your hard-earned...
  19. 01dragonslayer

    Supplement Timing For Maximum Muscle And Performance

    When it comes to supplements, timing is everything. You can research supplements until you’re blue in the face, but if you don’t now how and when to take them, you’re just flushing money down the drain. Proper supplement timing is an essential factor in maximizing your muscle and performance...
  20. 01dragonslayer

    Best Workout Supplement Timing

    Workout Supplement timing is the difference between the supplements you take being a massive help or a massive waste of money. We specialize in workout supplement reviews and are widely known for our official top 10 pre workout supplements list along with post workout and intra workout...