Anyone in the medical field on here


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
I have been having a hard time breathing last few week. Thought that it was from asthma. Come to find out I have a skip in my heart beat. Like it just stops for a second then restarts. When to lung specialis Dr. today he is the one that found it. I go see cardiologist on Friday. WTF how does this shit happen all of a sudden. Anyone with ideas I would love to hear them. Cant sleep worth shit and always tired now that I only getting about 2-3 hrs sleep a night.


my wife works in the cardiac (heart cath) part of the hospital and always sya heredity is the biggest factor and smoking, over weight lifestyle are next....
How old are you? Could be a million things.... Wife works in open heart ICU give us more info
I have a weak valve which sometimes wears me down and makes my breathing harder. Sometimes it's just hard to differentiate the two symptoms or what the actual cause is.
i work in healthcare but am not a doctor.. if youre in or near NE Ohio i know some specialist who can help. youre seeing a pulmonologist right now
My heart has been doing the same thing since i was 18-19 (I'm 31 now) well anyways come to find it it was being caused by all the caffeine I drink, I take concerta so I can concentrate during school (mind wanders like a motherfucker) so after my therapist that prescribes me that shit found out I had to go to a cardiologist, see a bunch of doctors and a medical board had to sit down and discuss if it was ok for me to continue to take it, fucking crazy! Took like 2 months. Long story short they approved it. Still drink caffeine, especially when i work night shifts, heart skips a beat like 1 out of every 3-4 beats sometimes completely takes my breathe away. Whatever they said it wont kill me! Now who has some coffee? ;D
It really could be a lot of things, could be as simple as your gal bladder. Or, as complicated as your thyroid. If it's new to you, def. keep up until you get it figured out. Good luck with this, Buck.
Sometimes a skipped beat can be very similar to a premature ventricular contraction which is pretty basic. So many people have PVC's its crazy. Many chemicals can cause them including caffeine. People who have PVC's can have difficulty breathing as well. Do you notice every third beat skip or very erratic? Is it truly skipping a beat or just pausing then resuming. What is your heart rate? Remember your heart is an electrical device so typically there would be some type of regular abnormal rhythm. Depending on what side of your heart is affected will cause different symptoms. What is your heart rate? . There really is no way to know without a twelve lead EKG. Left sided heart failure remember lungs, fluid in your lungs to be exact. Right sided heart failure is accompanied by swelling, especially in your lower extremities. Don't get too wrapped up in what the doctor says until you see a cardiologist. This could very well be innocuous. I am not saying to ignore but go to an expert. There are a lot of crappy doctors out there trust me. I have seen doctors say its this or that and when a specialist comes into the picture the whole dynamic is changed for better or worse. Either way, good luck.
Get yourself some "Prilosec OTC" "AND DONT GET HURTBURN IN THE FIRST PLACE''!
slinsane said:
Sometimes a skipped beat can be very similar to a premature ventricular contraction which is pretty basic. So many people have PVC's its crazy. Many chemicals can cause them including caffeine. People who have PVC's can have difficulty breathing as well. Do you notice every third beat skip or very erratic? Is it truly skipping a beat or just pausing then resuming. What is your heart rate? Remember your heart is an electrical device so typically there would be some type of regular abnormal rhythm. Depending on what side of your heart is affected will cause different symptoms. What is your heart rate? . There really is no way to know without a twelve lead EKG. Left sided heart failure remember lungs, fluid in your lungs to be exact. Right sided heart failure is accompanied by swelling, especially in your lower extremities. Don't get too wrapped up in what the doctor says until you see a cardiologist. This could very well be innocuous. I am not saying to ignore but go to an expert. There are a lot of crappy doctors out there trust me. I have seen doctors say its this or that and when a specialist comes into the picture the whole dynamic is changed for better or worse. Either way, good luck.
I go see the cardiologist in the am tom. I heard it on the device it was a beep beep beep , then a pause pause then back to beep beep beep. He felt it in my pulse and then and got the deviice. Walking the hall my heart rate went to 149 just on a walk not a fast pace walk either. He had called ahead to my cardiologist to inform them what he heard but they will make the decisions. Just tired of not being able to breath right and tight chest.
Brother Buck it's a good thing you made an appointment mane! If you every have any
questions shoot my Brother and personal friend Sleeper a PM. He is in the medical
field for years. Very Very knowledgeable bro. He also works in the ER. I am sorry
you are having issues. I am ASTHMATIC myself. It sucks when you can't breath.
Buck said:
I go see the cardiologist in the am tom. I heard it on the device it was a beep beep beep , then a pause pause then back to beep beep beep. He felt it in my pulse and then and got the deviice. Walking the hall my heart rate went to 149 just on a walk not a fast pace walk either. He had called ahead to my cardiologist to inform them what he heard but they will make the decisions. Just tired of not being able to breath right and tight chest.
BuckThat's starting to sound like Thyroid symptoms. Trouble is so many different symptoms overlap with different prognosis. Let us know what the Cardio Doc says!
Tsize , I don't have a thyroid anymore as it was taken out because of cancer.

The cardiologist said I have Arterial flutter

From what I understand he said the top part of my heart is flutter and moving to fast and the bottom part is working correct. But when the valves open for the blood to go from one to the other the timing is off. I don't totally understand what he said but that's what I took from it. He put me on a blood thinner and another med to get my heart rate regular. I go in next week for nuclear stress test and echo test. After that he said I may have to have my heart shocked back into working right if the meds don't do it. so I go back to see him in 2 weeks after meds and testes. Only light to moderate work outs he said. I hate life right now.
At least you're moving forward, Buck! You guys have a diagnosis and a game plan. That's a whole lot better than not knowing.!! Hopefully, the meds do the trick.
Same issues my girl has thyroid remove and irregular heart beat she takes atenolol for the heart

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