
  1. EG News

    The Never-Ending Quest to Find the Workout Shortcut

    Back when I first started bodybuilding in the early 70s, there was much more mysticism surrounding the exact process that resulted in getting your body to grow big muscles than there is today. Working out in a gym, weightlifting, body consciousness, etc., are cemented into our society on all...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    What I Do When I Feel Like Giving Up

    Today, I Feel Like Giving Up But today? Well, today I am struggling. Today, I don’t feel like writing. Today, I don’t feel like sticking to the routine. Today, I don’t feel like I have any great ideas and I don’t feel like I have enough time to make the good ideas great. Today, I feel like...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    5 Bodybuilding Legends Who Transformed the Way We Work Out

    Bodybuilding is like any other sport we watch and are entertained by. As the champions and elite athletes change, so do the way the game or sport is played. Basketball is a great example of this. In the 1980’s, Magic Johnson was the most popular star and the flash of “Showtime” was how...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    Why your workouts suck!

    Will Brink, Brinkisms And Other Stuff, Strength Training, Training Programs, 16 I’m now going to write my first “old guy” blog that’s going to start with the stereotype “darn kids today!” intro…so here goes: Darn kids today! If there’s one thing I don’t understand about the younger generation I...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    Why your workouts suck!

    Darn kids today! If there’s one thing I don’t understand about the younger generation I see in the gym – doing almost everything wrong – is, they really have no excuses. Back in the day, we had nothing to go on. We had some of the muscle mags, which were generally full of training articles...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    365 Day Challenge: Be the Best YOU Can Be

    In the fitness game, the most common goals by far are to lose body fat or to "get in shape." The problem is these goals, and others like them, are rarely met or even seriously chased. Every January people flood commercial gyms like moths going toward the light. When a few weeks pass and that...
  7. Eman


    What’s everyone doing or what did you do? Hope everyone stayed and stays safe. I watched some fireworks last night. today got some ribeyes to cook on the grill and prolly hang out in the pool.
  8. A

    USPS Question

    Question - Would you find this odd? Had a pack that per informed delivery was scheduled for tomorrow. Happened to log into my app just a short while ago and see that it showed delivered in mailbox a few minutes prior. It is the only item in mailbox. Odd that today is a federal holiday and PO is...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    5 Bodybuilding Legends Who Transformed the Way We Work Out

    Bodybuilding is like any other sport we watch and are entertained by. As the champions and elite athletes change, so do the way the game or sport is played. Basketball is a great example of this. In the 1980’s, Magic Johnson was the most popular star and the flash of “Showtime” was how...
  10. 01dragonslayer

    5 Bodybuilding Legends Who Transformed the Way We Work Out

    Bodybuilding is like any other sport we watch and are entertained by. As the champions and elite athletes change, so do the way the game or sport is played. Basketball is a great example of this. In the 1980’s, Magic Johnson was the most popular star and the flash of “Showtime” was how...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    What?s On Tap? 13 Of Your Favorite Beer Types Explained

    Bock This strong German style of beer was historically brewed in the fall, aged throughout winter, and drunk in the spring around Lent and Easter. Bock beer started (and ultimately gets its name from) in the German town of Einbeck in the 1300s. As the story goes, when the beer made its way to...
  12. 01dragonslayer

    5 Tips for Squashing Procrastination

    You’re ready to start that new fitness regimen … tomorrow. That’s also when you’ll start tracking your calories, catching up on work deadlines, doing those minor fixit tasks around the house and meal prepping for the week. For many people, “tomorrow” gets loaded with good intentions, mostly...
  13. halfnatty

    why am i so hot after working out

    Okay so I stopped lifting for months like since covid started lol and i just started this week again im on no fat burners and only on trt, but holy fuck i worked out hard in the morning and i been on fire all day after like im on dnp lmao witch im not lol i would assume maybe my Metabolism is...
  14. EG News

    Eating for the Bodybuilding Physique of the 70s

    They say we are what we eat. Never a truer word has been spoken and you can look around and pretty much tell who eats right and who doesn’t. I look at today’s society and see obesity all around me starting with the kids right on up to the adults. TV reality shows are all popping up now with...
  15. EG News

    Jillian michaels called the keto diet a "bad plan" and the internet ripped her apart

    Jillian Michaels, personal trainer and former host of NBC’s The Biggest Loser, came under fire after sharing her thoughts about the keto diet during an interview with Women’s Health. Her response has everyone from The Today Show host Al Roker to the Keto Guido himself, aka Vinny from Jersey...
  16. Bama

    No time but now

    Good morning EG!!!! Whatever you have in front of you today, give it your best!!!! Yesterday is over, tomorrow hasnt got here, the only time we have is now. Lets try our best today to live in the NOW. Have a great day and enjoy the little things in life.
  17. GRIM

    What Body Part did you workout today?

    Me chest and triceps
  18. F.I.S.T.


    TODAY I FEEL BLESSED BECAUSE..... I'll start.Of course everyday im blessed to have my loving Queen and all my beautiful kids and thankful to God we are all healthy but today im blessed because I am finally starting to get some free time again which is allowing me to get back to my online...
  19. Daredevil

    Heartbeat racing

    Gents, I'm in California on vacation. Being a tourist. Anyways today I've noticed that my heart is racing. I can feel it. I'm feeling somewhat hot but not dizzy. As far as breath I'm breathing fine. I believe it my be due to my cycle that I'm running which is 600mg Test C & 600mg NPP and 250mcg...
  20. 49ER

    Today is my big day

    Competition is finally here alot of you have no idea what ive put myself through preparing for this day the injuries ibe had to work through. Ive been tossing and turning all night getting the same nervous feeling like last time. I know once im on the platform everything gets replaced with...