1 gram Tren E

At 2 weeks in on long esters, you haven't fully hit the ride yet! Hold on b/c it's coming!
So far eating hasn’t been an issue. I’m definitely growing and feeling good so I’ll leave it for a little longer.
Highest I’ve taken tren E was 800mg. Boy did I love it but my wallet sure didn’t. I’ve never been a big eater my body will reject it and force vomit it back out. I gave up trying to be super duper swole like a lot of you guy on here I just physically can’t my body won’t allow it so I work with what I got. I’ve done the whole 4,000 cal and 300g carb and protein. It didn’t do jack shit for me except a food baby gut. Extra muscles? No. Just horrible bloating and constant having to shit. I hear a lot of others say the same thing. It works for some and doesn’t for others. High dose tren E I will say was MUCH better then high dose tren A. For me it was which is totally subjective. That being said go for it and yes keep your test low that part is golden advice.
I routinely used to do about 800-1200 grams of tren a week. I dont have any anger issues/roid rage when on it so why not. My blood work isnt all that bad, except it absolutley kills my lipid profile. The highest Ive gone is 300mg of tren ace everyday for about 3 weeks just to see what would happen and got bloods done at the end of the 3 week mark experimentation.

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