Jeremy Gray
12-Week Shoulder Workout for Mass
Nothing commands respect like a huge set of boulder shoulders. You know… the kind that makes shirts fit funny.
It doesn’t matter how hard you train your chest, arms, calves, or back… If you don’t have a decent set of shoulders, you look funny.
If you are on the quest to building a bigger chest, chances are you’ve been putting in a lot of work but not getting enough progress.
This eight-week program is going to tear those chesticles down with familiar moves. Maintaining proper form is going to be needed, so small tweaks can mean big...
Fitness enthusiasts have long known that vitamin D and omega 3 offer a myriad of health benefits, but a new study has looked at these nutrients’ potential to aid longevity, and it seems that you don’t have to take much to hold back the hands of time.
The Benefits of Taking Vitamin D and Omega 3...
Jay Cutler was so celebrated for his enormous arms that he lifted no less than four Olympia trophies during his time in active bodybuilding competition. Now aged, 51, Cutler is still crushing his workouts and has shared the top three tricep exercises that he uses to keep taxing those arms...
Sleep like a baby, perform like a beast. Here are four cool sleep strategies to get the job done.
According to the statistics, you’re probably sleep deprived. And even mild sleep deprivation can decrease performance and recovery while increasing the risk of injury.
In fact, athletes who sleep...
If ever there was a bodybuilder who exemplified ‘bicep goals’ it was Phil Heath. Despite retiring from active competition, the seven-time Mr Olympia still appears to be forged from twisted steel and, fortunately, the icon is all about sharing his tried and tested methods. In a recent Instagram...
You need to be strong enough to do 20 pull-ups in order to master the one-arm pull-up. Also, don't be too fat.
Practice a one-arm hang after your regular workouts. Work up to dead hangs with each arm for 30 seconds.
Progress to one-arm lat-ups. Elevate your body...
Ladders are a training method that have a long history and can do wonders for your strength, power, and hypertrophy. The basic ladder is some variation of 1-2-3-4-5, using the same weight. It looks like this:
One rep
Two reps
Three reps
Four reps
Five reps...
Here are twelve things about building a great physique:
One of the fundamental principles of resistance training is Gradual Progressive Overload (GPO), which means that for a muscle to get bigger and stronger it must be subjected, gradually, to...
How many times have you assumed a great workout requires a fully equipped gym with tons of equipment? Stop assuming, it’s not true.
When equipment access is limited and your time is tight, it’s time to think outside the box. Forget about straight sets, supersets, and circuits. Instead, dive...
We can separate people into two categories in the gym. No, not the dedicated versus the lazy. I am talking about those with genetically blessed calves versus guys with toddler calves. You know exactly what I mean. We all know people who walk around with the perfect De Beers diamonds hanging off...
Try these night-time high-rep sets to induce rapid muscle growth.
By Tony Estrada
Let’s face it: If this article supported a theory that drinking bull semen guaranteed the drinker five pounds of new lean muscle mass each week, more than a few of us would try it. If it really worked, I’d...
There’s a misconception that you need a lot of time and equipment for a great workout, including effective conditioning workouts. Time is an issue for most people and is often used as an excuse for not getting any work in.
Here’s a hypothetical conversation inside the head of someone who uses...
Given a choice between leg day and arm day, which one would you choose? It’s not like training legs is not essential because it is, but nothing gives you instant gratification more than a wicked arm pump. In the mirror by the dumbbell rack, doing endless biceps curls and shoulder raise...
Ever since I finished the Train Like Arnold Challenge earlier this year, I’ve been finding new ways to challenge myself and improve. One of those ways is through powerlifting. I’m preparing for my first meet in a few weeks. Besides the basic squat, bench, and deadlift, I’m also training in the...
Back cycling is purposefully overtraining yourself for a short period of time, then pulling back to allow your body to super-compensate with muscular growth. It's not the same as "muscle confusion," which is simply a haphazard changing of routines without rhyme or...
by Bonnie Taub-Dix, R.D.N.
Just about everyone has dietary restrictions these days—in fact, many people cut out entire food groups, like dairy. Whether you have a milk allergy, are lactose intolerant, or just aren’t a fan, it’s important to be aware that ditching dairy may mean potentially...
by Anika Nayak
To maintain healthy blood, one nutrient is key: iron. However, many of us don’t get enough of it. In fact, research suggests that over 10 million people in the United States are iron deficient.
“Iron is a key mineral that interacts with proteins, enzymes, and many other compounds...
If you are looking to be a professional bodybuilder you need to read this. If you are going to use any of these things be careful. I do not condone it but if you are going to do it you should educate yourself.
Mass Building Steroids You Need to Know About
By Alexei Matthews
When it comes to...
Dennis “The Menace” James hosted another roundtable edition of The Menace Podcast with Milos Sarcev, Chris Cormier, and special guest Troy Alves. However, one of the biggest subjects of discussion was regarding James himself, who was recording from Dubai. That’s because he was training the...