❗️2020 Arnold Classic Cancelled❗️

As I say Im in the middle
TONS of misinformation by both camps
The side who wants to claim Death rate higher with flu 'totally false'
Or the side who wants to claim the sky is falling and the end is here
I prefer facts not fiction..

Yes as far as we know more get the flu, there however is several flus, we also have an ocean protecting us. Death rate however much higher with corona why its so vital to contain it. Regardless does anyone think ohwell few hundred deaths extra ohwell? Flu always been here this is a NEW killer
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I have read information stating both sides, I don't care for the news or Health Organizations that may have a reason for hyping things up or down playing them. Just reading and deciphering things as I go and making an educated guess from all information.
Well health organizations are the only 1s with the actual numbers/facts its where even our government gets them from, cdc, who etc
i haven't watched the news in years myself agree there i prefer my own research.
again Im def not on the sky is falling crowd, Im not buying masks, not buying water, Im going where ever I please.
i just however am correcting facts as the 1 side constantly bringing up flu etc which is a purely spin, many of their facts are not facts such as death rate. Death rate is .1-.05% in the US for the flu, well under 1% globally, Corona is currently 3.4% world wide which will probably come down, itd help if here we actually tested all who needed testing but for so long tests were extremely limited, cases in the US are far more than 'confirmed' number for a multitude of reasons

Even flu is all types of flu put in as one with 'estimates' being used not hard numbers, corona atm is using actual hard numbers as we have them. Expert after expert states all of this and more flu season been going on longer, numerous strains, corona just started, we can gauge flu season, we clueless on corona etc etc

Oh And btw i agree cancelling was idiotic.
There is nothing here thus far imo to justify that. Watching however and being prepared is a different story
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I am on the fence here from both sides.......... But, here's why.... Grim brings up the most vital point that nobody seems to get (and that's both sides of the fence included)...which is, the limited number of tested people. There are possibly tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of people that have been infected with the corona virus but not diagnosed. This means.... there are tens of thousands of people that didn't die that should/would be included in the totals. which would obviously bring the mortality rate Way Down from that 3.4%. Make no mistake, and I know you agree Grim, 3.4% mortality is WAY inflated. Right now, there are far more people that die just in the United States every single fucking year from the flu then there are reported cases of the Corona virus world wide. But, the flip side is, there are a lot of people who also died that were not diagnosed and therefore not counted. We simply just don't have the imperical data needed to quantify the real impact.

Now, to Lith's point..... You are 100% correct! The Media and the Politicians have engaged in a very dangerous game of Mass Hysteria, most likely in an attempt to sway some political agenda. Not saying China, or Italy, or Russia are playing along and that it's a hoax, the disease is real.... I'm just saying the National Media Engine has recognized an opportunity and jumped on this bandwagon for their own profit.
Clorox wipes and hand sanitizers and rubbing alcohol are pretty much gone from the Walmart’s, Targets and supermarkets in my medium sized city!

Make your own hand sanitizer:
2 thirds cup 99% rubbing alcohol (Isopropyl alcohol) or ethanol
1 third cup plain aloe vera gel (with less additives the better)

If anything I’ll wash my hands with Vodka or Everclear I don’t drink that stuff anymore! (For entertainment only!
Yes T however it also means many have died and not been tested as well.. instead passed off as the 'flu'
3.4% comes from countries actually testing like mad in the US where barely anyone is tested its far higher than 3.4%
Sure it'll come down, to flu levels though very doubtful
Flu isnt even close and is Numerous flus
In the US where testing has been almost non existent the rate was more in the 10% range of known cases dramatically higher
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Thats just insanity, some people are going hysterical
It’s common knowledge that the young through middle aged with no prior health complications are fine. It is the immunocompromised and elderly and pulmonary compromised that are high risk. There is no treatment for them. It is something to worry about if you had a kidney transplant or have COPD or many other conditions... the flu can also kill them but there are treatments available for flu.
Also, many die from flu complications and are not considered death r/t flu... they die from pulmonary edema, tension pneumothorax complications, ARDS, etc. So the flu can kill you pretty easily under the right conditions. Is it likely? No. Are you wanting to take the chance? That’s your business. I’m not. I see and intubated and vented too many people in the past couple of years.

I am a medical professional. I spoke with a doctor who is near the Seattle area today... also with the hospitals in my state... and yes, they are worried. It IS transmitted through respiratory droplets as well as contact. The flu is bad also, and we have treatments for such. Level 1 trauma has nothing to do with virology or immunology. I work out of a Level 1 trauma ED... and we are very concerned. I’d be concerned about hospitals and staff that were NOT concerned and making preparations. I would also consider at Level 1, we are dealing with very critical patients, comprised patients... and to not be worried about a communicable virus that has no treatments available possibly infecting our population makes 0.0% sense.
@MattyIce I agree any ED in the U.S should be preparing for a surge. Most hospitals are already at capacity frequently in my neck of the woods. We are already surged LOL

Hospitals are closing left and right in the rural areas but no one is stopping it. Bypass is a commonality among large urban centers and in my opinion there is not enough money devoted to the emergency response system.

Unfortunately, hospital productivity is not based on preparation for a surge and most money is coming from the states or feds. You better hope your state is not broke. At least most hospitals are better off since we have had Ebola, SARS, and H1 already.

I know a couple ID doctors and from what I am hearing everyone we should see the death rate go down as the cases increase. Historically all the death rates for the above viruses were higher than originally projected since very few have been tested. Very few people have really been tested. Last week there was one state that only had 537 people tested in the whole state. That really skews the numbers.

The CDC controls the testing. They are just now trying to partner with systems to readily test the community. Most people under the age of 60 without co morbidities have less risk. The R value of 2.5 is higher than the flu which is 1.?

sorry for the ramble. I do agree there is some element of the media creating the hysteria but it is wise to pay attention to your surroundings.
Mostly fine not 100%.. Old age and complications increases risk of death. Being young with no underlying conditions doesnt make risk zero
Damn not even that long ago.
This shit dragging on

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