
  1. Inhuman2024

    Arimedex joint pain

    Good thing mipple sensitivity is down majorly. Bad part knees are killing me. Im running 400mg npp a week. No joint relief. Only dianabol gives me joint relief. Well and tits too. Lol
  2. S

    Started Hexarelin and IGF 1 LR3 Nasal version

    Got these peps from a bro in Nasal spray form. Never used peps before taking 100mgs Hex thru out day and 30mcg Igf 1 pwo and 30 mcg post. Any input on these? I have increased recovery and much better sleep pattern than ever before. I am on test primo cruise. Seem to have more energy to power...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    AAS: Things to consider before starting a first cycle (Great Read)

    Discipline and dedication are principles that you are going to have to master if you are serious about bodybuilding, being consistent with your diet and training will help you succeed in achieving your goals. Don't have tunnel vision in thinking you will only build muscle if your taking AAS...
  4. Chad1983

    Test E or C

    What do you prefer and why do you prefer it?
  5. J


    Any suggestions on how house nolvadex to shrink a little gyno?
  6. Tyson13

    T3 and t4

    I know this might be a controversial subject, but I am looking for as much solid feedback as possible. I appreciate all of the advice in advance. I have been taking 50 mcgs of T3 for about 4 months and 200 mcgs of T4 for the same time period. My body tolerates it well with no side effects...
  7. Tyson13

    T3 & t4

    I am currently on 4IUs of GH. I am taking 50 mcgs of T3. After doing some research it sounds like I should be taking T4 with it. Does anyone have any suggestions in rgards to the T4 dose. I just took 200 mcgs today for my 1st does. I have read where people have suggested to take 400 mcgs...
  8. GRIM

    Steroid Use Up

    More middle-aged men taking steroids to look younger | Life and style | The Guardian
  9. blasson

    Tren and var cardio question

    I never took var before but I had some liquid var sitting in my drawer I was skeptical of taking bc I got it over 4 months late from a vendor that was removed from SF.. but that's another story.. I been taking tren a at 525/week and my cardio was shit just like it always is when I exceed 350mg...
  10. Hogslayer


    Hey guys should I add anything???? My Supplements D3 Saw Palmetto Probiotic 10 Iron B-complex Zinc & Copper complex Kelp Tumeric Opti-Men CoQ10 Iron labs cycle support Dhea-Mass Vit E. Tudca Fish oil Hair skin & nails C Milk thistle Prognenolone B-12 SQ
  11. rboy101


    just started a blast and i'm on week 1 of test e at 700 mg a week. while most are bulking i'm cutting. question is regarding what adex dose to keep estrogen in balance in your experience. I have 1mg caps of adex so i was wondering if i should just take 1 of those every 3 or 4 days or not. i'm...
  12. A

    aromasin for 16 years old

    is there anything wrong with 16 year old male taking aromasin to slim down a bit? Anyone read any research about teenagers taking aromasin? and before anyone complains about this being anonymous, i didn't want to get flamed, bcuz it's probably a stupid question.
  13. F.I.S.T.

    Why Are Older People Taking as Many as 30 Big Pharma Drugs?

    Why Are Older People Taking as Many as 30 Big Pharma Drugs? by Christina Sarich Posted on October 1, 2015 Taking over 40% of Big Pharma meds. Seniors represent only 13% of the population, but they take over 40% of pharmaceutical drugs in the US. In the UK, 45% of prescriptions are doled out...
  14. LittleTom

    Dbol Pre Workout

    Just looking for some opinions on using dbol (10-20mgs) pre workout. Its not included in my cycle but I would like to hear peoples feed back. Waste of money or is there a legit noticeable difference or reason why someone should use it. My current pre workout, 2 scoops C4, half a diet dew (mix...
  15. halfnatty

    dnp log

    Okay guys started my dnp today gonna be doing 250 mg for 15 days and see how it I Handel it I'm sticking to a light cycle till winter but I also added t3 at 25 mcg
  16. jshredz

    Not getting any gains. I'm not doing everything right but it's still frustrating

    Moved over to a new topic so I don't completely hijack the other thread started by Blue. I'm still in my bulking season but recently I have been losing weight instead of gaining. I went from almost 220lbs to about 211lbs in the last month. I have about 6-8 cheat meals per week and the rest of...
  17. J

    Some good news about my kids

    Ok, so some of you know that my kids stopped talking to me 3 months ago, and it drove me out of the house. Since then, I am doing a lot better living with my G/F. She suggested me to go see a psychologist to get some help and maybe some meds. I was very depressed and ready to just kill anyone...
  18. B


    For those of u who may wanna try or do take ecstasy...or molly The two are not the same...u will never roll from molly. Molly is just bath salts...by a different name.... http://www.cnn.com/2013/11/22/health/9-things-molly-drug/ And for those of u who think cause u tested it with a test kit...
  19. back4more

    nolva on cycle?

    This may be a stupid question but I have no experience with nolva cause never needed it. But I have got soreness itchy nips and small lump developed on left nip and was wondering if nolvadex can be taken For gyno symptoms while on cycle. Taking adex now and its not touching it. Ive had it...
  20. jshredz

    Bloods while on other compounds

    So I went to see a doc a month ago about possibly getting on trt. I knew I would have to get blood work done so I had stopped taking test a month before. I was only taking 300mg/wk of tpp so I figured one month off works be plenty of time for my levels to drop. The only thing I was taking before...