Advice please on lab work


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
Ive heard all the estro jokes before so if u must go ahead lol this is nothing last time it was in the 700's and I fixed it in a little over 2 weeks so I can fix this. My concern is the fsh and lh any ideas why its so low im on a tiny amount of test and 100mgs tren ace ed.

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Kuntrykok said:
If I'm not mistaken, HCG will help with that.
KuntrykokYa someone just told me that on email. I also talked to some other guys on a forum and said the LH and FSh are normal because im on gear something about signals that tell your balls to stop making sperm. He said my labs arent bad exept for the estro. Fuck I thought prolactin was part of female panel I guess not :/
You may be like me and have to really overload on AI's due to naturally high Estro. I take about twice as much Aromasin as most people to keep mine in check.
Kuntrykok said:
You may be like me and have to really overload on AI's due to naturally high Estro. I take about twice as much Aromasin as most people to keep mine in check.
KuntrykokI think your right I made the mistake thinking I can drastically reduce my ai because my test is being run low.
I know tren doesnt aromatize but im seriously considering testing the theory for myself and not run test. It bothers me having the thought in my head because everytime ive had high estro tren was involved.
The low LH is caused by your body not sending the signal from your pituitary gland to your testies because it sees your test levels are high enough already and it stops sending it on its own, HCG will mimic that signal and tell your body to start producing. While you are low like this you can see if your doctor will write you a script for hcg.
DGAF said:
The low LH is caused by your body not sending the signal from your pituitary gland to your testies because it sees your test levels are high enough already and it stops sending it on its own, HCG will mimic that signal and tell your body to start producing. While you are low like this you can see if your doctor will write you a script for hcg.
fsh and lh stimulate you to produce sperm and test in your testicles.. i believe... HCG won't fix that.. HCG mimics these same effects...

almost everyone on hormones and steroids are gonna have low fsh and lh and i don't think there is much you can do about it... only thing i have heard of (never used) is triptorelin.. to restart the system with one dose....
Just makes your balls smaller and hard time making babies but if you have a women and don't want anymore kids then no biggie
its normal while on test, ,dont worry and if you add HCG you are just keeping your system supreseed since it does not encourage natural production like Clomid would do, HCG is best used for "ascetics" meaning keeping your Nuts fat or as a test spike on the days before the next shot
I agree joker I started cycling with too much bf... I dont know maybe im in denial but do you really think im 23% ? Ive lost fat everywhere exept my love handles and stomach that shit is so stubborn! As far as trt Im never comimg off completely ive made up my mind already thanks for your advice though let me know what u think of the pics bf wise im not proud of the handles by the way lol

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Ive never used calipers I used the electronic ones I think they said I was 22 or 23% ive come a long way and I do cardio and would really hate to drop the tren at this point I will listen to my body and monitor make sure my estro is in check and if things get worse then I will drop it. My sore nip is back to normal I trust what you say and respect you but some guys are just set on doing something lol
one of my best memories EVER^^^^

Seriously slimming down though bro... Keep it up!!!

@ joker

You say to slim down a little and you will be able to control estro easier. Is that because the estro thrives in fat cells?
joker nailed that shit... you can run high tren low test... but not no test... and more bodyfat does equal more estro conversion

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