Without Enough Iodine, Nothing Works Right
There's a decent chance you have an iodine deficiency. As a result, your metabolism is screwed. Here's how to know and how to fix it.
An Iodine Deficiency Epidemic?
Are you suffering from an iodine deficiency and an underperforming thyroid? It's quite...
The Starvation Studies
What happens to testosterone and thyroid levels during and after a diet? How long does it take for them to recover? Answers here.
Famine is fairly rare in today's world, but that wasn't the case during World War II due to widespread food shortages. Researchers at the time...
A Complete Guide to Thyroid Health, Testing, and Drugs
Here's everything you ever wanted to know about the thyroid, from testing to drugs to the foods you need to eat for optimal function.
Your thyroid is tricky. So before we get into the details about thyroid signaling, foods, supplements, and...
The Starvation Studies
What happens to testosterone and thyroid levels during and after a diet? How long does it take for them to recover? Answers here.
Famine is fairly rare in today's world, but that wasn't the case during World War II due to widespread food shortages. Researchers at the time...
In addition to co-hosting LA’s top morning radio show, KIIS FM’s On Air With Ryan Seacrest, and the award-winning iHeart Radio podcast Scrubbing In, Tanya Rad is also inspiring others to take a holistic approach to their health and fitness instead of immediately reaching for a pill. Considering...
A Complete Guide to Thyroid Health, Testing, and Drugs
Your thyroid is tricky. So before we get into the details about thyroid signaling, foods, supplements, and drugs, let’s do a quick test. Signs and symptoms that could suggest low thyroid include:
Unreasonably difficult fat loss...
Despite the odd name, Forskolin is not what they remove from the baby during ritual circumcision.
Prior to being investigated for its ability to enhance thermogenesis, forskolin was thought to have many other health-enhancing properties.(1) Forskolin has been found to have benefits as a...
Are you suffering from an iodine deficiency and an underperforming thyroid? It's quite possible. There's a silent epidemic of low iodine levels that may be affecting the health of as many as 74% of U.S. adults.
Consider that when the thyroid is functioning...
Forskolin is a testosterone and thyroid hormone raising supplement derived from the herb, Coleus forskohlii. Studies have shown it to increase lean body mass, decrease body fat, and lower blood pressure while raising metabolic rate.
It does all this by elevating levels of cAMP (cyclic adenosine...
If you're trying to lose fat, high quality sleep is essential. Regular sleep loss depresses the immune system. Even as little as one week of inadequate sleep disrupts blood sugar to the level of a prediabetic.
The effects of stress and cortisol disruption often manifest as difficulty in falling...
Nowadays combined T3 and T4 therapies are often prescribed to mimic the normal function of the thyroid glands, people who undergo these therapies obtain a significant improvement in their quality of life compared to the previous situation, but there is a way to improve even more the well-being...
Will Brink, October 19, 2022, Articles, General Health, Mens Health, Women's Health, 4
Considering how many people are on thyroid meds and or SSRI’s, it’s surprising – especially in the case of thyroid medications – how much confusion exists in the medical community on how best to treat people...
Interesting note from the section on T3 below: T4 has a half-life of 6.7 days while T3 has a half-life in serum of only 1.5 days
Thyroid Function
Your Health Information
Thyroid Function
The function of the thyroid is to...
T3 (liothyronine)
T3 (triiodothyronine, liothyronine, Cytomel) is a thyroid hormone drug fairly commonly used for fat loss, particularly in the context of anabolic steroid cycles. T3 is naturally produced in the body as a result of T4 (thyroxine) production by the thyroid. Oral administration...
January 30, 2021March 31, 2017 by Dr. Westin Childs
Many patients on levothyroxine or Synthroid stand to benefit by simply adding a small amount of T3 medication to their regimen.
T3 is metabolized in the body in a different way than...
I have some pharmaceutical T3/ T4 Combo pills. The have 12.5 mcgs T3/50 mcgs T4. I'm not looking to do anything drastic. Just looking for a maintenance dose that will help give my metabolism a curve. Do you think one of these a day could accomplish that or should consider two a day? Thanks in...
cant handle it me thinks.
every time it crashes my thyroid t3 does as well
now day 4 of 1/4 ml of research t4 and same bs so tired and weak can hardly move.
gonna see how i feel in am
if still like this im dumping all i have left down the drain
11 ways coffee can impact your thyroid
April 9, 2015 by Dana Trentini 49 Comments
I have to be honest and tell you that while the many dietary changes I have made to improve my thyroid health have been hard, quitting coffee has been my most challenging. It is often said that the change we...
While using GH how many of you have had your thyroid levels tested? We always hear you’re supposed to use T4. But has anyone taken a blood test to make sure?
What Actually Is an Under Active Thyroid and What Can You Do About It?
Little gland, big implications
Chances are you’ve heard of thyroid problems, in...