Are you ready to get Built by Broser?
Eric "Merlin" Broser has been involved in the health and fitness industry as a trainer, strength/contest prep coach, model, author, magazine columnist, consultant to nutritional supplement companies and gym owner for over twenty-five years.
He is a former Natural Professional Bodybuilder, contest judge and now NPC Masters Competitor. Eric has penned over 1000 articles (for web and print) on training, supplements, mindset and nutrition, which have appeared in numerous, major publications. Eric has authored four books on the subject of rapid and substantial physique transformation. Eric is the pioneer/developer of the world-renowned POWER-REP RANGE-SHOCK™, O-BEY-6™, FTX2™, ESPX2™ and FIBER DAMAGE/FIBER SATURATION™ training methods, which are being utilized by tens of thousands of bodybuilders and athletes across the globe – and now he shares his fitness tips, tricks, and "ask Merlin" Q&A with YOU on FLEXonline.com.


Keep checking back for new episodes of "B Built By Broser" and "Ask Merlin"!
Click HERE for more information on Eric "Merlin" Broser.
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