
  1. krustus

    scar tissue build up... can it cause the muscle to not function correctly?

    not sure if i put this in the right forum section... but it is an injury i guess. my left ventro glute ...which has been my go to site for years now.. sometimes aches and is tight... even though i haven't pinned it in months or so... and the last couple of times i did try to pin it...i could...
  2. Titan88

    Just had my gyno removed! Pic attached

    Well today was the day. Finally grew a pair of balls and went in and got my gyno removed. But here's a pic of the tissue. The doc said the smaller tissue was the left and the right was from the right. From the outside tho I just had puffy nips. The whole surgery took about 2 hours. Doc took his...
  3. LittleTom


    Lately I have been getting a very bad burning sensation when I pin certain areas of my right and sometimes my left quad. A little back story, I use my quads more often then any other area and have no issues putting 3ccs in there. I have been using them the past three years consistently along...
  4. S

    Fat as an organ?

    A long read but well worth it. Science is changing the way we view fat cells. below is my feeble attempt at creating a hyperlink http://jcem.endojournals.org/content/89/6/2548.full

    Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate)

    Clomid is the anti-estrogen of choice for improving recovery of natural testosterone production after a cycle, improving testosterone production of endurance athletes, and is also effective in reducing risk of gynecomastia during a cycle employing aromatizable steroids. While it has been claimed...