Sometimes a skipped beat can be very similar to a premature ventricular contraction which is pretty basic. So many people have PVC's its crazy. Many chemicals can cause them including caffeine. People who have PVC's can have difficulty breathing as well. Do you notice every third beat skip or very erratic? Is it truly skipping a beat or just pausing then resuming. What is your heart rate? Remember your heart is an electrical device so typically there would be some type of regular abnormal rhythm. Depending on what side of your heart is affected will cause different symptoms. What is your heart rate? . There really is no way to know without a twelve lead EKG. Left sided heart failure remember lungs, fluid in your lungs to be exact. Right sided heart failure is accompanied by swelling, especially in your lower extremities. Don't get too wrapped up in what the doctor says until you see a cardiologist. This could very well be innocuous. I am not saying to ignore but go to an expert. There are a lot of crappy doctors out there trust me. I have seen doctors say its this or that and when a specialist comes into the picture the whole dynamic is changed for better or worse. Either way, good luck.