Anyone in the medical field on here

our docs tend to stick with good old coumadin just because new ones are so new and dont know how effective they are. biggest concern with a fib or a flutter is throwing blood clots because of blood sitting in heart. blood clots cause strokes and heart attacts
WhAt pisses me off is i'm in the process of getting my armed sleeved . Will the blood thinner effect that, I only have about 4 hrs left to go on the one piece.
lith56bigguy said:
our docs tend to stick with good old coumadin just because new ones are so new and dont know how effective they are. biggest concern with a fib or a flutter is throwing blood clots because of blood sitting in heart. blood clots cause strokes and heart attacts
Those were the exact words that came out of his mouth about the clots, strokes and stuff. He didn't talk about the med much I did ask about the Coumadin though he stated this was better stuff.
you will bleed like a bitch. you cant get tat finished. sorry. have to be off it prior to any surgery of major dental work also. should also switch to electric razor
yeah i have been a nurse for 21 years. 11 years of ICU so i can tell you anything you need to know about a flutter and treatment
lith56bigguy said:
you will bleed like a bitch. you cant get tat finished. sorry. have to be off it prior to any surgery of major dental work also. should also switch to electric razor
That's not the answer I wanted to hear by the way. I have 14 hrs in this fucker and 1200.00 I need it done. LOL
well sometimes with medication your eart will go back into a normal rhythm and then you may be able to stop thinners. but i would not try to get a tat cause you will not stop bleeding
lith56bigguy said:
well sometimes with medication your eart will go back into a normal rhythm and then you may be able to stop thinners. but i would not try to get a tat cause you will not stop bleeding
lith56bigguyI must say Mrs. Lith.....I like listening to you talk next to your Avi a whole lot more then listening to Lith talk next to your Avi!!! 😉 Just sayin..
Was on plavix and coumaden 'spell'

you bleed and bruise like a bitch!
TSizemore said:
I must say Mrs. Lith.....I like listening to you talk next to your Avi a whole lot more then listening to Lith talk next to your Avi!!! 😉 Just sayin..

Tsize you prick..... Deal is you have to put up with me to hear her lmao
Buck said:
I have been having a hard time breathing last few week. Thought that it was from asthma. Come to find out I have a skip in my heart beat. Like it just stops for a second then restarts. When to lung specialis Dr. today he is the one that found it. I go see cardiologist on Friday. WTF how does this shit happen all of a sudden. Anyone with ideas I would love to hear them. Cant sleep worth shit and always tired now that I only getting about 2-3 hrs sleep a night.

BuckSounds like sleep apnea. I've been doing some reading on this. I used to think sleep apnea was just snoring, but turns out it can put A LOT of stress on your heart, brain, BP, kidneys, etc., putting you at risk for heart disease, heart attack, stroke, etc.!!!
Also, you will stay tired!!!

I think I have it.
Also, do you have to pee several times per night?
I do, it's called nocturia and caused by sleep apnea.

I'll post an article that I recently discovered on sleep apnea and nocturia in Health Forum that will explain this.

I bought some different things to help with this. Nostril spreaders(definitely help), SnorExtinguisher nose&throat spray(no sure whether it works yet), chin strap and also mouth piece(haven't tried yet).
Might sound extreme, but I need some SLEEP!!!

I'll post up on how well these work, I hope it helps someone.
Also, a couple of years ago, my wife and I were traveling, and drove all night.
Well, everytime my wife is up extremely late her BP acts up.

This time we had to go to one of the minor med clinics, she thought she'd get some more BP meds and we'd be on our way.
The doctors there did an EKG and said she was having a heart attack, asked me to let the ambulance take her, on oxygen, to the hospital which was only 2 miles away, btw.

The triage doctor and nurse in the ER said she was having a heart attack or had just had one.
Finally, a specialist reviewed everything and checked her out, and said that she just has an irregular heart beat and said that she might have even been born with it!!!

Point is, don't panic bro. If you need the ER go, but if not, definitely get it checked out and read up on these things and make a WISE and INFORMED decision!!! Don't JUST count on the doc, but use your head too.

Plus, I'll say extra prayers for you Buck
Thanks bro the dr has ordered the sleep study test and said that what I have could be caused by sleep apnea.
Funny thread… irregular heart beat can make you feel like shit. Androgen usage likely is the cause of it rearing its ugly head. Tren is well known for this. Cardiologist will prescribe a beta blocker… metoprolol probably is what one would need for this. Maybe they’d recommend wearing a monitor for a week to try and capture an arrhythmia if it’s present or just see what type of irregular activity it is. I know it’s an old thread, I’m bored lol

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