What's up fellas....happy to be here. I'm 31yo and been lifting since high school. Took some time off due to injuries but better now and looking forward to being back and a new board to grab knowledge and info from!!!
Just wanted to say hi. I've been around some other boards and I hear this is where it's at these days. Looks like a bunch of dudes from the other boards found their way here quick too!
Lookin forward to learning and contributing where I can.
God Bless.
well some of you may know me from around the net and some dont but im diver and here to help and learn as much as possible..
im 5'-9"
220 lbs
~16% BF
lift 4 - 5 days a week and i like to lift heavy
Whats up everyone. I am Heavy hitter. A few of you already know me. For those who dont I am a strongman. I love lifting heavy and just being big and strong. I am 6'0'' about 240 usually that changes at competition times. I have quite a bit of knowledge to share and always eager to learn. I hope...
Hello EG'ers, thought I'd introduce myself and get acquainted with the community. I'm 48 years old and been training for some years and desiring to step things up to get back into serious shape as I been busy with life and work