I know this might be a controversial subject, but I am looking for as much solid feedback as possible. I appreciate all of the advice in advance. I have been taking 50 mcgs of T3 for about 4 months and 200 mcgs of T4 for the same time period. My body tolerates it well with no side effects...
About to start my first run of hgh. Got some greys from a good source that everyone is pleased with. I've pretty much got all my ducks in a row, but just looking for a little more advice.
First , is timing of pins. I don't really see a concensus on when is the best time. My goal is adding...
Four easy ways to improve your thyroid function
Monday, October 12, 2015 by: Joel Edwards
(NaturalNews) If your thyroid isn't working well, you can improve your thyroid function with diet. Of course, the optimal way to fix any health problem is to eat raw, organic produce. These types of...
7 Reasons Your Thyroid Medication Isn’t Working
Posted on: Monday, September 21st 2015
Written By: Jen Wittman
While there is no "magic pill" for thyroid disease, some factors may influence the effectiveness of your thyroid medication.
When you are first diagnosed with a thyroid condition...
8 Ways in which Magnesium rescues hormones
Lara Briden
Lara Bridens Healthy Hormone Blog
Sun, 30 Mar 2014
As my patients can tell you, I prescribe magnesium for almost every hormonal condition. I prescribe it for PCOS, thyroid, adrenal fatigue, hair loss, PMS and menopausal...
Heal your thyroid by getting out of adrenal survival mode
Aviva Romm
Wed, 18 Mar 2015
It's dark and it's late. You're coming out of a club in the city heading back to your car, which is parked on a poorly lit side street. About 50 yards from your car door, you notice a man...
If your not taking T4 with your hgh, your wasting half your money!
I came across this write up on another forum and thought I'd share I with you hgh guys. It explains the synergy effect of the conversion of T4 into T3 while taking hgh. Its a long read but worth it.
Thyroid Hormone + Growth...
The thyroid hormone, thyroxine (T4) is a tyrosine-based hormone which is produced by the thyroid gland. Synthetic versions of this hormone are used to make up for a lack of naturally produced thyroxine and increase the rate of metabolism. Artificially made thyroid hormone improves the symptoms...