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- EG Cash
- 1,455,567
You're sitting in the audience at a strength and conditioning conference, there to learn a thing or two about building bigger, stronger muscles, and the speaker calls you up to the podium.
The speaker has set up a barbell onstage with a stack of plates next to it. He tells you that you're going to test your maximum strength for the deadlift in front of the audience.
You're a little nervous, but you get yourself onstage and go through a typical warm-up that consists of a handful of sets with progressively heavier weights. You're not a powerlifter, just a regular gym rat, so you know the pull isn't going to impress anyone in the powerlifting game. But you don't care. You're in front of a couple hundred people and this is your time to shine.
After a few minutes you've got the weight dialed in. With all the effort you can muster you manage to pull 350 pounds. This load, clearly evident to yourself and anyone watching, is your true one repetition maximum. Five more pounds and you would've failed.
"Not bad," says the speaker. "And guess what? Today is your lucky day. Let's see if you can pull more weight with motivation from some dead Presidents."
The speaker reaches behind the podium and pulls out a briefcase, opens it, and shows you a million bucks - cash. This isn't that snooze-fest television crap, Deal or No Deal. This is the real deal and you know it.
"All you have to do is pull 20 more pounds and the cash is yours," says the speaker. He throws another 10-pound plate on each side of the 350-pound barbell and smiles.
Think you could pull that extra 20 pounds for a million bucks? Of course you could, and in our little theoretical situation, let's say you did.
With most things in life, though, reward doesn't come without risk. This contest is no exception. You just took a million from the speaker and he wants to up the ante in order to get it back. I mean, really up the ante.
So he reaches behind the podium and pulls out a chainsaw. Like a scene straight out of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, he fires up the gas-filled tree killer, hoists it in the air, and swings it around while belting out a hellacious howl. You're not sure what's on the line, but you're damn sure whatever it is ain't good.
You were right.
The speaker looks you dead in the eyes, and with a tone that makes Johnny Cash sound like Alvin the Chipmunk, he passes on this little gem.
"You must add another 20 pounds to your deadlift or I'm going to cut off both of your legs."
You and your legs don't doubt his dedication to the chainsaw swinging craft, so you decide it's best to proceed. After all, that half-inch you added to your calves didn't come easy, and your vastus medialis muscles have been looking pretty impressive in those board shorts your girlfriend bought you at Patagonia.
The speaker adds 20 more pounds to the bar, making it 40 pounds heavier than when you started, and then gives you a nod while gripping the chainsaw with the most ominous look you've ever seen.
Now, here's my question: Do you think you could pull those extra 20 pounds if your God-given wheels were on the line?
I'd be willing to bet my legs, my arms, and my autographed Miley Cyrus poster that you could.
Why? Read on.
While in graduate school one of my professors had the reputation for being able to talk about virtually anything and make it sound exciting. (I guess such a gift for gab is necessary when your goal is to make people giddy over the sodium/potassium pump.) But he was also very effective since his students, myself included, retained most of what he taught.
Given his expertise, I frequently asked him for advice before I had to speak in front of grad students and professors. He'd say, "Waterbury, you must tell them what you're gonna tell them; tell them; then tell them what you told them."
Repeat whatever is important at least three times, in other words.
Last weekend I gave a presentation about the nervous system to a good group of trainers, coaches, and athletes in Santa Clarita. What did I tell them three, four, maybe 10 times?
The nervous system is akin to a parking brake that's partially engaged on your muscles.
And this is why my introduction, no matter how far-fetched it might seem, is important to appreciate. There's no better way to instantly boost your strength than to get really motivated. Or scared to death. Indeed, neuroscientists like to amuse themselves by saying that lunatics, people who are drowning, or those suffering from tetanus are extremely powerful.
They are.
Why? Because in any of the three cases, the nervous system is running full speed ahead. It's not because the aforementioned stressed-out people are powerlifters or gifted strength athletes, it's because their nervous system has released its brake and put a plethora of neural drive straight to the muscles.
Release that brake and you'll get stronger and recruit more muscle fibers — instantly!
So, the question is, how do you release the brake without risking a limb or two? I wish I could motivate you with a million bucks because you'd have newfound respect for the nervous system, but since I can't, these are the next best ways.
There are three Biotest products that will help you do just that: Alpha-GPC, Spike®, or Power Drive. Which one is best? Only you can answer that. That's because we all respond differently to each product. Some get cranked up with Spike. Others prefer Power Drive. If you haven't tried any of them, my recommendation is Alpha-GPC.
Whichever you choose, take it as prescribed. They all boost neurotransmitters, alertness, and strength.
As any good engineer will tell you, the foundation must support the building. If you own a 10-story building and feel the need to add five more floors on top of it, the foundation must be able to support the extra burden. With regard to strength training, I'm talking about the added stress that comes from putting more load on your muscles and joints.
Your support system comes from your glutes, abdominal wall, and lats. When these muscle groups fire together, it forms a super-stiff foundation to support whatever lift you're pulling. That's why Dr. Stuart McGill calls the synchronous firing of the glutes, abdominal wall, and lats, "super stiffness." When these muscles are strong and tight, the nervous system will release more neural input to all your muscles. This is why boosting your squat will also enhance your bench press.
Putting your body in super stiffness mode is simple. You only need two exercises to do it. Start with two sets of three reps for the Romanian deadlift. Be sure to lock out your hips and squeeze the glutes as hard as possible at the top of each rep.
Then, do two sets of three reps for the ab wheel-rollout exercise. We don't want these two exercises to waste you of any energy, so there's no need to go for a max lift, especially with the Romanian deadlift. The goal is to simply add tension and neural input to the right muscles in order to strengthen your foundation before training.
Again, to ramp up your nervous system, do this before your strength workout:
Romanian Deadlift
Sets: 2
Reps: 3
Load: moderately heavy (a weight you could normally lift 7 or 8 times)
Ab wheel-rollout
Sets: 2
Reps: 3
Load: body weight
The most effective technique I've ever used to instantly boost strength is the supramaximal hold (SMH). It's a key component of my advanced strength program in my latest book, Huge in a Hurry.
Put simply, you'll hold a weight near lockout that's more than you could ever lift through a full range of motion. This tricks your nervous system into releasing more neural drive to your muscles.
In essence, your brain thinks you're really going to try and lift that monstrous load so it releases the brake on your muscles. There are many mechanisms at work — some that are still ambiguous — when you hold a supramaximal load, but one of the most well-documented is something called postactivation potentiation.
The SMH serves as a conditioning contraction — a primer for your muscles, in other words. For all you science buffs, postactivation potentiation increases the number of cross bridges that attach by increasing the sensitivity of contractile proteins to ionized calcium.(1) This allows the muscles to produce more force. However, the effect only lasts for about a minute, so you've got to get straight to your work set after the SMH is finished.
The SMH works awesome, but it's pretty taxing to your system so you must limit the amount of times you do it. It's best to use the SMH for exercises that give you the most bang for your buck. It's perfect for squats, deadlifts, and presses — curls and kickbacks, not so much.
An excellent workout to reap the benefits of the SMH is the deadlift and seated shoulder press. For each lift you'll hold 120% of your one repetition maximum near lockout for 6-8 seconds.
In order to do this, you need to use the power rack with pins set just below lockout for both exercises. Within 30 seconds of finishing the hold you'll crank out as many full range of motion reps as you can with approximately 85% of your one repetition maximum (this number doesn't have to be exact, just a ballpark estimate).
1A) Deadlift SMH
Load: 120% of full range of motion maximum
Duration of hold: 6-8 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
1B) Deadlift (full range of motion)
Load: ~85% of 1RM
Reps: as many as possible
Rest 120 seconds and repeat 1A and 1B pairing three more times
2A) Seated Shoulder Press SMH
Load: 120% of full range of motion maximum
Duration of hold: 6-8 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
2B) Seated Shoulder Press (full range of motion)
Load: ~85% of 1RM
Reps: as many as possible
Rest 120 seconds and repeat the 2A and 2B pairings three more times
This workout looks deceptively simple, but it'll take a lot out of you. However, since you'll be able to do more reps than you would have been able to ordinarily, it'll add strength and muscle fast.
Feel free to add a few less demanding exercises at the end. Do this workout twice per week (Monday and Friday). On Wednesday, use more traditional strength building methods such as 5 sets of 5 reps, without the SMH.
The speaker has set up a barbell onstage with a stack of plates next to it. He tells you that you're going to test your maximum strength for the deadlift in front of the audience.
You're a little nervous, but you get yourself onstage and go through a typical warm-up that consists of a handful of sets with progressively heavier weights. You're not a powerlifter, just a regular gym rat, so you know the pull isn't going to impress anyone in the powerlifting game. But you don't care. You're in front of a couple hundred people and this is your time to shine.
After a few minutes you've got the weight dialed in. With all the effort you can muster you manage to pull 350 pounds. This load, clearly evident to yourself and anyone watching, is your true one repetition maximum. Five more pounds and you would've failed.
"Not bad," says the speaker. "And guess what? Today is your lucky day. Let's see if you can pull more weight with motivation from some dead Presidents."
The speaker reaches behind the podium and pulls out a briefcase, opens it, and shows you a million bucks - cash. This isn't that snooze-fest television crap, Deal or No Deal. This is the real deal and you know it.
"All you have to do is pull 20 more pounds and the cash is yours," says the speaker. He throws another 10-pound plate on each side of the 350-pound barbell and smiles.
Think you could pull that extra 20 pounds for a million bucks? Of course you could, and in our little theoretical situation, let's say you did.
With most things in life, though, reward doesn't come without risk. This contest is no exception. You just took a million from the speaker and he wants to up the ante in order to get it back. I mean, really up the ante.
So he reaches behind the podium and pulls out a chainsaw. Like a scene straight out of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, he fires up the gas-filled tree killer, hoists it in the air, and swings it around while belting out a hellacious howl. You're not sure what's on the line, but you're damn sure whatever it is ain't good.
You were right.
The speaker looks you dead in the eyes, and with a tone that makes Johnny Cash sound like Alvin the Chipmunk, he passes on this little gem.
"You must add another 20 pounds to your deadlift or I'm going to cut off both of your legs."
You and your legs don't doubt his dedication to the chainsaw swinging craft, so you decide it's best to proceed. After all, that half-inch you added to your calves didn't come easy, and your vastus medialis muscles have been looking pretty impressive in those board shorts your girlfriend bought you at Patagonia.
The speaker adds 20 more pounds to the bar, making it 40 pounds heavier than when you started, and then gives you a nod while gripping the chainsaw with the most ominous look you've ever seen.
Now, here's my question: Do you think you could pull those extra 20 pounds if your God-given wheels were on the line?
I'd be willing to bet my legs, my arms, and my autographed Miley Cyrus poster that you could.
Why? Read on.
When I speak at a seminar my goal is to leave the attendees with a few bits of information they'll never forget.While in graduate school one of my professors had the reputation for being able to talk about virtually anything and make it sound exciting. (I guess such a gift for gab is necessary when your goal is to make people giddy over the sodium/potassium pump.) But he was also very effective since his students, myself included, retained most of what he taught.
Given his expertise, I frequently asked him for advice before I had to speak in front of grad students and professors. He'd say, "Waterbury, you must tell them what you're gonna tell them; tell them; then tell them what you told them."
Repeat whatever is important at least three times, in other words.
Last weekend I gave a presentation about the nervous system to a good group of trainers, coaches, and athletes in Santa Clarita. What did I tell them three, four, maybe 10 times?
The nervous system is akin to a parking brake that's partially engaged on your muscles.
And this is why my introduction, no matter how far-fetched it might seem, is important to appreciate. There's no better way to instantly boost your strength than to get really motivated. Or scared to death. Indeed, neuroscientists like to amuse themselves by saying that lunatics, people who are drowning, or those suffering from tetanus are extremely powerful.
They are.
Why? Because in any of the three cases, the nervous system is running full speed ahead. It's not because the aforementioned stressed-out people are powerlifters or gifted strength athletes, it's because their nervous system has released its brake and put a plethora of neural drive straight to the muscles.
Release that brake and you'll get stronger and recruit more muscle fibers — instantly!
So, the question is, how do you release the brake without risking a limb or two? I wish I could motivate you with a million bucks because you'd have newfound respect for the nervous system, but since I can't, these are the next best ways.
Before you pull a heavy lift; before you start your first warm-up set; hell, before you even step foot in the gym your nervous system must be ready for action. If it's not, you'll be relegated to playing catch up as you wait for your nervous system to turn on. You must walk into the gym and feel like you're ready to chew on rusty nails.There are three Biotest products that will help you do just that: Alpha-GPC, Spike®, or Power Drive. Which one is best? Only you can answer that. That's because we all respond differently to each product. Some get cranked up with Spike. Others prefer Power Drive. If you haven't tried any of them, my recommendation is Alpha-GPC.
Whichever you choose, take it as prescribed. They all boost neurotransmitters, alertness, and strength.
Okay, so now your nervous system has been lit up with Alpha-GPC, Spike, or Power Drive. For most people, that's enough to add some appreciable weight and intensity to the workout. Whenever possible, however, take it a step further. Your next job is to let the nervous system know your body isn't going to crumble when it releases the brake to your muscles.As any good engineer will tell you, the foundation must support the building. If you own a 10-story building and feel the need to add five more floors on top of it, the foundation must be able to support the extra burden. With regard to strength training, I'm talking about the added stress that comes from putting more load on your muscles and joints.
Your support system comes from your glutes, abdominal wall, and lats. When these muscle groups fire together, it forms a super-stiff foundation to support whatever lift you're pulling. That's why Dr. Stuart McGill calls the synchronous firing of the glutes, abdominal wall, and lats, "super stiffness." When these muscles are strong and tight, the nervous system will release more neural input to all your muscles. This is why boosting your squat will also enhance your bench press.
Putting your body in super stiffness mode is simple. You only need two exercises to do it. Start with two sets of three reps for the Romanian deadlift. Be sure to lock out your hips and squeeze the glutes as hard as possible at the top of each rep.
Then, do two sets of three reps for the ab wheel-rollout exercise. We don't want these two exercises to waste you of any energy, so there's no need to go for a max lift, especially with the Romanian deadlift. The goal is to simply add tension and neural input to the right muscles in order to strengthen your foundation before training.
Again, to ramp up your nervous system, do this before your strength workout:
Romanian Deadlift
Sets: 2
Reps: 3
Load: moderately heavy (a weight you could normally lift 7 or 8 times)
Ab wheel-rollout
Sets: 2
Reps: 3
Load: body weight
At this point your neurotransmitters are pouring out, and your foundation is strong and solid. The nervous system is approaching its apex of neural output. Now you just need one more boost to release that proverbial parking brake.The most effective technique I've ever used to instantly boost strength is the supramaximal hold (SMH). It's a key component of my advanced strength program in my latest book, Huge in a Hurry.
Put simply, you'll hold a weight near lockout that's more than you could ever lift through a full range of motion. This tricks your nervous system into releasing more neural drive to your muscles.
In essence, your brain thinks you're really going to try and lift that monstrous load so it releases the brake on your muscles. There are many mechanisms at work — some that are still ambiguous — when you hold a supramaximal load, but one of the most well-documented is something called postactivation potentiation.
The SMH serves as a conditioning contraction — a primer for your muscles, in other words. For all you science buffs, postactivation potentiation increases the number of cross bridges that attach by increasing the sensitivity of contractile proteins to ionized calcium.(1) This allows the muscles to produce more force. However, the effect only lasts for about a minute, so you've got to get straight to your work set after the SMH is finished.
The SMH works awesome, but it's pretty taxing to your system so you must limit the amount of times you do it. It's best to use the SMH for exercises that give you the most bang for your buck. It's perfect for squats, deadlifts, and presses — curls and kickbacks, not so much.
An excellent workout to reap the benefits of the SMH is the deadlift and seated shoulder press. For each lift you'll hold 120% of your one repetition maximum near lockout for 6-8 seconds.
In order to do this, you need to use the power rack with pins set just below lockout for both exercises. Within 30 seconds of finishing the hold you'll crank out as many full range of motion reps as you can with approximately 85% of your one repetition maximum (this number doesn't have to be exact, just a ballpark estimate).
1A) Deadlift SMH
Load: 120% of full range of motion maximum
Duration of hold: 6-8 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
1B) Deadlift (full range of motion)
Load: ~85% of 1RM
Reps: as many as possible
Rest 120 seconds and repeat 1A and 1B pairing three more times
2A) Seated Shoulder Press SMH
Load: 120% of full range of motion maximum
Duration of hold: 6-8 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
2B) Seated Shoulder Press (full range of motion)
Load: ~85% of 1RM
Reps: as many as possible
Rest 120 seconds and repeat the 2A and 2B pairings three more times
This workout looks deceptively simple, but it'll take a lot out of you. However, since you'll be able to do more reps than you would have been able to ordinarily, it'll add strength and muscle fast.
Feel free to add a few less demanding exercises at the end. Do this workout twice per week (Monday and Friday). On Wednesday, use more traditional strength building methods such as 5 sets of 5 reps, without the SMH.