1 gram Tren E


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Anyone ever try this? I’m thinking a gram of Sust and a gram of Tren E each week for this cycle. I’m on 750 Sust now and 600 Tren E for almost 2 weeks with no sides, just looking to bump it up. Started cycle at 260.4 lbs, was 263.8 this morning. Am I nuts for considering this?
no not nuts i tried hi end but tren e idk dont do it for me
I’m actually surprised at how good I feel but with tren. I prefer ace but I’m looking to push the dosage a little this go with E. Guess we will see how it goes. I’m still sleeping so I’m happy, don’t care about sweating but dammit I like my sleep.
Highest I’ve gone with Tren E is 600mg per week. I’m not fan of mega doses. If you can grow with 600 I’d stay at 600.
I usually go low tbh but like training love to mix it up...
This is how tren "betrayed me". I was doing 100mg ED of ace and great! Did some "lets see if more is better" shit and now i cant take more than like 20-30 ED. Runs me down before i get any real benefits out of it...

Good luck, it mite be great for you BUT it could fuck you too...
Don't do it unless your going to get bloods done you would be surprised how hard on your body tren really is it even effects liver enzymes
Have you tried lowering the test and upping the tren? Take full advantage of the power of tren with lower sides, I would try 250 of test and blast the tren before increasing both.
Tren E always treats me a lot better than Tren A bro, less sides, no cough etc....
Low test higher tren seems to work for a lot of people.
I was going to try that during the second phase of the cycle. I wanted to bulk until April, level out on trt and get bloods, then try the low test high tren/mast for a bit. This will more than likely be my last high dose cycle ever. I’m satisfied with my size just wanted to make one last size push before I see just how lean I can get.

Thank you all for the replies too. Since I am still gaining I think I will leave the doses where they are and see what happens. If I do increase one or the other, I’ll do one instead of both to pinpoint the culprit if one were to give me sides.
Ive always done exact opposite more test.
Tren dont hit me like others.
I find it weak tbh no sides besides cough at inject very rarely
If I did a gram.of tren a week I'd hate myself along with the rest of the world
That's old school PLer cycle. Back in the day that's how all PLers would cycle. Just 250 or thereabouts Test and then run up everything else. It worked very well with lower sides and insane strength gains.
If you find tren weak you’re a damn Rhino! Lol. What ones do you find strong? I love Sust, Deca, and Tren. I tend to stay away from all orals because my good cholesterol on anavar was 2!!! I’m going to give it another go but that scared me a few years back. I also had fatty plasma and they stopped my blood donation on anadrol so no more of that. A-bombs made me feel like shit too...red eyes, barely enough energy to do anything other than workout. That’s why I like tren and Sust together. I feel damn good and energetic as hell.
Superdrol pheradrol 2 of my favs
I dont get much extra running tren with test than just test
The other thing with large doses is eating for them! I know mostly educated old school guys on here know this but I can’t how many times I have guys say they are on a gram of this and that and eating the same fucking thing they were at half the dose wondering why they have mad sides and no gains.
I know personally forcing food is my biggest obstacle When I push up the gear.

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