
  1. EG News

    Deep-cuts abs workout

    A study conducted by the University of Wisconsin compared 16 abdominal exercises, looking at which one activated upper and lower abs the most. It found that no exercise was able to top the standard crunch for engaging both the upper and lower abs. That doesn’t mean a little variation is out of...
  2. Southerncross

    Bench out of balance

    I was reading somewhere where your flat bench should always be higher than your incline.....it seems to me I can push more weight/reps on incline than flat. I also read where Kai Green also pushes more on incline than flat. Thoughts...suggestions?
  3. EG News

    Boost your bench

    Jason Breeze HOW MUCH CAN YOU BENCH? The question is asked of anyone even slightly buffer than Justin Bieber. Of course, it doesn’t ultimately matter in bodybuilding, which is all about muscle and not at all about metal. Still, even Flex Lewis spends a lot more time in gyms than on stages. And...
  4. EG News

    Every Angle Chest Workout

    A well-developed chest is the immediate focal point of the entire upper body. Thick pecs symbolize upper-body strength and power. In addition, building thickness in the upper portion separates weekend jocks from true bodybuilders. There are misconceptions about the best way to target the inner...
  5. V

    Upper/Lower Split Routines

    I'm wanting to completely change up my routine. So I've been doing the common bro split. Chest/bis back/tris etc. This upper/lower body splits look interesting. Anyone used a particular one and had good results? Me and my old lady are training together now so she'll be beside me doing...
  6. ElChango

    Everyday is Upper body day

    https://eg1.me/?http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ITHZJF4RoJI/UAygO2v4kZI/AAAAAAAAAHQ/bET0liF_28Y/s1600/every+day+is+upper+body+day.jpg https://eg1.me/?http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-kH6jjj80eg0/T_XVcIx-fPI/AAAAAAAAH7k/XtDz8jTPak8/s1600/all-day-every-day-23083.jpg...
  7. D

    Pinched Nerve anyone?

    Any of you guys ever get a pinched nerve? I got one mid november in my upper back and am still super weak in my left tricep, its killin me on chest and shoulders, like i have 1/4 stregnth of my right arm in my left. Been going to a sports injury specialist chiropractor, but that hasnt helped...