
  1. millenium girl

    Home gym

    As you might know I have decided to leave the gym (or should I say the kindergarten) and work out at home. I have cardio equipment (stepper arm bicycle, treadmill) a bench and dumbbells but I was wondering what you guys have? What do you think you actually need to have good workouts at home?
  2. Chicken_hawk

    How to use rpe correctly

    You may see people using the term “RPE” regarding their training, but not be sure what it’s all about. Or, more likely, you are one of the people who *thinks* you know what it’s about, but still make fundamental errors with it. No matter which one you are, or even if you do for sure get RPE...
  3. EG News

    Keep your training simple

    OPENING ARGUMENTS DEFENSE Always present the muscle with a different stimulus to avoid plateaus. By changing the load (light or heavy weights) constantly throughout the week (daily undulating periodization), you’ll keep the muscle guessing since it has to adapt to an unexpected challenge...
  4. EG News

    The Argument for Machines

    QUESTION Isn’t my buddy a wimp for using machines sometimes, instead of sticking with free weights? ANSWER Live and learn, as I did. My image is “blood and guts,” hardcore training, with 440-pound reverse-grip barbell rows, crashing iron, free weights only, and me disappearing into a...
  5. Z

    Is Crossfit for sissies?

    I mean I always thought it was sissy weights. Like in a previous post 'LA FITTEST CHALLENGE' the weights posted for the event are: TIMED EVENTS FOR MALES squats 155 for 2 minutes deadlifts 155 2 minutes bench 155 for 2 minutes burpess for 5 minutes box jumps for 3 minutes But, recently a...
  6. RebelMachinist

    German Volume Training

    I started a phase/cycle of this last week on Friday. First workout kicked my ass and still sore today. Feels good to do something different than 5x5 for a change. Any bros here done this style of training before? Did you like it? Results? Thoughts or tips?
  7. F.I.S.T.

    A Males Guide to Training Your Woman

    Saw this many yrs ago and thought it was great advice for all to learn from. A Males Guide to Training Your Woman Do encourage the women in your life to train with weights. No matter what her skill level, ability, age, or body shape, every woman can benefit from weight training...

    heavy weights

    lol [attachment deleted by admin]