Steroids: 'I thought that the only way I could beat my addiction was to end my life'
I WAS INTRODUCED to the world of bodybuilding by Conan the Barbarian. It’s probably one of the worst movies ever made, but it was where I saw a bodybuilder for the first time.
As soon as I laid my eyes on...
i was a bit dizzy (lightheaded) today and I had a bit of a headache. I had salt cravings. My body was telling me that my BP was low: 100/60. What's your BP, guys?
Has anyone gotten the surgery for gyno?
If so, what was your recovery time?
And what was the cost?
I was quoted $3,500 for it to be done. $4500 to be put to sleep and they do it.
My lumps ain't even big but they bug the shit out of me.
Guys is anyone prior military with disability claims? If so what percentage for each disorder and your total percentage as a whole?
Currently I'm 40% but attempting to get it raised and it seems like a headache finding doctors and filling out the necessary forms.
(sorry ive been absent i know i suck at life) been doing the TRT thing for about a year now feeling great on it and whatnot, did some cleaning and still have alot of pharm oxy's along with some TNE adn some other goodies just wondering how many days i will need so the oxys don't interfere with...
Went to see David Gilmour(One of Pink Floyds front men) last night in Chicago. Great show and he sounded awesome. Think I would fail a drug test from all the pot smoke lol. Sorry the pics are not the best but the wife and I had a blast.
Okay so who saw the Arnold Classic last nite ? I thought it was pretty good . My boy Denns Wolf took first place In the Professional Class but Cedric looked bigger IMO , Flex took 1st in the 212 !!!
The bitches in the bikini's were smoking!!!
Overall it was good !!!